



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words

mihi whakatau

1. (noun) speech of greeting, official welcome speech - speech acknowledging those present at a gathering. For some tribes a pōhiri, or pōwhiri, is used for the ritual of encounter on a marae only. In other situations where formal speeches in Māori are made that are not on a marae or in the wharenui (meeting house) the term mihi whakatau is used for a speech, or speeches, of welcome in Māori.


1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-tia) to press noses in greeting.

Ākuanei pea kua wareware anō ngā mātua, kua kore i hongi, kua kihi kē (TTT 1/12/1930:2214). / Soon parents will probably have forgotten, they will no longer hongi, but will kiss instead.

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2. (verb) to smell, sniff.

Ka hongi te wahine rā, ka whakatetere i tōna poho hei horomi i a Māui; nā ko te honginga atu, nā ka hongi ki te tonga, kāhore i piro mai ki tōna ihu; ka hongi ki te marangai, ki ngā hau katoa, hongi rawa atu ki te hauāuru, kua piro mai (NM 1928:12). / That woman sniffed and extended her chest to swallow up Māui; and when she sniffed she sniffed to the south, but could smell nothing; she sniffed to the east, and in all directions. When she eventually sniffed to the west, she smelt him.

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3. (noun) pressing noses in greeting.

Kei roto ngā whakamāramatanga mō te aituā, te aroha, te Atua, te hahu tūpāpaku, te hāngī, te hongi, te hura kōwhatu me te tini atu (HM 2/1991:6). / In it are explanations about death, love, God, exhumation of the dead, earth ovens, unveilings and many other things.

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1. (noun) greetings, welcome.

Ko taku taunakitanga i ngā mihi i te rāhiritanga i a Ngāi Tūwaewae mā i te ata nei hei wāhinga kōrero māku (Kāretu 2016). / As a preface to what I am about to say I endorse the greetings extended to all in this morning's welcoming ceremony (Kāretu 2016).

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1. (verb) (-a) to greet, pay tribute, thank.

Kua kuhu ki roto i a Rongo ehara tērā i te whaikōrero, kua mihimihi tērā (Rewi 2005:82). / When they go inside into the realm of Rongo that is not a whaikōrero, that's giving a mihimihi.

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Synonyms: mihi

2. (modifier) greeting.

Ko ngā kōrero ‘whakatau’ ki tōku nei mōhio he kōrero mihimihi ki te hunga kua tae mai, he whakamārama i te kaupapa i tae mai ai rātou, he kōrero whakarata noa i te manuhiri (Rewi 2005:67). / I understand, the speech of 'whakatau' to be a speech of greeting to the people who have arrived, an elucidation of the purpose that they have come for, a speech to placate the visitors.

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3. (noun) speech of greeting, tribute - introductory speeches at the beginning of a gathering after the more formal pōhiri. Often take place in the evening after karakia in the meeting house. The focus of mihimihi is on the living and peaceful interrelationships.

Ki ētahi e kīia ana ngā kōrero i roto i te whare he mihimihi, he whakatau rānei (Rewi 2005:67). / According to some, the speeches in the house are called mihimihi (speech of greeting) or whakatau (formal greeting).

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1. (verb) (-ina) to greet.

Kātahi ia ka mea ki a Kehati, Whitikiria tōu hope, maua atu hoki taku tokotoko i tōu ringa, ā haere: ki te tūtaki koe ki te tangata, kaua e owha ki a ia; ki te owha tētahi ki a koe, kaua e whakahoki kupu ki a ia (PT II Nga Kingi 4:29). / Then he said to Geha'zi, Gird up thy loins, and take my staff in thine hand, and go thy way: if thou meet any man, salute him not; and if any salute thee, answer him not again.

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2. (noun) greeting, welcome.

Kāore ia i rongo i te oro o te owha pūtātara ki te tama mātāmua (TTR 1996:211). / He did not hear the sound of the conch-shell welcome to the first-born son.

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1. (noun) greeting.

Ko te whānau a te Epara, ko te kaihapai o te remu o ngā kākahu o te Eparehi me ngā minita o te rangatiratanga, e haere ana i muri i a rāua, ki reira tū ai, mutu noa te owhaowha ki ngā rangatira o ngā whenua kē (MM.TKM 1/2/1855:18). / The Emperor's family, the pages carrying the train of the Empress's clothes, with the ministers of kingdom following behind them, stood there until the greeting to the dignitaries of other countries had ended.

