1. (verb) (-tia) to prevent, obstruct, bar, block, impede, stop, thwart.
Ko au kei te kī kia kaua e waiho mā ō tātou iwitanga hei whakahōtaetae mai, hei take rānei i īheuheu ai tātou i a tātou (TTTT 2006:15). / I am saying not to let our tribalism obstruct us, or use as a reason to divide us form each other.
Synonyms: taupare, hōtaetae, whakakati, kōpekapeka, kati, taupā, pā, whakakōroiroi, whakapā, ngihangiha, ārai, aukati, pākati, tāiha, taipuru, ārei, kōpeka