



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-tia) to encircle, surround.

Ka tae te roko ki Ruapuke ki a Tūhawaiki, ki a Haereroa, ki a Takatahara me ētahi atu toa o Kāi Tahu, ka maraka mai te taua, ka rere mai ka ū ki Taikonui, ka waiho kā waka i reira, ka haramai rā uta, rokohaka mai a Kāti Toa me Pūoho, me ōna hoa i reira ka taiāmiotia, ka huakina, ka hika a Kāti Toa, ka patupatua, pau katoa, kāore tahi e mōrehu, he ruarua noa nei kā mōrehu i whakarauoratia (JPS 1901:94). / The news reached Ruapuke Island and Tūhawaiki, Haereroa, Takatahara and other warriors of Ngāi Tahu. Their war-party arose, and crossing over landed at Taikonui, where they left their canoes and came on by land, coming upon Ngāti Toa, with Te Pūoho and his companions, whom they surrounded, attacked, and Ngāti Toa were defeated, nearly all of them were killed, very few being saved as prisoners.

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1. (verb) (-na) to surround.

Ko te whānau pani e horopaki ana i te rua tūpāpaku (PK 2008:135). / The bereaved family surrounded the grave.

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2. (noun) context.

Ka mārama ki te ākonga ngā kōrero e mau nei ngā whakatakotoranga uaua, me te pakari anō o tana tū i ngā horopaki huhua noa (TRM 1996:34). / The learner understands language containing difficult structures and is confident in a wide range of contexts.

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1. (verb) (-a) to surround, hedge in, encircle.

Ka tae taua ope ki Kaiapohia, rokohanga atu kua tae katoa ngā iwi, kei te karapoti i te pā o Ngāi Tahu (JPS 1901:76). / When this party reached Kaiapoi all the other tribes had arrived, and were surrounding the pā of Ngāi Tahu.

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1. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-tia) to embrace, hug, cuddle, cherish.

Ka haria atu ana mokopuna ki a ia. Ka awhi ia i a rātau (HP 1991:108). / His grandchildren were taken to him and he hugged them.

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2. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-tia) to surround.

E awhi ana i te tēneti o Ngāti Porou ko nga tēneti ririki o Te Whānau-a-Apanui (TP 1/7/1901:8). / Surrounding Ngāti Porou's tent were the small tents of Te Whānau-a-Apanui.

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3. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-tia) to sit on (eggs), brood.

Kotahi marama te uha e awhi ana i ōna hua, kātahi ka pao mai ngā pīpī (HM 4/1998:4). / The hen sits on her eggs for one month and then the chicks hatch.

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4. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-tia) to besiege.

I te awhi rātau i Moumoukai mō ngā rā e toru, ka haere (HP 1991:28). / They besieged Moumoukai for three days and then left.

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5. (noun) embracing, embrace, adoption, adopting.

I tere tonu te awhi a Te Wheoro i ngā tikanga whakahaere moni a te Pākehā me ngā whare hanga kaupapa (TTR 1990:336). / Te Wheoro quickly embraced Pākehā financial practices and institutions.

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6. (noun) siege.

I tōna mōhiotanga e noho kore kai ana, ka hīkina te awhi (TTR 1990:380). / When he realised that they were starving he lifted the siege.

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Synonyms: pakipaki

7. (noun) border.

Ā ko te hanganga tēnei o ngā tūranga: i whai awhi, ā i ngā takiwā o ngā karapiti ngā awhi (PT 1Kīngi 7:28). / And the work of the bases was on this manner: they had borders, and the borders were between the ledges.

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1. (verb) (-ina,-tia) to surround, encircle.

I ponitaka ngā pirihimana i te whare kia uaua ai te puta o te tāhae (PK 2008:660). / The police surrounded the house so that it was difficult for the thief to escape.

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1. (noun) mission, preparation, project.

Nā ōna mōhiotanga, nā tāna atawhai matawhāiti, nā tōna hiringa me tōna mātauranga tōrangapū, i pērā rawa ai te angitu ōna ki tēnei whakatakanga āna (TTR 1996:112). / His intelligence, tact and persistence and political skill brought him considerable success in this mission (DNZB 1996:363).

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Synonyms: mīhana, whakareri, whakatikatika, whakatakatū, whakatakataka, whakatika, whakapai, hinonga, koutu, kūmore, kūrae, pūrero, hingonga, kounu, whakawhana, whakakaupapa

2. (noun) breaking.