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turou hawaiki

1. greetings, may the force be with you, blessings upon you.


1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ngia,-tia) to greet, sigh for.

Kātahi te Pākehā nei ka tū mai ka kōrero, ka aumihi i te tuatahi ki te iwi Māori motuhake (TP 1/1903:8). / Then this Pākehā stood up and spoke, firstly welcoming the special Māori people.

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Synonyms: mihi

2. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ngia,-tia) to welcome.

I te tau 1929, nāna i aumihi te kaiārahi wairua, kaiārahi tōrangapū a T. W. Rātana i te wā o tōna haerenga ki Taupō (TTR 1998:211). / In 1929 he welcomed the spiritual and political leader, T. W. Ratana, on his visit to Taupō.

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3. (modifier) greeting, acknowledging.

Kia mahara ki ngā kupu aumihi mō tō tātou matua, mō te Ātirīkona Hāmiora Wiremu e tangihia nei e te nuinga o ōna iwi i runga i ana mahi atawhai ki te iwi Māori (TP 5/1907:10). / We should remember to acknowledge our father, Archdeacon Samuel Williams being mourned by the majority of his people because of his kindness to the Māori people.

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Synonyms: whakamihi

4. (noun) greeting, salutation.

He aumihi tēnei nā te Ētita ki a koutou katoa: Meri Kirihimete! (TP 12/1906:2). / This is a greeting from the Editor: Merry Christmas!

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Synonyms: ohaoha

5. (noun) welcome ceremony.


1. (verb) (-tia) it was lucky, it's heart-warming - used with or without a passive ending at the beginning of a sentence as an expression of appreciation or surprise.

Mānawa i tae mai koe (W 1971:174). / It was lucky you came.
Nā Māhina i kite te kura o Hā-popo, nā Mā-ihiihi i kite tō Tai-ninihi i muri mai, i te takutai; tono noa ngā tāngata rā i ō rāua kura, kāore i whakahokia mai. Ko te whakautu, "Mānawatia e koe te kurapae a Māhina!" (NIT 1995:37). / Later Māhina found the red feather plumes of Hā-popo and Mā-ihiihi found Tai-ninihi's, on the beach. When those men asked for their red feather plumes they weren't returned to them. The response was, "Be resigned to it, it is Māhina's treasure found accidentally!" (A saying equivalent to 'finders keepers'.)

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2. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to welcome.

E tika ana kia āta mānawatia ngā rangatira kua tae mai nei ki tā tātou hui (PK 2008:393). / It is appropriate that the leaders who have come to our gathering be welcomed.

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3. (noun) greeting, welcome.


1. (verb) (-a,-ngia,-tia) to greet, pay tribute, acknowledge, thank.

I muri iho ka heke te wahine nōna nei te whare ki te kīhini, ā, mihi ana ki te kuki mō te āhua pai ake o ngā kai e tunua ana e ia (TKO 30/6/1920:3). / Afterwards the woman who owned the house went down to the kitchen and thanked the cook for the somewhat superior food he was cooking.

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Synonyms: tūtohu, whakamihi, mihimihi

2. (verb) to sigh for, lament, grieve for.

Nōwhea i rongo a Turi. Tohe tonu ki te kāhaki i a ia. Nō reira i mihi a Tuai ki ana tamariki, ki tana wahine (NM 1928:94). / Turi would not listen. He persisted in carrying them off. So Tuai grieved for his children and his wife.

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Synonyms: aumihi, tūkeka, keka, rutu, mōteatea, tangi, uhunga, waiata tangi, apakura, pihe, rurutu, taurere, matatangitangi, takuate

3. (noun) speech of greeting, acknowledgement, tribute.

Kātahi ka tū te tohunga o te ope, arā o te iwi nōna te toma, kātahi ka tīmata te mihi (JPS 1926:28). / Then the tohunga of the group, that is of the people that the resting place for the bones belonged to would now begin the greeting.

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Synonyms: tūtohunga


1. (verb) (-a,-ngia,-tia) to praise, pay tribute to, congratulate, eulogise, greet, thank, commend, acclaim, compliment, acknowledge.

He wā anō whakamahia ai tēnei hei whakamihi i tētahi āhuatanga (HHK 1999:15). / At other times this is used to commend a particular quality.

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Synonyms: mihi, tūtohu, whakamanahau, moemiti, whakapai, whakakorōria, whakamoemiti

2. (modifier) praising, congratulatory, lauding, acclaiming, thanking, acknowledging, greeting.

