1. (noun) shadow.
Ka hua mai he ātārangi i te āraitanga o te aho e tētahi mea puata-kore (RP 2009:173). / A shadow is formed when light is obstructed by an opaque object.
Synonyms: kōruru, taumaru, taumarumaru, ataata, atarau, whakamomoka, whakamokamoka, maru
2. (verb) to be wrinkled, puckered.
Kua kōruru haere te kiri o te koroua. / The elderly man's skin has gradually become wrinkled.
Synonyms: kūngenge, koruwhewhe, kūwhewhewhewhe
3. (noun) shadow.
Ka takoto rāua ki te kōruru o te rākau, he wera nō te rā. / They lay down in the shadow of the tree, because the sun was hot.
Synonyms: taumaru, taumarumaru, ataata, atarau, whakamomoka, whakamokamoka, maru, ātārangi
4. (noun) apprehension, uneasiness, fear, alarm, dread, unease.
Kai te tūnga o Maika ki runga rā, tau rawa te kōruru o te mate ki a koutou (M 2006:414). / When Maika stood up, the fear of death settled on you all.
1. (verb) (-tia) to move stealthily, obtain by stealth, stalk, shadow, creep up on, tail, track, seek secretly.
Kia pō ka whakamomoka atu ai ki te tahutahu i ngā waka o Ngāti Parau (TTR 1990:161). / When it was night they crept up to set fire to the canoes of Ngāti Parau.
See also whakamokamoka
Synonyms: koropuku, whakahengi, whakamokamoka, ninihi, whakaninihi, whakatōkihi, whakakoko, kōruru, taumaru, taumarumaru, ataata, atarau, maru, ātārangi
2. (modifier) stealthily, covertly.
Kātahi ka haere whakamomoka taua tangata ki tētahi wāhi e tino mārama ai tana titiro atu ki te mahi a taua tangata (TPH 30/3/1900:5). / Then that man went covertly to that place so that he could see clearly what that man was doing.
3. (noun) stalking, tracking.
Nā tōna whakamomoka i tōna whāea, ka tūtaki mai ia ki tōna matua ko Makea-tūtara (Te Ara 2014). / By stalking his mother he finally met his father, Makea-tūtara.
1. (verb) (-tia) to stalk, move stealthily, obtain by stealth, shadow, creep up on, tail, track, seek secretly.
Ahakoa tokorua, tokotoru, ka haere ia ki te whakamokamoka tūpāpaku māna (JPS 1990:11). / Despite having taken two or three victims, he continued to take victims stealthily.
See also whakamomoka
Synonyms: koropuku, whakahengi, whakamomoka, ninihi, whakaninihi, whakatōkihi, whakakoko, kōruru, taumaru, taumarumaru, ataata, atarau, maru, ātārangi
2. (modifier) stealthily, covertly.
See also whakamomoka
3. (noun) stalking, tracking.
I ngā wā i wātea ake ia, pārekareka rawa atu ki a ia te whakamokamoka tia, te pupuhi pārera me te whakangau poaka (TTR 2000:3). / In his spare time he enjoyed deer stalking, duck shooting and pig hunting.
See also whakamomoka
1. (verb) to be shady, shaded.
2. (modifier) shady, overshadowing, shaded.
E noho taumarumaru ana te kapua o te pakanga ki Oropi (KO 22/2/1887:2). / The cloud of war is overshadowing Europe.
Synonyms: taumaru
3. (noun) shade, shadow, protection, shelter.
Ko ngā whare he mea āta whakarārangi mārire te tū i ngā waharoa me te taumarumaru iho anō ngā pītiti me ngā āporo (TTT 1/3/1928:753). / The houses stood carefully lined up from the gateway and in the shade of the peach and apple trees.
Synonyms: marumaru, whakamarumaru, maru, kōruru, ataata, atarau, whakamomoka, whakamokamoka, ātārangi, amarara, kaikaro, taumaru, whakahaumaru, pātūtū, tiaki, tiakitanga, papare, whakangungu rākau, waonga, hamarara, parahau, whakahau, whakangungu, pare, puapua, tiakanga, whakamaru, ruruhau, pātakitaki, pāruru, tūrutu, whakaruru, whakamauru, whakaruruhau, piringa, tāwharau, tīhokahoka, whakamaurutanga
2. (noun) form, shape, semblance.
