1. (verb) (-a) to obstruct, thwart, bar, block, impede.
Heoti, nā te mau tonu o te whakaaro kino o te Pākehā me āna mautohenga i taupare ngā tino tūmanakotanga o Timi Kara (TTR 1994:13). / However, James Carroll's greatest hopes were thwarted by continued Pākehā distrust and opposition.
Synonyms: whakahōtaetae, hōtaetae, kōpeka, kōpekapeka, kati, taupā, pā, whakakōroiroi, whakapā, ngihangiha, ārai, aukati, pākati, tāiha, taipuru, ārei
2. (noun) obstructing, thwarting, barring, blocking, impeding.
He whakahinapōuri, he taupare i a Kaihau te tū here kore a te kāwanatanga ki ngā take Māori (TTR 1994:36). / Kaihau was disillusioned and frustrated by the government's lack of commitment to Māori issues.