He kōrero whakamihi tēnei i te whakaaro e whakatakotoria ana e te tangata, ahakoa iti, ahakoa pēhea rānei (HKK 1999:31). / This is a saying that praises the idea that is being put forward by someone, no matter how small or of what its nature is.

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Synonyms: aumihi

3. (noun) tribute, congratulations, greeting.

Ko te kupu tuatahi o te rīpoata he whakamihi ki te kaha o Rēweti T. Kōhere ki te whakahaere i te pepa, me i kore ana ia kua mate noa atu (TP 9/1907:4). / The first statement of the report is a tribute to Rēweti T. Kōhere for his energy in managing the newspaper. If it were not for him it would have ceased long ago.

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1. (loan) (verb) (-tia) to shake hands, greet.

... ānō koe e wharirū ana ki te rēwera (TP 4/1900:4). / if you were shaking hands with the devil...

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Synonyms: harirū, rūrū

murimuri aroha

1. (verb) to yearn for, grieve deeply.

Ka murimuri aroha ki a Te Ruruanga (W 1971:214). / Yearning for Te Ruruanga.

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Synonyms: ohia, tameme, hōkaka, ingoingo, wawata, warawara, wara, konau, muri aroha, ingo, kōnohi, āwhitu

2. (noun) deep sympathy, sad thoughts, grief, loving greeting, deep affection, affection, love.

Ka pōturi te haere a Tauhara, he murimuri aroha nōna ki a Pīhanga (Te Ara 2011) / Tauhara travelled slowly, looking back longingly at Pīhanga.

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Synonyms: muri aroha, kūata, kūwata, aroha, taupuhi, kanehe, ipo, pohane, whakaipo

ngā mihi o te tau hou

1. happy new year, greetings for the new year.


1. (verb) (-tia) to greet affectionately, welcome, appreciate.

I maioha a Timi ki ngā ope i whakaeke mai ki te marae (TTT 1/4/1924:25). / James welcomed the groups who came onto the marae.

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2. (noun) affectionate greeting, token of regard.

Tohaina atu rā ēnei maioha, ēnei kupu whakamihi āku, a Te Taiti Te Tomo, ki ngā iwi o Te Tai Rāwhiti (TTT 1/4/1930:2035). / Distribute these affectionate greetings, these words of thanks of mine, of Te Taite Te Tomo, to the peoples of the East Coast.

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1. (verb) (-ina) to greet.

Ka oha atu ngā tāngata, “Tēnā koe!” Ka oha mai hoki ia, “Tēnā koutou!” (JPS 1896:165). / The people greeted him, “Hullo!” He also greeted them saying, “Hullo all of you!”

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2. (verb) (-ina) to salute, wave.

Kia oha tō ringa, kia parea atu: Kia tohu atu te ringa i te mihi, ka pare ake ai, arā ka whakakore atu i te pōhiri kia peka (M 2006:44 & 48). / With a hand salute you will decline (the invitation): The hand is pointed (towards the welcoming party) in acknowledgement of the greetings, then it is waved aside, and that is the gesture to signify that the invitation to call is declined (M 2006:45 & 49).

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Synonyms: tangitangi, tangi


1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ngia,-ria) to decide, settle, prepare, determine, arbitrate, adjudicate.

I te 17 o Hune nei, i whakawākia rāua i te Kōti Matua mō te hara tuhituhi pukanoa i ngā ingoa tāngata kē ki ngā tieki tono moni i ngā pēke, ā whakataua ana e te kōti kia kotahi tau mō tētahi, mō tētahi ki te whare herehere (TWMA 20/6/1884:3). / On 17th June they went on trial in the Supreme Court for writing fraudulent cheques and were each sentenced by the court to one year in prison.

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Synonyms: whakatika, pātā, whakapai, whakataka, rāwekeweke, tītakataka, whakaute, takataka, whakareri, whakatikatika, whakatakatū, takatū, whakatakataka, rahurahu, raweke, tau, whakamāhaki, whakatatū, whakanoho, whakaea, nohonoho, noho, pūwhenua, whakataiwhenua, tatū

2. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ngia) to go to meet, visit.

Ā, haere ana rātou ki te whakatau i taua tangata nei (JPS 1952:189). / So they went to meet the man.

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3. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ngia) to welcome officially, welcome formally.

