



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-a,-ria,-tia) to handle, pull about, meddle with, ruffle.

He kōrero kei runga, he rahurahu kei raro (NP 2001:86). / Talking above but meddling below (i.e. sweet talking to cover the real intentions).

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Synonyms: hūrau, raukoti, raweke

2. (verb) (-a,-ria) to prepare, set up.

E mōhio ana te tangata mehemea ki te tangi te riroriro, kua tata te raumati, kua āhuru te whenua, kua takatū te whakaaro o te kuia rāua ko te koroheke ki te rahurahu i te whenua, hei tupunga kai mā rāua (TPH 7/7/1905:3). / A person knows that if the grey warbler sings summer is approaching, the ground is warm and the elderly woman and the elderly man are thinking about preparing the ground for growing food.

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Synonyms: whakakaupapa, raweke, whakaute, takataka, whakareri, whakatau, whakatikatika, whakatakatū, takatū, whakatakataka, whakatika, pātā, whakapai, whakataka, rāwekeweke, tītakataka, whakatūtū

3. (noun) bracken, Pteridium esculentum - a common fern throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand in open places and disturbed ground, which it colonises rapidly from its underground rhizome. Harsh divided fronds are yellowish green and grow to 3-4 m. Rhizome was pounded and cooked as a staple food in pre-European times.

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