1. (verb) (-a,-na) to let go, let down, get down, send.
Ko tētehi o aua keke i waiho hei tukutuku ki ngā whanaunga, i ia wāhi, i ia wāhi o Aotearoa, o Te Waipounamu (TW 21/2/1876:72). / One of those cakes was left to be sent to relatives in each part of the North and South Islands.
Synonyms: whakahinga, whakaheke, tuku, whakahoro
2. (verb) to decorate with lattice-work, make tukutuku panels.
He mea whakairo hoki, he mea kōwhaiwhai, he mea tukutuku, hei pupuri i te ātanga, i te wehi, i te haratau o ērā taonga a ō tātau tīpuna i roto i tēnei o ngā whare o te Atua (TTT 1/12/1925:336). / And it was carved and decorated with rafter paintings and lattice-work to retain the beauty, awesomeness and relevance of those treasures of our ancestors in this particular house of God.
3. (noun) ornamental lattice-work - used particularly between carvings around the walls of meeting houses. Tukutuku panels consist of vertical stakes (traditionally made of kākaho), horizontal rods (traditionally made of stalks of bracken-fern or thin strips of tōtara wood), and flexible material of flax, kiekie and pīngao, which form the pattern. Each of the traditional patterns has a name.
Kei te kōwhaiwhai, kei te tukutuku, kei te tāniko ngā tauira hangarite maha (PK 2008:74). / Rafter paintings, lattice-work and tāniko have many symmetrical patterns.
See also arapaki, kaokao, mūmū, niho taniwha, papaki rango, pātikitiki, poutama, purapura whetū, roimata toroa, takitoru, waharua, wāmu
Synonyms: harapaki
4. (noun) grid.
Me mōhio te ākonga ki te kimi i te tawhiti i waenganui i ētahi pūwāhi e rua i runga i tētahi tukutuku (Pa 1996:90). / The student should know how to find the distance between two points on a grid.