Nā kua mau ahau ki tōku tokotoko ki a Ātaahua, tapahia putia ana e ahau, he whakatakanga i taku kawenata i whakaritea e ahau ki ngā iwi katoa (PT Hakaraia 11:10). / And I took my staff, even Beauty, and cut it asunder, that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the people.

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3. (noun) surrounding, encircling.

E hoa, e Te Kāwana, kia rongo mai koe ko te take o tēnei pukapuka i tuhia atu ai ki a koe, he nui nō tō mātou pōuri mō te whakatakanga e Ngāti Rarua i a mātou i Whakatū, i Waimea, i ngā wāhi katoa o tērā taha, puta noa atu ki Arahura (JPS 1959:275). / Oh friend, Governor, you should know that the reason for this letter being written to you is our great concern at being encircled by Ngāti Rarua at Nelson, at Waimea and all the places on that coast right as far as Arahura.

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1. (verb) (-ia) to turn, deviate, divert.

Whakataka tō hau ki te tonga kia mākinakina i uta, kia mātaratara i tai (W 1971:190). / Divert your wind to the south so that it is intensely cold inland and piercingly cold at sea.

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2. (verb) to take a circuitous route.

E haere ana rātou, inamata e whakataka ana te ara konihi a Te Puhi-huia rātou ko ngā hoa (NM 1928:143). / They are going, but immediately Te Puhi-huia and her companions take a circuitous route along a path avoiding observation.

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3. (verb) (-ia) to surround, encircle.

Kātahi te hokowhitu rā ka whakataka i taua whare (NM 1928:34). / Then that war-party surrounded the house.

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1. (verb) to be roundabout, surrounding.

Nō te wā e potapotae ana i te tau 1818 ka rautupua a Taranaki e te marau a Ngāti Toa (TTR 1990:298). / Around the year 1818 a retaliatory raid was made on Taranaki by the raiding party of Ngāti Toa.

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2. (modifier) roundabout, surrounding.

He tangata tino whakarae a ia nō roto o Ngāti Kahungunu ki te takiwā ki Te Wairoa, i te pito whakararo o Te Matau-a-Māui, i ngā tau potapotae o te tīmatanga o te rau tau rua ngahuru (TTR 1996:193). / He was a very prominent figure among Ngāti Kahungunu in the Wairoa district, at the northern end of Hawke's Bay, around the beginning of the twentieth century.

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Synonyms: kopipio, āwheo, āwhio, porowhawhe, takaāwhio, takawhawhe, autaki


1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-tia) to hem in, surround, beset, envelop, encircle.

Kei te awhe te aka rātā i te rākau ka mate (Te Ara 2015). / The rātā vine engulfed the dead tree.

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2. (verb) (-a,-hia) to gather into a heap, gather together, scoop up, heap up.

Awhea mai ngā oneone (W 1971:24). / Heap up the soil.

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Synonyms: kapu, kaku, tīkoko, koko, kōutuutu

3. (verb) to go, travel.

Kua awhe tana pononga ki te puna ki te tiki wai māna (PK 2008:52). / His slave has gone to get some water for him.

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4. (noun) greenstone pendant with a curved end.

Ko te kuru pounamu pea, arā awhe e kīia nei ko Te Āwhiowhio (M 2007:66) / Probably the prized greenstone pendant, that is the pendant with a curved end called Te Āwhiowhio.

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5. (noun) ritual chant to affect someone's hau (vital essence).

E whā ngā pō i tū ai ki te awhe i te hau o Te Wheuki kia riro mai i tōna karakia paihana, kāore i riro mai. Kātahi ka mea atu ki tōna hoa wahine, “Nā te tūtata o māua i kore ai e riro mai tōna hau i taku awhe mākutu; me haere tāua ki Tūranga, kia tawhiti ai (JPS 1894:170). / For four nights he tried to gather in the hau (vital essence) of Te Wheuki by means of his poisonous ritual chants, but without success. Then he said to his wife, “It must be due to our proximity that his hau will not succumb to my bewitching ritual chant to affect his hau. We had better go to Gisborne, so that we are further away.

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1. (verb) (-na,-tia) to cut off, surround.

