1. (loan) (verb) (-hia,-tia) to telephone, ring.
I te taenga ki te kāinga ka mōhiotia ia, kātahi ka waeatia atu ki te pirihimana kia haere atu ki taua kāinga (TP 9/1911:11). / When he came to the house, he was recognised, then they phoned the police to come to that house.
Synonyms: koropewapewa, tioro, mōhiti, mōwhiti, tangi, koropewa, pere, porohita, porowhita, rīngi, tarawhiti
2. (loan) (verb) (-tia) send a telegram, wire.
Kua waeatia atu kia tukuna mai kia 50 tākuta, me ētahi kaipuke hei whare tūroro (TJ 12/7/1898:6). / A telegram has been sent to 50 doctors and some hospital ships.
3. (loan) (noun) telephone, phone.
I taua rā, i te Manei, ka tangi te waea o roto i te toa a Pahiko, ka haere atu te rangatira o te toa ki te whakahoki atu i te karanga (TP 5/1912:8). / On that day, Monday, the phone inside Pascoe’s store rang and the owner of the store went to answer the call.
4. (loan) (noun) telegram, telephone message, cable, wire.
Ā kua mea te Kāwanatanga o ngā motu nei, kia mahia he waea mā tātou ngā iwi o ēnei motu, atu anō i konei, ā tae noa ki Ingarangi, kia iti ai he utu mō te kōrero tuku ki te waea ā tātou ki tāwāhi (TW 3/8/1878:384). / The government of these islands has decided that a cable be laid for us, the people of these islands, from here to England so that the cost will be small for us to telegraph overseas.
Synonyms: taura, waea kōrero