



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words

tānga o te kawa

1. tapu removal ceremony, striking with a branch of kawakawa, performing the kawa ceremony - when dedicating a new building or canoe.

Nāna i whakahaere ngā mahi taka kai mō te whakatuwheratanga o te whare nui i Waitangi i Pēpuere o te tau 1940, ā, tomokia ana hoki e ia te paepae, i te tānga o te kawa o taua whare (TTR 2000:41). / She organised catering for the opening of the meeting house at Waitangi in February 1940 and crossed the threshold first in the tapu removal ceremony of that house.

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Synonyms: tāinga o te kawa


1. (noun) pursuit, aim, goal, objective, purpose.

Ko ngā tino kaupapa o te hui, he whakapakari i te reo o te hunga e whakaako ana i te reo Māori ki ā tātou tamariki, he matapaki hoki i ngā take e pā ana ki te reo Māori me ā tātou whāinga mō te reo kia ora tonu ai (HM 1/1992:3). / The main purpose of the meeting was to strengthen the Māori language of people teaching it to our children and to discuss matters concerning the Māori language and our goals for the language so that it continues to thrive.

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Synonyms: hoaketanga, paetae, umanga, aru, whai, whaiwhai, aruaru, tātai, take, koronga, kaupapa, tikanga, aronga

2. (noun) enmity, hostility, quarrel.

Ko ngā herehere o ngā whāinga, i meinga hei pononga, ā, i murua te tangata mōkai, pāhiatia anō hoki (TMT 2/9/1861:1). / Prisoners taken in hostilities were made slaves, and men in servitude were robbed and ill-treated.

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Synonyms: taukaikai, ngangare, paka, tatau, tatauranga, kākari, taute, whakatete, whawhai, wāwau, whakanehenehe, korokīkī, kōhetehete, kōwhetewhete, rīriri, whewhei, taungaungau, kekeritanga, tītaitai kōwhatu, tautohetohe, pākani, ngangau, kohete, tarahae, riri, tauwhāinga, tautohe, taututetute, totohe, kowhete, kairiri, kekeri, whakanihoniho, tautotohe

3. (noun) ceremony for removing tapu, etc., opening ceremony.

Ko tēnei kōrero, he mea tuku e Wiremu Maihi Te Rangikāheke, e whakaatu ana i te whāinga o tētahi whare Māori hou, he mea whakairo ko Te Muriwai te ingoa, i Ōhiwa, me te auē hoki mō Ema Āporo, te hoa wahine o Āporo Te Tipitipi (TW 12/2/1875:1). / The following account is sent to us from William Marsh Te Rangikāheke, describing the opening ceremony of a new Māori carved house called Muriwai at Ōhiwa, and also the lament for Ema Āporo the wife of Āporo Te Tipitipi.

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Synonyms: whakatuheratanga, whakatuwheratanga

tāinga o te kawa

1. (noun) tapu removal ceremony, striking with a branch of kawakawa, performing the kawa ceremony - when dedicating a new building or canoe.

Ā te Poutū-te-rangi o tērā tau te tāinga o te kawa o tō tātou tipuna whare (HKK 1999:14). / The tapu removal ceremony of our ancestral meeting house will be in March next year.

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See also tā i te kawa

Synonyms: tānga o te kawa

kawe mate

1. (noun) mourning ceremony at another marae subsequent to the tangihanga and burial - relatives of the deceased, especially someone of importance, visit as a group the marae of communities. The kawe mate is often at the community's request. A photo is often held by one of the woman at the front of the group to represent the body of the deceased person and is placed on the verandah of the meeting house during the pōhiri.

Ko te haere o te ope nei he kawe mate, he tangi mate i ngā mate o te pakanga - he tangi ki ngā tamariki o Ngāti Porou i hinga ki te pakanga (TKO 31/7/1919:5). / The journey of the party was a kawe mate to weep for the dead of the war - to weep for the children of Ngāti Porou who fell in the war.

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See also hari mate


1. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to call, call out, shout, summon.

Ka karangahia e mātau te ingoa, ka whai haere mai i a mātau (HP 1991:20). / When we called its name it would follow us.

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Synonyms: umere, hāmama, haute, , ōi, tīwaha, hauma, hāparangi

2. (noun) formal call, ceremonial call, welcome call, call - a ceremonial call of welcome to visitors onto a marae, or equivalent venue, at the start of a pōwhiri. The term is also used for the responses from the visiting group to the tangata whenua ceremonial call. Karanga follow a format which includes addressing and greeting each other and the people they are representing and paying tribute to the dead, especially those who have died recently. The purpose of the occasion is also addressed. Skilled kaikaranga are able to use eloquent language and metaphor and to encapsulate important information about the group and the purpose of the visit.

Kātahi ka pā te karanga, “Haere mai! Haere mai!” (JPS 1929:17). / Then the call went out, "Welcome! Welcome!"

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See also kaikaranga

ngau taringa

1. (noun) ear biting ceremony - a ceremony by which the mana of a dying tohunga or rangatira was transferred to a younger person by biting the ear of the dying person.