Ka hautoki te hoariri i ngā hōia i roto i te awaawa, kāore he putanga mō rātou. / The enemy surrounded the soldiers in the valley, there was no way out for them,

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See also haukoti


1. (verb) (-tia) to surround, hedge in, encircle.

Ka pau hoki i a rātou ngā iwi katoa i te taha matau, i te taha mauī, ā karapoi noa; ā tērā a Hiruhārama e noho ano i runga i tōna tūranga, arā i Hiruhārama (PT Hakaraia 12:6). / And they shall devour all the people round about, on the right hand and on the left: and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place, even in Jerusalem.

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1. (verb) (-ia,-tia) to surround, encircle, besiege.

Kua korohikotia e te taua i te atapō, kua huaki tokotoru i mate (W 1971:143). / It had been surrounded by the war party before dawn, and when they attacked three died.

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2. (verb) to sleep uneasily, sleep fitfully.

Pau te pō i a ia e moe korohiko ana (TTR 1994:148). / For the whole night he had slept fitfully.

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1. (verb) to stretch meat by suspending (e.g. venison).

Ko ērā ki te mahi kai, arā, ki te kohi mātaitai, te pipi, tio, karehu rānei, te hao ārara, kanae, me ngā tāmure ka mau, ki te patu kau hei mīti kātahi ka irihia ki tētahi manga rākau kia pākaka ai mō te tao, me te hari atu he poro wahie mā te panuku hei tahu i ngā ahi me te whakawera hāngī (TWK 55:19). / There were others to prepare the food, that is to collect seafood, pipi, oysters or mudsnail, fishing with nets for trevally, mullet and snapper, slaughtering beef for meat and then hanging it up on a tree branch to stretch it for cooking, and taking logs of firewood by sledge for burning in the fires and the heating of the hāngī.

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2. (verb) to surround, hem in - with a view to catching.

I pākakatia ngā tia i roto i te iāri. / The deer were hemmed in in the yard.

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3. (noun) small enclosure, dock, pen.

Ka ārahina atu te herehere i te pākaka (Ng 1993:109). / The prisoner was led away from the dock.

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Synonyms: pene, pēne, rāihe


1. (verb) (-tia) to be circular, round, surround, reserve.

Ko ngā whenua e porowhitatia ana hui katoa e tae ana ōna eka ki te kotahi tekau mā iwa mano, e waru rau e whitu tekau rahi ake, iti iho rānei (MD 2016). / The lands that are reserved altogether consist of approximately eighteen thousand, eight hundred and seventy acres.

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Synonyms: toe, whenua rāhui, wehe, whakakawhena, whakatapu, haumi, rāhui, tāpui, tūrāhui, whakaputunga

2. (modifier) circular, round.

Nō te kitenga kua tīmata tana whakahemohemo, i haria ia ki te whare kaponga porowhita i Tūrangawaewae ki te taha o Te Puea me te whānau nui tonu, whakapau ai i ōna rā whakamutunga (TTR 1998:96). / When it was seen that he was near death, he was taken to the round ponga house at Tūrangawaewae to see out the last of his days with Te Puea and the rest of the family.

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Synonyms: kōpio, porotītiti, porotaitaka, porotiti, porokawa, tōpuku, whakaawhiwhi, karapoi, whiringa, kunekune, kōtakataka, rauna

3. (noun) circle, wheel, ring.

Kīia ai te tomokanga ki te hīnaki, ko te akura. Kua oti te porowhita i tōna waha me ngā rārā (Te Ara 2012). / The entrance to the hīnaki is called the akura. The circle at its mouth was made of sticks.

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Synonyms: koropewapewa, tioro, mōhiti, mōwhiti, tangi, koropewa, pere, porohita, rīngi, tarawhiti, waea

4. (noun) reserve.

Tētahi porowhita hoki e tae ana ki te kotahi mano eka rahi ake iti, iho rānei (MD 2016). / And one reserve is approximately one thousand acres.

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1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to surround, beset.

Kāti i tino kaha rawa te hāpainga i taua tohunga, he kī tonu ngā tereina i te tangata, kātahi anō te tohunga i tino popotia e te tāngata (TP 11/1904:7). / Well that tohunga was promoted energetically and the trains were full of people and the tohunga was surrounded by people.

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1. (verb) (-a) to surround in a halo.

Ka pūkoroa te marama (W 1971:308). / The moon is surrounded by a halo.

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2. (noun) pocket, sheath, scabbard, pouch, condom.