Ko te ata, ko te āhua hoki o ngā taonga i riro i a rātou, ko te hei, ko ngā whakakai i mahue tonu iho (NM 1928:153). / They took the shapes and forms of the treasures, but the actual neck and ear ornaments were left behind.
Synonyms: āhuahanga, taratarai, ahuahu, auaha, pokepoke, tārai, tārei, hanga, āhua
3. (noun) reflected image, reflection.
Ka kite ia i te ata tangata i roto i te wai (W 1971:18). / She saw a man's reflection in the water.
Synonyms: whakaatanga, ataata, whakaahuatanga, whakaata
4. (noun) shadow (of a human).
He tangata mana, he tangata mākutu a Kīkī...Ka whiti te rā, e kore hoki e haere a Kīkī i te wāhi noa, kei haere tōna ata ki muri, kei tapu (NM 1928:145). / Kīkī was a person of mana and a man who practised mākutu...When the sun shone, Kīkī would never walk about anywhere lest his shadow move behind and the ground become tapu.
5. (noun) icon, computer icon.
1. (noun) shadow, reflection.
I te taenga o te ope taua ki tētehi kāinga ka whiua e te tangata whenua he kai mā te ope, ā, e tata ana te ope te matika atu ki te kai, ka tau te ataata o Hae ki runga i ngā kai. Tapu tonu atu ngā kai rā, ā, kua kore e pai hei kai (NIT 1995:239). / When the war party arrived at a village the local people placed food out for the visitors, and just as they were about to eat, Hae's shadow fell on the food. The food immediately became tapu and was no longer fit to eat.
Synonyms: whakaatanga, whakaahuatanga, whakaata, ata, kōruru, taumaru, taumarumaru, atarau, whakamomoka, whakamokamoka, maru, ātārangi
2. (noun) video.
Ko te wairuatoa tērā engari ko te waimarie i mau i a rātou ō rātou tīpuna e kōrero ana, e waiata ana ki te rīpene me te ataata, ā, mā te āta tātari pea i ērā ka paku pahawa tētahi punua ora nei (HM 3/1998). / That's unlucky but the fortunate thing is that they captured their ancestors talking on tape and video and by carefully sifting through those perhaps some benefit will be gained.
3. (noun) winkle, common cat's eye, cat's eye turban shell, Turbo smaragdus - a univalve mollusc common on rocks between tides, the shell is dark, heavy and smooth, and has an eye-like operculum. Lives on the tiny young seaweeds on the rocks. A favourite traditional food of Māori.
1. (modifier) moonlit.
Kei ngā pō atarau, kei ngā pō rākaunui o te marama, e kitea atu ana a Rona, me tana tahā, me te rākau ngaio e tū ana i tana taha (TWK 2:13). / On moonlit nights, on nights when the moon is full, Rona can be seen with her calabash and the ngaio tree standing at her side.
2. (noun) moonlight.
E tiaho ana te atarau ki runga ki ngā ōriwa o taua kāri (KO 15/2/1884:16). / The moonlight was shining down on the olive trees of the garden.
Synonyms: ata māhina
3. (noun) moon.
Ā, muri tonu iho i te whakapāwera i aua rā, ka whakapōuritia te rā, e kore anō e titi te atarau (PT Matiu 24:29). / Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light.
4. (noun) vestige, shadow.
I whakahuatia e Nōpera Pana-kareao ōna whakaaro ki tēnei kōrero, "Ko te atarau o te whenua i riro i te Kuīni, ko te tinana o te whenua i waiho ki ngā Māori." Kotahi tau i muri mai ka hurihia pēneihia e ia tana kōrero, “Ko te tinana o te whenua kei te Kuīni, ko te atarau anake i mahue ki te Māori." (Te Ara 2015). / Nōpera Pana-kareao expressed his thoughts with this saying, "The shadow of the land will go to the Queen, but the substance of the land will remain with us." One year later he reversed his opinion, saying, "The Queen has the substance of the land and the Māori retains only the shadow."
