



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) travelling party, company of travellers, troupe, choir, ray, beam.

Ahakoa ana kupu whakatītina mai i mōhio tonu au e kore au e kaha, nō reira noho ana ko ia hei māngai mō mātou o tō mātou nā tira (HM 4/2009:1). / Despite his words of encouragement I knew I would not be able to, and so he remained as orator for us and our party.

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2. (noun) mast.

Ka pakari te pūrengi ka whakawhenua te tira (PK 2008:721). / When the guy rope was firm the mast held fast.

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Synonyms: rewa, maihi, maihe, māhi, rākau

3. (noun) wand used in rituals.

Ka tango ia ki tana tira (he toko nā te tohunga he mea whawhati mai i te rākau mata), ka tū ngā puke, he mea ahu anō ngā onepū e ngā ringa o te tohunga (G 1853:lxxxiii). / He took his wand (a stick that the tohunga had broken off a green tree) and raised mounds, which the tohunga had also made with earth.

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4. (noun) baton (of a conductor).

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