



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words

whai keo

1. (noun) eagle ray, Myliobatis tenuicaudatus - a ray with greenish-grey upper surface and blue markings, pale yellow-white below. Tail is thin with small spines and a small dorsal fin at the base. Head thick and protruding, eyes lateral. Most abundant from Cook Strait north over soft sediments and rocky reefs  from 0-422 m.

See also whai repo

Synonyms: whai repo

whai repo

1. (noun) eagle ray, Myliobatis tenuicaudatus - a ray with greenish-grey upper surface and blue markings, pale yellow-white below. Tail is thin with small spines and a small dorsal fin at the base. Head thick and protruding, eyes lateral. Most abundant from Cook Strait north over soft sediments and rocky reefs  from 0-422 m.

Synonyms: whai keo

2. (noun) short-tail stingray, Dasyatis brevicaudata - disc quadrangular, flattened and slightly wider than long. Tail stout at the base, broad and flattened, narrowing rapidly to the sting. Plain greyish to light brown, whitish to cream ventrally. Bottom-dwelling marine ray widespread in coastal waters of the Southern Hemisphere at depths of 5-300 m. Adults common inshore during summer and autumn.

See also whai

Synonyms: roha, pākaurua, whai

3. (noun) log-tail stingray, Dasyatis thetidis - one of the largest species of marine stingrays and may reach 210 kg. Uniformly greyish to black dorsally, white to creamish ventrally, head slightly elevated and eyes are small. Tail stout at the base, tapering gradually. Widespread in subtropical and temperate waters off coasts. In Aotearoa/New Zealand occurs mainly north of east Cape.

See also whai


1. (verb) to emit rays of light, shine.

Me whakawahi te Pīhopa Māori ki Paihia, ki te wāhi i tīaho tuatahi mai ai te māramatanga o te whakapono ki te iwi Māori (TTT 1/6/1929:797). / The Māori Bishop should be ordained at Paihia, at the place where enlightenment of the faith first shone on the Māori people.

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Synonyms: tīrama, pīata, titi, tore, titiwha, whakahīnātore, whakakanapa, whakakōpura, whakapīata, aho, kōpura, kōrapu, iraira, hahana, parakena, kōwatawata, kohara, hana, kōtamutamu, tīramarama, tōwahiwahi, tōwāwahi


1. (noun) travelling party, company of travellers, troupe, choir, ray, beam.

Ahakoa ana kupu whakatītina mai i mōhio tonu au e kore au e kaha, nō reira noho ana ko ia hei māngai mō mātou o tō mātou nā tira (HM 4/2009:1). / Despite his words of encouragement I knew I would not be able to, and so he remained as orator for us and our party.

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2. (noun) mast.

Ka pakari te pūrengi ka whakawhenua te tira (PK 2008:721). / When the guy rope was firm the mast held fast.

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Synonyms: rewa, maihi, maihe, māhi, rākau

3. (noun) wand used in rituals.

Ka tango ia ki tana tira (he toko nā te tohunga he mea whawhati mai i te rākau mata), ka tū ngā puke, he mea ahu anō ngā onepū e ngā ringa o te tohunga (G 1853:lxxxiii). / He took his wand (a stick that the tohunga had broken off a green tree) and raised mounds, which the tohunga had also made with earth.

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4. (noun) baton (of a conductor).

whakaata roto

1. (noun) X-ray.


1. (noun) ray of sun.

Tēnā titiro atu ō tātou kanohi ki ngā hihi kanapa o te rā e torengi atu ana i runga i te moana whānui, i runga i ngā pae maunga (KO 15/7/1885:8). / Now look at the gleaming rays of the sun setting on the wide ocean and on the mountain ranges.

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2. (noun) feeler (of crayfish), antenna, sucker, thin shoot, tendril (of plants), tentacle (of Portuguese man-of-war), sliver, baleen - any long slender appendage.

3. (noun) straight line (maths).

He rārangi tōtika te hihi. Ka tīmata i tetahi pūwāhi /

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4. (noun) stitchbird, Notiomystis cincta - a rare endemic forest bird, the male has a black head, upper breast and back, bordered by golden yellow across the breast. White tufts behind the eyes and yellow shoulder patch. Female grayish brown with white wingbar.


1. (verb) to be stiff, standing upright (especially of the hair).

Ko te uru, he kehu, arā, i āhua whero, ā, kāhore i tikitikia; he mea puhipuhi kia pūhihi, ā nui noa atu te āhua pokuru, me te āhua whanewhane nei i te tū mai (JPS 1896:4). / Their hair was also light-coloured, that is reddish, and never bound up in a top-knot, it was bunched out to be stiff, and appeared in lumps (or tufts), and they looked irritable as they stood there.

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2. (modifier) slender, slight.

He tangata pūhihi noa te hanga o Pōkiha, he tangata tū takotako, tau kē nei hoki ki te mau kaka; hau ai tōna rongo ki te whaikōrero ki te reo Māori me te reo Pākehā (TTR 2000:157). / Pōkiha was a slight figure of erect carriage and immaculate dress; he was famed as an orator in both Māori and English.

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3. (noun) ray (of the sun, stars, etc.).

Tīhaehae ana ngā pūhihi i ngā kapua o te rangi (TWK 36:16). / The sun's rays pierced the clouds in the sky.

