



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) pipi, Paphies australis - a common edible bivalve with a smooth shell found at low tide just below the surface of sandy harbour flats. Hinge is near the middle of the shell.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 35-40;)

Ka mate i a Ngā Puhi, ka kainga, ka mahue ngā kōiwi i konā haupū ai, pērā i te kōkota, i te pipi, i te aha (TTT 1/12/1924:43). / They were killed by Ngā Puhi, eaten and the bones were left pilled up like shellfish, pipi, and suchlike.

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Synonyms: ngaingai, taiawa, kōkota, angarite

2. (noun) cirrostratus - cloud forming a thin, fairly uniform semi-translucent layer at high altitude.

3. (noun) small entering wedge - to begin splitting trees and timber.

He pipi te tuatahi, he kaunuku te tuarua (W 1971:107). / The first one was a small entering wedge, the second a large splitting wedge.

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1. (verb) to chirp, squeak.

I te taunga atu o te uwha, ka pīpī mai ana ngā pī i te kōhanga (PK 2008:639). / When the mother landed, the chicks in the nest chirped.

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2. (noun) chick, young of birds.

Ka paopao tuatahi te hua o te rāwaho, ka tahuri te pīpī ki te pana i ngā hua kē, kia riro ko ia anake te pī ka whāngaihia ki te kai (Te Ara 2012). / The intruder’s egg hatched first, and the chick pushed out the other eggs so it was the only chick to be fed.

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1. (verb) to gush forth, ooze, soak in.

E pipī tonu mai ana te pirau i te whēwhē. / The pus is still oozing out of the boil.

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Synonyms: totō, papī, mapi, pahī

2. (verb) to flow, rise (of the tide).

Kua pipī ake te tai (TK 1/10/1845:40). / The tide is rising.

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Synonyms: heru


1. (transitive verb) (medicine) secrete.

whakamaroke pipi

1. (verb) to dry pipi.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 35-40; Te Māhuri Video Tapes (Ed. 1): 1;)

I a mātou i reira ka whakaakona mātou ki te whakamaroke pipi (Wh3 2003:35). / While we were there we were taught how to dry pipi.

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pipi tairaki

1. (noun) tuatua, Paphies subtriangulata - an edible bivalve mollusc found buried in fine sand near low tide level on open sandy ocean beaches throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand. The hinge of a tuatua is more sharply angled than that of a pipi.

See also tuatua

Synonyms: kahitua, taiwhatiwhati, tairaki, kaitua, tuatua, korohiwa, korona, kororiwha, kūpā, matamatangongo, matatangata, matapura, hānea, tākupu, rehoreho, takarape, tāwiri, tungangi, wahawaha, whētikotiko, tohemanga, ngūpara, kūkuku, kukupati, papahurihuri, poua, toitoi, tikoaka, tuangi, kākara, mitimiti, ngārahu tatawa, peke, kaitangata, pūpū atamarama, tihipu, tio para, tio repe, tipa, totoro, kararuri, karekawa, koeo, koriakai, tupa, ngākihi, ngaingai, kākahi, taiawa, tūpere, kuhakuha, ngaere, ngākihi hahae, kukupara, kuku-mau-toka, niania, matangārahu, mimiti, tītiko, ngaeti, karoro, ururoa, ngāeo, tūteure, ngākihi kopia, hahari, hūai, pātitotito, peraro, pūpū karikawa, pūpū māeneene, pūpū waharoa, pūtātara, pūrimu, takarepo, tākai, piritoka, angarite, hauwai, harihari, hihiwa, hoehoe, kāeo, whāngai karoro, pīpipi, pūpū rore, pūpū taratara, poro, tātara, pūpū tarataratea, whētiko, whētiko, karariwha, kawari, koeti, koio, kōrama, korona, kororiwha, kūpā, marapeka, mātangata, kōramu, tōrire, hānea, kurewha, pipi taiari, rereho, tanetane, torewai, uere, wētiwha, karahū, pure, kuharu, kūkukuroa, pūkanikani, hākari, rerekākara, tio, toheroa, tuangi haruru, miware, pūpū, ngārahu taua, ataata, pūpū kōrama, tihipu, tihi, tio repe, tipa, totorere, karahiwa, toretore, ngākihi, ngaingai, kākahi, rūharu, tūpere, kuhakuha, ngaere, ngākihi hahae, kukupara, ngākihi awaawa, ngākihi tea, matangongore, maurea, karehu, ngāruru, papatua, waharoa, wahanui, pipi, ngākihi hiwihiwi, papatai, hohehohe, kōmore, pātiotio, pūkauri, pūpū harakeke, pūpū tuatea, pūpū waitai, purewha, ruheruhe, takai, tūroro, pōrohe, awatai, harihari, hihiwa, hinangi, hopetea, whāngai karoro, pīpipi, pūpū rore, pūpū taratara, pāua, tātara, pūpū tarataratea

2. (noun) tuatua shell.

I kowania ki te pipi tairaki, kia rahirahi ai he pānga mai mō tō rākau. Auē! (W 1971:152). / It was scraped with a tuatua shell so that your weapon would be thin when striking. Oh dear!

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pipi taiari

1. (noun) small tusk shell, Antalis nana - a tusk-shaped mollusc common in very deep water where it burrows wide end-down into sand or mud. Empty shell sometimes washed ashore.