Tērā atu anō ētahi o ngā rangatira o Ngāti Porou i tū ki te whakatau i te manuhiri (HKW 1/4/1902:3). / There were some other leaders of Ngāti Porou who stood to formally welcome the visitors.

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4. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ngia) to imitate, mime, mimic, act out, feign, make believe, simulate.

Ka whakatau te tangata rā i te kaiako, hemo ana mātou i te kata (PK 2008:1135). / When that man imitated the teacher we died laughing.

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Synonyms: whakahuahua, tāwhai, whakaari ngū, whakataruna, whakatakune, whakangaio, whakaata, whaihanga

5. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ngia) to put on as an ornament, adorn.

Whakataua mai te awe o te toroa (W 1971:396). / Put on the feather plumes of the albatross.

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6. (modifier) decisive.

Ko taua kupu whakatau a te kōti ka waiho hei kupu tūturu tonu ki ngā tāngata katoa e uru ana ki taua mahi (TWMNT 5/9/1876:216). / That decision of the court remained as the guiding principle for all the people entering into that occupation.

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7. (modifier) welcoming, greeting.

Nā Te Wiremu ngā kupu whakatau i a ia (HKW 1/5/1902:4). / Mr Williams gave the words of welcome to him.

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8. (noun) decision, settlement, role play, charade.

Ko te whakatau a ngā tākuta, kāhore rawa he pōrangi o taua none, ā nō konei ka tukua ia e te kōti kia haere (TKO 30/9/1920:11). / The decision of the doctors was that that nun was not mentally ill, and as a result she was released by the court.

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Synonyms: whakatutukitanga, whakaritenga, kāinga, whakatatū, whakanoho, kāenga, noninga kumu

9. (noun) official welcome speeches.

Auina iho i te ahiahi o taua rā anō i te 8 o ngā hāora, ka haere ngā mihi me ngā whakatau ki a ia (TKO 6/1914:1). / Later in the evening of that same day at 8 o'clock the speeches of welcome to him occurred.

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1. (verb) to be generous, charitable, bighearted, kind.

Ohaoha ana te whakamahi mai a Mōnita i ōna mātauranga me ana mākohakoha hei āwhina i ngā kaihautū tamariki Māori e pihi ake ana (TTR 2000:54). / Mōnita was generous in using his knowledge and expertise to help young Māori leaders.

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Synonyms: tūmomo, tūpore, kano, ngāwari, momo, kātū

2. (modifier) generous, charitable, benefecint, magnanimous, benevolent.

Ka puta i a Te Whatanui ēnei kupu ohaoha rongonui, arā, e tuku ana ia i a ia hei rātā whakaruruhau mō Muaūpoko (TTR 1990:334). / Te Whatanui expressed some famous generous words when he gave himself as a sheltering rātā tree for Muaūpoko.

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Synonyms: oha

3. (noun) offertory, gift.

Kāore he utu mō ngā tīkiti, kāore hoki he ohaoha i roto i ngā karakia (TTT 1/10/1923:16). / The tickets are free and there is no offertory in the service.

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4. (noun) salutation, greeting.

He kaha ki te manaaki ope, he kaha ki te manaaki i ōna hapū ake, he maiohaoha ki ngā tāngata, āhua hē te āhua o te tangata ka ohaoha tonu ia (JPS 1927:252). / She was energetic in hosting visitors, and in showing kindness to her own subtribes, in greeting people, even if a person looked repulsive she would still greet him or her.

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Synonyms: aumihi


1. (verb) (-tia) to greet, welcome.

He kaha ki te manaaki ope, he kaha ki te manaaki i ōna hapū ake, he maiohaoha ki ngā tāngata, āhua hē te āhua o te tangata ka ohaoha tonu ia (JPS 1927:252). / She was energetic in hosting visitors, and in showing kindness to her own subtribes, in greeting people, even if a person looked repulsive she would still greet him or her.

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muri aroha

1. (verb) to yearn for, grieve deeply.

Ka muri aroha ki tana hoa kua riro (PK 2008:484). / She grieves deeply for her friend who has departed.

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Synonyms: wawata, warawara, wara, konau, ingo, tameme, āwhitu, ohia, murimuri aroha, ingoingo, hōkaka, kōnohi

2. (noun) deep sympathy, sad thoughts, grief, loving greeting, deep affection.

Māna e homai te muri aroha ki a tāua nā (M 2006:364). / He will give us a loving greeting.

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Synonyms: murimuri aroha

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