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4. (noun) antenna, aerial.

Ki tā ngā mātanga pūtaiao, e toru ngā wāhanga tinana o te pepeke (ko te pane, te tārāuma me te puku), e ono ngā waewae. He pūhihi ō ētahi, he parirau hoki ō ētahi (RP 2009:324). / Scientists classify insects as having three body segments (head, thorax and abdomen) and six legs. Some have antennae and some have wings.

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5. (noun) plume, streamer (of a kite, etc.).

6. (noun) brush (on the end of a tūī's tongue) - sometimes was cut to to enable the tūī to speak distinctly.

Ka tohia ngā pūhihi o te kōkō (W 1971:304). / The brushes at the end of the tongue of the tūī were cut.

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1. (noun) essential force, excitement, thrill, power, charm, personal magnetism - psychic force as opposed to spiritual power (mana).

E ai ki te mahara ake o tētehi o te minenga ki a Mere e wani mai ana i te whatārangi kia tū ai ki te aroaro-ā-kapa, ki reira haka tahi atu ai me rātau me te puta o te ihi, o te wana (TTR 1998:1) / One member of the audience remembered Mere gliding across the stage to stand in the front row of the haka group to join them in the haka with great excitement and gusto.

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Synonyms: kaha, tino rangatiratanga, marohi, mārohirohi, mana, kōmārohi, awe, hiko, awenga, , mana whakahaere, maru

2. (noun) ray (of the sun), beam of light.

Ka whakatakotoria ki te rua o te rā te māhanga. I raro anō te rā, ko te huruhuru ka puta. I raro anō te rā, ko te ihi i puta ake. Ka puta ake te upoko, ka puta ake te kakī. Ka karangatia e Māui, kia kumea te māhanga (Tr 1874:40). / The noose was set at the pit of the sun. The sun was still down when the diffused glow appeared and it was still down when the beam of light appeared. The head appeared and then the neck. Then Māui called out to pull the noose.

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Synonyms: hunu

pouaka hihi

1. (noun) ray box.

hihi kama

1. (loan) (noun) gamma ray.

hihi pōkākā

1. (noun) infrared ray, infrared radiation.

hihi tūrama

1. (noun) ray of light.

Synonyms: hihi aho

hihi hakoko

1. (noun) refracted ray.

Ko te hihi aho ka haere tonu i te whaitua pūataata tuarua, ka kiia ko te hihi hakoko (RP 2009:183). / The light ray continues travelling through the second transparent medium, and that is called a refracted ray.

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hihi aho

1. (noun) ray of light.

Ko te whakapikonga o tētahi hihi aho ina whakawhiti taua hihi mai i tētahi whaitua pūataata ki tētahi. Hei tauira, ka hakoko te hihi aho, e whakawhiti ana mai i te hau takiwā ki te wai. Ka hakoko te hihi aho nā te mea he pōturi ake te ngaru aho i roto i te wai, tēnā i te hau takiwā (RP 2009:183). / The bending of a ray of light when that ray passes from one transparent medium to another. For example, a ray of light bends when travelling from air into water. It bends because the light wave travels slower in water than it does in air (RP 2009:183)

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Synonyms: hihi tūrama

hihi whakaata

1. (noun) reflected ray.

Ko te hihi aho ka whakaatangia, ka kīia ko te hihi whakaata (RP 2009:440). / A ray of light that is reflected is called a reflected ray.

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hihi whakapā

1. (noun) incident ray.

Ko te hihi aho ka pā atu ki te paenga o ētahi whaitua pūataata e rua, ka kīia ko te hihi whakapā (RP 2009:183). / A ray of light that touches the surface of a second transparent medium is called an incident ray.

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1. (noun) radar beam.

2. (noun) (mathematics) ray.

whakaata roto

1. (transitive verb) X-ray.

hihi katikati

1. (noun) ultra-violet ray.


1. (noun) peak, point, thorn, tooth (of a comb), papillae (of the skin), sprocket, cog.

Ka orohia te pounamu hei matau, hei pākuru, hei tara tao (Te Ara 2013). / The greenstone was ground and made into fish hooks, hammer stones and points for spears.

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Synonyms: hīnawanawa, keokeo, matatihi, keo, tautara, tihi, keokeonga, maunga, keho, tāpuhipuhi, karamata, koi, koinga, toi, toitoi, mata, matū, matamata, tongi, hiku, kūmore, raenga, akitu, paina, ngahu, tāmore

2. (noun) cloak pin, spike.

Kātahi ka wetekina te hei, te tara, te makao, ka horahia atu, ka hoatu ki te mano e noho mai rā (NM 1928:152). / Then the neck ornament, the cloak pin and the shark's tooth were untied, laid out and presented to the thousands sitting there.

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3. (noun) rays (of the sun).

He kupu anō te hihi mō ngā tara o Tama-nui-te-rā (Te Ara 2013). / Hihi is another word for the rays of the sun.

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4. (noun) vagina, female genitals, genitalia, vulva.

Ko te tara te puaretanga o te kōpū, te ara e kuhu ai te ure i te aitanga a te tāne me te wahine. Koia hoki te ara e puta ai te pēpi i te wā whakawhānau (RP 2009:383). / The vagina is the opening of the womb, the path that the penis enters when a man and woman copulate. It is also the passage whereby the baby emerges at childbirth.

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