I maroke te kakī o Marakaia, engari kāore ana moni, kātahi ka whāwhā a Marakaia ki ngā pūkoro o tana tarau me te mea nei e kimi ana i ana moni, i mōhio tonu rā anō ia kāhore kau ana moni (TP 7/1904:3). / Marakaia's throat was dry, but he had no money. Then he felt the pockets of his trousers as if he was looking for his money, although he actually knew he had no money.

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Synonyms: pākete


1. (verb) to surround, enclose, encircle.

I te matenga o te taua a te kāwanatanga i Te Ngutu-o-te-manu, me Moturoa, i ngā marama o Hepetema-Noema 1868, anea ana te taiao e tāwhawhe ana i Whanganui (TTR 1990:263). / With the defeat of government forces at Te Ngutu-o-te-manu and Moturoa in September-November 1868, the countryside surrounding Whanganui was devastated.

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1. (verb) (-tia) to surround (with a net, etc.).

Ka whākautia te kaharoa, arā ka whakamārōtia (W 1971:486). / The dragnet was drawn round, that is it was pull firmly.

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1. (verb) (pāea) to be cast ashore, aground, stranded, wrecked, lie across, surround with a border, horizontal.

Ka kitea te ika moana e pae ana i uta (W 1971:76). / The whale was found stranded on the shore.

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Synonyms: tarapiki

2. (verb) (pāea) to demolish, throw down.

Ka pāea te whare, ka tahuna te whare (Tr 1874:49). / The house was demolished and burnt.

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3. (verb) (pāea) to measure the circumference (of a tree).

Ka pāea te rākau rā (W 1971:245). / The circumference of that tree was measured.

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4. (noun) horizon, perch, rest, orators' bench, orators, transverse supports of the floor of a canoe, step (of a ladder or staircase), shelf, bar (computer) - anything horizontal.

Kei te whakamoemiti atu te manu meroiti nei ki ētahi o ana kaitautoko e whiu mai nei i ngā hua kāramuramu hei oranga mōna kia kaha ai tana korokī i runga i tōna pae (KO 15/5/1885:4). / This small bird is thanking some of its sponsers who have tossed some karamū berries as sustenance so that its call on its perch will be loud.

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Synonyms: tau, paenga, pae, whakanā, whakangā, whakatā, taupua, , whakamatua, tāoki, okioki

5. (noun) range (series of mountains).

Kia tae koe ki te whā o ngā pae, ka noho ki te whakatā i tō manawa (TP 6/1909:5). / When you reach the fourth range, sit down and rest.

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6. (noun) region, direction, vicinity, area.

Ka hemo i te kai, ka haere ki ngā pae o ngā umu rā, hamuhamu ai, ka kite i te mānga aruhe e takoto ana, ka noho, ka kai (TP 6/1909:3). / Being hungry she went to the vicinity of those ovens to scavenge food and when she saw the leftover fern-root lying there, she sat down and ate.

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Synonyms: , whaitua, rohe, takiwā

7. (noun) circumference - measured by māro with the arms extended.

He rākau nui, e toru te pae (W 1971:244). / A large tree measuring three fathoms in circumference (W 1971:244).

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8. (noun) gums (of the mouth).

Ki te kore e āta horoia ngā niho me ngā pae, tērā pea ka pā he mate ki ngā pae - ka pupuhi, ka wherowhero, ka mamae, ā, ka keha anō te hā (HJ 2012:262). / If the teeth and gums aren't cleaned properly, problems might occur with the gums - they'll swell, become red and painful, and the breath will be foul-smelling.

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1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ria,-tia) to put on the head.

Ka mutu tēnei inoi ka mauria mai e ia te karauna ka pōtaea ki te mātenga o te kīngi (TP 6/1911:5). / When this prayer was finished he took the crown and placed it on the king's head.

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2. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ria,-tia) to put over the head (e.g. as a noose).

Ka hangā he tari, ā ka hoatu, ka pōtaeria ki tōna upoko (W 1971:391). / A noose was made and then placed over his head.

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3. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ria,-tia) to encircle, surround, envelope.

4. (noun) cap, hat, beret, top hat, stetson, beanie, covering for the head.

Ka pukuriri ia ki a mātau, ka patua mātau e ia ki tōna pōtae harakeke (HP 1991:24). / When he was angry with us he would hit us with his flax hat.

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