1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-tia) to obstruct, hinder, screen, block out, shield, prevent, forbid, prohibit, insulate.
Ko te kitea tonutia aua whakairo i ēnei rangi, kua poua he taiepa e ngā Pākehā hei ārei i te hunga tutū, kei rāwekeweketia (B 1979:39). / Those carvings can still be viewed today, but the Pākehā have erected a fence to protect them from vandals, so that they aren't interfered with.
See also ārai
Synonyms: whakamanakore, whakakati, pukupuku, hīra, whakangungu, maru, whakapuru tao, whakangungu rākau, whakaruruhau, kahupeka, puapua, whakakōroiroi, kōpeka, kōpekapeka, kati, taupā, taupare, pā, whakapā, whakahōtaetae, ngihangiha, ārai, aukati, hōtaetae, pākati, tāiha, taipuru, mata, rīanga, takitaki, pākai, pākai riri, araarai, pātū, pekerangi, tauārai, rī, whakaruru, pātūtū, tūrutu, pātakitaki, pāhokahoka, pāhoka, tītopa
2. (noun) veil, curtain, blind, apron, barricade, obstacle, screen.
Tēnei, kei te oha iho ki a kui mā, ki a koro mā kua rūpeke atu ki tua o te ārei, ki te moenga tē tāhurihuri, ki te urunga tē whakaarahia (B 1979:vii). / Here I greet the elderly women and men who have gathered beyond the veil, in the sleep where there is no turning and the pillow from which there is no awakening.
See also ārai
Synonyms: takitaki, tauārai, ārai, whakakōroiroi, komutu, taunahua