2. (noun) pursuit, occupation, business, custom, career, profession, agency.
Nāna i whakaako te momo whakaakoranga ki ana ākonga mā reira nei rātou e āhei atu ai ki ngā umanga ngaio, me te tū hei kaiārahi mō te iwi Māori (TTR 1996:137). / He taught his pupils the type of course that would equip them for professional careers and as leaders for the Māori people.
Ko tētahi tikanga o tēnei kupu, he mahi; kei te whakataukī rā, 'Ko te umanga nui a neherā he whawhai.' (M 2006:164). / Other meanings of this word are pursuit, occupation, business and custom, as expressed in the proverbial saying, 'The important pursuit in ancient times was warfare.'
Synonyms: whakatāuteute, manapou, akoranga, mahi, whai, whaiwhai, aruaru, aru, whāinga