Synonyms: ataata, whakamomoka, whakamokamoka, maru, ātārangi, kōruru, taumaru, taumarumaru
5. (noun) variety of harakeke from Whanganui river. Has straight, strong, pointed leaf with red tonings inside the old blades. Very blue bloom on the back of the blades. Very few flower heads. A handsome bush, quite a contrast with a distinctive deep blue tone about its tall bright bronzy leaves.
1. (verb) (-tia) to shade, shadow, protect.
Ko ā rātou mahi e taumaru iho ai i ngā kapua hīnakipōuri o te mamaetanga o te pōuritanga me te auētanga (KO 15/7/1885:8). / Their task is sheltering them from the gloomy clouds of pain, depression and grievance.
Synonyms: tiaki, whakamarumaru, whakaruruhau, rauhī, parahau, araarai, whakahau, whakangungu, whakamaru, pare, whakahaumaru, whakaruru, rī, manaaki, taumarumaru, marumaru, maru, kōruru, ataata, atarau, whakamomoka, whakamokamoka, ātārangi
2. (modifier) shady, overshadowing, shaded.
Ka noho ngā kapua taumaru o te pakanga ki ngā keokeonga o Rūhia, o Parani, me ērā atu o ngā iwi nunui o Ōropi (KO 16/4/1888:2). / The overshadowing clouds of the war sit on the peaks of Russia, France and those other large nations of Europe.
Synonyms: kauruku, marumaru, maru, tūmaru, tāmaru, pūruru, pāruru, taumarumaru
3. (noun) shade, shadow, protection, shelter.
I te wā i tū ai te Kīngi i kīia ka rite ia ki te tāhūhū o tētahi whare, ka waiho ia hei taumaru mō te katoa, otirā i pupuri tonu ia tangata, ia tangata, ia iwi, ia iwi, i ō rātou whenua ake (TWMNT 8/5/1877:117). / At the time when the King was set up, he was said to be like the ridge pole of a house, and he afforded shelter for all, but each man and tribe kept their own land.
Synonyms: ruruhau, pātakitaki, pāruru, tūrutu, whakaruru, whakamauru, whakamarumaru, whakaruruhau, maru, piringa, tāwharau, tīhokahoka, whakamaurutanga, kaikaro, whakahaumaru, pātūtū, taumarumaru, tiaki, tiakitanga, papare, whakangungu rākau, waonga, amarara, hamarara, parahau, whakahau, whakangungu, pare, puapua, tiakanga, whakamaru
1. (stative) be covered, shaded, sheltered, thickly populated.
Nā Te Rauparaha te iwi i ārahi kia heke ki te tonga, ki tētahi wāhi e maru ai, e ora ai, e tipu ai rātou (Te Ara 2011). / Te Rauparaha led the tribe on the migration to the south to a place that was safer and where they could survive and prosper.
Synonyms: kokohu, whakaruruhau, ruru, pāruru, taumarumaru, kauruku, marumaru, tūmaru, taumaru
2. (noun) shadow, shelter, shade, power, authority, shield, safeguard.
Kāhore kau ia i whakapae mahi kino, kāhore hoki ia i waiho noa i te hunga i raro i tōna maru (TTR 1990:327). / He was never accused of evil deeds, nor did he abandon the people under his protection.
Synonyms: whakahaumaru, pukupuku, hīra, whakangungu, pākai, ārai, whakapuru tao, whakangungu rākau, kahupeka, taumaru, taumarumaru, marumaru, whakamarumaru, puapua, ārei, hiko, kaha, tino rangatiratanga, marohi, mārohirohi, mana, awe, kōmārohi, ihi, awenga, pū, mana whakahaere, ātārangi, whakamokamoka, whakamomoka, atarau, ataata, kōruru, whakamaurutanga, whakamauru, whakaruru, pātūtū, whakaruruhau, pāruru, pātakitaki, ruruhau, tūrutu, piringa, tāwharau, tīhokahoka, whakahau, whakamaru