1. (verb) to leap up into the air.
I te putanga o ngā kōrero mō ngā mahi whakatū kanikani a Ngāti Porou he whakahē nā Te Wiremu, ka tū a Te Kopa ki runga pekerangi ai mō te whakahēnga i ana kanikani nō te mea ko ana kanikani he kanikani anake ki te Atua (TP 4/1907:3). / When the discussion emerged about Ngāti Porou holding dances and the Rev Williams criticised them, Te Kopa stood up leaping into the air objecting to the criticism of his dances because they were solely dances to God.
2. (noun) high-pitched voice - a voice pitched above the rest in singing.
Nā te pekerangi o te reo o wahine i tūtū ai te hīnawanawa o tōku kiri. / Because of the woman's high-pitched voice the goose pimples stood up on my skin.
3. (noun) outermost palisade, screen, barrier.
He maha ngā rā e whakaaro ana ngā toa a Ngā Puhi i te ara e horo ai taua pā, a Tua-tini, ā, kore rawa nei. Kātahi ka kōwhiria ngā toa; ka kawea ngā taura, ka mau ki te pekerangi o te pā (JPS 1900:51). / The warriors of Ngā Puhi were many days considering the best means of taking the pā, Tua-tini, but without result. Then certain of the bravest were selected who carried up ropes, and fastened them to the outer palisade of the pā.
Synonyms: tītopa, pāhoka, pāhokahoka, pātakitaki, tūrutu, pātūtū, whakaruru, rī, tauārai, mata, pā, ārai, rīanga, takitaki, pākai, pākai riri, araarai, pātū, ārei
4. (noun) cloak decorated with tufts of red feathers spaced over it.
Ngā taonga i haere atu ai, he taupō, he paepaeroa, he korowai, he pekerangi muka, he pekerangi wūru, he pūkoro whatu Māori, he mere pounamu (KO 15/3/1884:3). / The treasures that were taken were: a rough black and yellow cloak, a cloak with tāniko borders along three sides, a cloak with tags, a cloak decorated with tufts of red feathers spaced over it one made of flax fibre and the other with wool, a cloak with a narrow tāniko border on the sides only and a greenstone mere.
5. (noun) disco dancing.
I tētahi kanikani nahanaha, ka tāruaruatia tētahi tauira nekehanga, ētahi takahanga waewae rānei. Ko te tengitengi tētahi momo kanikani ka taka ki raro i tēnei whakarōpūtanga, ko te pekerangi, ko te kanikani matatira anō hoki (RMR 2017). / A sequence dance is when some types of movement, or some steps, are repeated. One type of dance that falls under this category is a waltz, and there is also disco dancing and line dancing.