Ka whakaheke te tohunga, a Taipāhau, ka tukuna e ia ōna mana katoa ki a Te Heuheu i runga i te kawa o te 'ngau taringa.' Koia tēnei; ko tā te taitama ko ia te whākapi he komikomi i te taringa o te kaumātua (TTR 1990:186). / The tohunga, Taipāhau, transferred all his powers to Te Heuheu by the ceremony known as 'ngau taringa'. This is: the young man, who is to be the successor, bites the ear of the elder.

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1. (noun) ceremonial presentation of kūmara to the tohunga - part of the pure ceremony when the kūmara crop was gathered.

See also amoamohanga

kawanga whare

1. (noun) house-opening ceremony - the formal pre-dawn ceremony to open a new building, especially a meeting house. Because the newly carved house has been made of timber from the forests of the atua, Tāne-mahuta, and because there are carved figures of ancestors around the walls of the meeting house, the tapu on the house has to be lifted so that the building can be used by everybody. The tohunga recites karakia outside the building and the building is named. There are three karakia used, the first about Rātā, an early ancestor who was a carver and builder of canoes, and the birds of the forest which have to be appeased. The second karakia is to lift the tapu from the building and the tools used, and the third is an appeal to the atua to make the house stable and firm, to avert accidents and to make it a pleasant dwelling place. Then the tohunga and a ruahine (an older woman of rank and past child-bearing age), or a young girl, enter the house treading over the door sill, called takahi i te paepae tapu. Traditionally they would carry a cooked kūmara as well. Everybody follows the tohunga into the house as he moves around from the left side (facing out) of the house to the right. The tohunga strikes each of the carved figures with kawakawa leaves, as he moves around the house.

(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 170-171;)


1. (noun) ceremonial presentation of kūmara to the tohunga - part of the pure ceremony when the kūmara crop was gathered.

See also amoamohanga


1. (noun) ceremonial presentation of kūmara to the tohunga - part of the pure ceremony when the kūmara crop was gathered.

He mea tapu hoki te amonga, arā te amoranga, te amoamohanga ki ētahi reo. I te ngahuru e hauhaketia ai te kūmara ka tukuna te amohanga kūmara mō te pure ki te tohunga nui. Ka tīkina te kai o ia māra, o ia māra, ka hui ki te mahi i aua kai anō; ko te ingoa o tēnā he pure, he amoamohanga mō ngā kai i mahia i roto i te tau (M 2007:12). / The presentation of kūmara is sacred, also called the amoranga or amoamohanga in some dialects. In autumn the kūmara were harvested and a presentation of kūmara was sent to the chief tohunga for purification. The food of each garden was brought together and the people gathered, the name of that ceremony is 'pure', a ceremonial presentation for the food produced in the year.

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1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to welcome, invite, beckon, wave.

He tini ngā marae i pōwhiritia rātou (TTR 1996:62). / They were welcomed onto many marae.

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2. (noun) invitation, rituals of encounter, welcome ceremony on a marae, welcome.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 122-138; Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 197-205;)

Ka rewa taua ope nei, ā, tae atu ki Horowhenua; ka pā te pōwhiri a te tangata whenua (JPS 1901:74). / So the flock set off, and reached Horowhenua, where the people of the place welcomed them.

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3. (noun) kōhūhū, Pittosporum tenuifolium - a small native black-barked tree of lowland forest and scrub, having light green leaves with a wavy margin. Commonly cultivated for hedges.

tā i te kawa

1. (verb) to strike with a branch of kawakawa, perform the kawa ceremony - when dedicating a new building or canoe.

Ko ia tētahi o ngā tohunga i tonoa kia haere ki te tā i te kawa o Rauru, he whare whakairo i Te Whakarewarewa (TTR 1994:89-90). / He was one of the tohunga invited to open the carved house, Rauru, at Whakarewarewa.

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See also tānga o te kawa, kawa, kawa, kawanga whare,


1. (noun) ceremonial haka - posture dance performed without weapons. At some stage during this type of haka the men descend to the ground.

Nā te rau o te poi i ngā ringa o ngā wāhine ātaahua, nā te taparahi, nā te peruperu, nā te reo marae o ō tātau tīpuna, nā ēnei i whakaea te taha ki te iwi Māori katoa (TTT 1/9/1925:300). / The beat of the poi in the hands of the beautiful women, the ceremonial haka, the war dance and the welcoming voices of our ancestors, these fulfilled the part for all Māori.

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1. (verb) to perform ceremonies to preserve the title to the land or on entering new territory.

E ai ki ngā kōrero he uruuruwhenua, arā, he wāhi karakia whakamāhaki i te rangi mō ngā tira haere (TWK 36:29). / According to the information this was a ceremonial place for travelling parties on entering new territory, that is a place to perform ritual chants to calm the sky.

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See also uruwhenua

2. (noun) passport.

