2. (modifier) make believe, pretending.
Otirā ko ngā kai a te manuwhiri rā, he mea kai whakangaio, e kai ana e whakaaro ana kia iti te kai, kaua e whakanuia rawatia kia angiangi ai te poho o te tangata, mō te tūranga i te aroākapa o te haka (NM 1928:140). / But as for the food of the visitors, they pretended to eat, eating and thinking they should eat only a little, not eating a lot so that the stomachs of the men would not be distended for when they stood to perform in the front row of the haka.
Synonyms: whakataruna, whakatakune, whakatau
3. (noun) trick, stunt, deception.
He whakangaio nāna ki a Tūtānekai (G 1853:56). / It was a trick of hers on Tūtānekai.