1. (verb) to be peaked, pointed.
Te ingoa o taua ngārara ki te Pākehā he 'paraka'. He kōtiwhatiwha te kiri, ko ētahi he kākāriki, ko ētahi he āhua kē atu. Ko te rahi me te hua pārera nei, he mea keokeo te kumu me te upoko (TWM 30/12/1869:3). / The Pākehā call that reptile a 'frog'. The skin is spotted and some are green, others have a different appearance. The size is like that of a duck's egg and the rear and head are pointed.
Synonyms: koi
2. (modifier) peaked, pointed.
He puke keokeo kei Hunters Hills i tapaina hoki ki a Te Huruhuru (TTR 1990:201). / And a peaked hill in The Hunters Hills is named after Te Huruhuru.
3. (noun) pinnacle, peak.
Kātahi ka ārahina haeretia ake e Manahi he rōpū, tokotoru nei ngā tāngata, mā te taha uru o te keokeo rā e piki atu ai (TTR 2000:112). / Manahi then led a party of three men up via the western side of the pinnacle.
Synonyms: matatihi, keo, tautara, tara, tihi, keokeonga, maunga, keho, tāpuhipuhi, karamata, poutūmārōtanga, tāmore, kōmata o te rangi, poutūmārō, karamatamata, kaweka