Ka oti te uiuitanga e ia, ka tīkina atu te inarapa moko, ā, ka tāia taku uruuruwhenua. / When she had finished the interrogation, she took her rubber stamp and stamped my passport.

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Synonyms: uruwhenua

3. (noun) rough tree fern, Dicksonia squarrosa - native, medium-sized tree fern with a slender, often branching, trunk covered with black, peg-like remains of fallen fronds. Few fronds that spread horizontally with a few persistent brown dead fronds.


1. (noun) opening, opening ceremony.

Nāna i whakahaere ngā mahi taka kai mō te whakatuwheratanga o te whare nui i Waitangi i Pēpuere o te tau 1940, ā, tomokia ana hoki e ia te paepae, i te tānga o te kawa o taua whare (TTR 2000:41). / She organised catering for the opening of the meeting house at Waitangi in February 1940 and crossed the threshold first in the tapu removal ceremony of that house.

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See also whakatuheratanga

Synonyms: whāinga, tarawaha, tomotomokanga, pūaha, wāhi, wāhinga, tāwaha, tomokanga, whakapuare, whakapuaretanga, whakatuheratanga, pūahaaha, puta, pūwaha, angotanga, waha, wherahanga, whakatuwhera, wherawhera, putanga, whakatuhera, puare

whāngai hau

1. (noun) ceremonial offering of food to an atua - a rite of presenting the hau to the atua with an offering or incantation.

Ka hiahia te tangata kia mate tōna hoariri, nā me tiki ia i tētahi wāhi o te kahu, tētahi o ngā huruhuru rānei o te māhunga o taua tangata, tētahi mea noa atu rānei kua pā ki te tinana o taua tangata, arā, o tōna hoariri, ka mutu ka mauria taua mea ki te tohunga hei whāngai hau; ā (ki te mea ka rahi he utu māna) ka karakiatia taua mea e te tohunga, kātahi ka werohia te tangata rā e ngā atua o te tohunga, ka nohoia rānei tōna tinana e aua atua, ka mate hoki ia, ka hemo rawa atu, arā ki te kore ia e kite i tētahi tohunga kaha rawa kia ripaia tōna mate; kātahi ka hoki mai ki te kai i a ia ngā atua o te tohunga nāna nei i mākutu te tangata e mate ana,— he mea tāiro hoki (TWMNT 14/12/1875:294). / A man, wishing to destroy his enemy, had to procure a portion of his garment, one of the hairs of the head of that person, or anything which had been in contact with the person's body, that is his enemy, and then it is taken to the tohunga with an offering of food, and (if the payment is considered sufficient) the tohunga would perform certain incantations over it, and then the man, pierced by tohunga's atua, his body is invaded by those atua, and he becomes sick and dies, unless he were able to procure the services of a more powerful tohunga to ward off his illness; in which case the tohunga who had bewitched the man would die because it would cause him to be destroyed by his own atua.

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Synonyms: tāpaetanga, koha, whakahere, tuku


1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ngia,-tia) to greet, sigh for.

Kātahi te Pākehā nei ka tū mai ka kōrero, ka aumihi i te tuatahi ki te iwi Māori motuhake (TP 1/1903:8). / Then this Pākehā stood up and spoke, firstly welcoming the special Māori people.

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Synonyms: mihi

2. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ngia,-tia) to welcome.

I te tau 1929, nāna i aumihi te kaiārahi wairua, kaiārahi tōrangapū a T. W. Rātana i te wā o tōna haerenga ki Taupō (TTR 1998:211). / In 1929 he welcomed the spiritual and political leader, T. W. Ratana, on his visit to Taupō.

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3. (modifier) greeting, acknowledging.

Kia mahara ki ngā kupu aumihi mō tō tātou matua, mō te Ātirīkona Hāmiora Wiremu e tangihia nei e te nuinga o ōna iwi i runga i ana mahi atawhai ki te iwi Māori (TP 5/1907:10). / We should remember to acknowledge our father, Archdeacon Samuel Williams being mourned by the majority of his people because of his kindness to the Māori people.

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Synonyms: whakamihi

4. (noun) greeting, salutation.

He aumihi tēnei nā te Ētita ki a koutou katoa: Meri Kirihimete! (TP 12/1906:2). / This is a greeting from the Editor: Merry Christmas!

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Synonyms: ohaoha

5. (noun) welcome ceremony.

hui tuku tohu

1. (noun) graduation, ceremony awarding degrees, diplomas and certificates.

kōremu i te murikōkai

1. (experience verb) a ceremony to ward off the effect of incantations of an opponent.

haka taparahi

1. (noun) ceremonial haka - posture dance performed without weapons. At some stage during this type of haka the men descend to the ground.

Nui atu te mihi ki ngā mahi o te pō, ngā waiata, ngā poi, ngā waiata Māori, Pākehā, me ngā haka taparahi a ngā kaumātua (TTT 1/12/1931:81). / There was much praise for the activities of the night, the songs, the poi, Māori and English songs, and the haka taparahi of the elders.

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