1. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to praise, commend, extol, acclaim.
Kei te moemiti au nei ki ngā mahi katoa o te māramatanga nei (TH 1/5/1861:4). / I am praising all the work involved in this explanation.
Synonyms: whakamanahau, whakakorōria, whakamoemiti, whakamihi, whakapai
2. (noun) praise, admiration, acclaim, commendation.
Ka nui te moemiti atu o te ngākau ki ēnei tū mahi e kitea ana i roto i ngā Māori (TWMNT 1/11/1871:7) / There is plenty of praise for these types of activities which are being observed amongst the Māori.
Synonyms: whakamanahau, whakamihi, whakapai