1. (verb) (-tia) to hinder, obstruct, impede, hamper.
I tuhi atu a Rūmātiki ki a Rangi Roera o te Tari Māori, me ka whakakōroiroi tonu te komiti tumuaki ki āna mahi mā te Rōpū o te Ora, ka whakamutua ake e ia tēnei mahi ka whai kē i tērā (TTR 2000:256). / Rūmātiki wrote to Rangi Royal of the Department of Māori Affairs that if the central committee continued to hinder her work for the Health League she would stop doing this work and pursue something else.
Synonyms: kōpeka, kōpekapeka, kati, taupā, taupare, pā, whakapā, whakahōtaetae, ngihangiha, ārai, aukati, hōtaetae, pākati, tāiha, taipuru, ārei
2. (noun) hindrance, deterrent, obstacle.
He Minita pukumahi a Tirikātene mō te ngahere, nāna i whakaputa te huarahi waka ki Maungapōhatu, ahakoa ngā whakakōroiroi mai a tōna tari (TTR 1998:223). / Tirikātene was an energetic minister of forests, pushing through the first road to Maungapōhatu despite the hindrances of his department.