See also kōmore

Synonyms: karekawa, koeti, koriakai, korona, kūpā, mātangata, matapura, kurewha, rehoreho, takarape, torewai, wahawaha, karahū, tairaki, kuharu, kukupati, hākari, toitoi, tikoaka, tuangi, kaitua, miware, ngārahu tatawa, peke, kaitangata, pūpū kōrama, tihipu, tio para, tipa, tuatua, ngākihi, kākahi, rūharu, tūpere, ngaere, ngākihi awaawa, ngākihi tea, matangongore, maurea, karehu, ngaeti, karoro, wahanui, pipi, ngākihi hiwihiwi, papatai, hohehohe, pātitotito, pūkauri, pūpū tuatea, pūtātara, ruheruhe, tākai, pōrohe, awatai, hihiwa, hoehoe, hopetea, whāngai karoro, poro, pūpū tarataratea, purewha, takarepo, tūroro, kahitua, harihari, hinangi, hopetea, whāngai karoro, pūpū taratara, tātara, whētiko, tōrire, kurewha, tākupu, rereho, tanetane, tungangi, wētiwha, tohemanga, ngūpara, kūkuku, pūkanikani, poua, toitoi, tikoaka, tuangi, kaitua, miware, pūpū, peke, kaitangata, pūpū atamarama, tihi, tio repe, totorere, tupa, ngaingai, taiawa, rūharu, tūpere, kuhakuha, ngākihi hahae, kuku-mau-toka, niania, matangārahu, mimiti, tītiko, ngaeti, waharoa, ngāeo, tūteure, hahari, pātiotio, pūkauri, pūpū harakeke, pūpū waitai, purewha, pūrimu, takai, tākai, piritoka, angarite, hauwai, hihiwa, hoehoe, kāeo, pīpipi, pūpū rore, karariwha, pāua, karekawa, koeo, kōrama, korohiwa, kororiwha, marapeka, matatangata, karahiwa, kararuri, kawari, koio, korohiwa, kororiwha, matamatangongo, kōramu, hānea, tākupu, taiwhatiwhati, tāwiri, uere, whētikotiko, pure, pipi tairaki, kūkukuroa, papahurihuri, rerekākara, tio, toheroa, tuangi haruru, kākara, mitimiti, ngārahu taua, ataata, pūpū kōrama, tihipu, tio para, totoro, toretore, ngaingai, taiawa, rūharu, tūpere, ngaere, kukupara, ngākihi tea, matangongore, maurea, karehu, ngāruru, papatua, ururoa, tūteure, ngākihi kopia, hahari, hūai, kōmore, peraro, pūpū karikawa, pūpū māeneene, pūpū waharoa


1. (noun) pipi, Paphies australis - a common edible bivalve with a smooth shell found at low tide just below the surface of sandy harbour flats. Hinge is near the middle of the shell.

See also pipi

Synonyms: ngaingai, taiawa, kōkota, pipi


1. (verb) (-a) to shell (pipi, etc.).

2. (modifier) leaping, dancing (of water).

Haere atu i tōu huarahi, i te wai kōwhitiwhiti a Paretuiri (M 2004:330). / Travel on your pathway over the dancing waters of Paretuiri.

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Synonyms: tarapeke

3. (noun) short-horned, flightless grasshoppers of several species.

Ka tata ki te ritenga ki Ruapehu ka tīmata te ua, kātahi anō ka rere te hukātara, titiro rawa atu ki te whenua e rere ana, pēnei tonu me te kōwhitiwhiti nei te āhua o te huka e rere ana i roto i te otaota (TPH 20/3/1905:3). / When we approached the vicinity of Ruapehu it began to rain, then hail fell and looking at the ground as we were travelling the hail was like grasshoppers moving in the grass.

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Synonyms: whitiwhiti

4. (noun) marsh cress, Rorippa palustris - a creeping, hairy herb up to 30 cm tall, with weak squarish stems. The flowers are small, yellow and four-petalled. These are followed by swollen oblong seed pods. Fairly common throughout the North and South Islands on riverbanks and damp ground.

See also poniu

Synonyms: hānea, poniu


1. (noun) pipi, Paphies australis - a common edible bivalve with a smooth shell found at low tide just below the surface of sandy harbour flats. Hinge is near the middle of the shell.

Ka mate i a Ngā Puhi, ka kainga, ka mahue ngā kōiwi i konā haupū ai, pērā i te kōkota, i te pipi, i te aha (TTT 1/12/1924:s43). / They were killed by Ngā Puhi, eaten and the bones were left pilled up like shellfish, pipi, and suchlike.

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See also pipi

Synonyms: ngaingai, taiawa, pipi, angarite


1. (noun) shell (of pipi, etc.).

Ko ngā takiwā i waenganui o ngā wai, kōmā tonu, nō ngā rongoā i roto i aua wai. Ko te āhua o taua mea mā me te kotakota tio, toheroa noa e tahuna nei ki te ahi (MM.TKM 10/4/1851:3). / The area in the middle of the pool was whitish because of the healing elements in those pools. That white thing looked like an oyster, or a toheroa shell that is burnt in the fire.

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Synonyms: kota, anga, angaanga, tīwarawara, kōwhaki

2. (noun) chips, shavings, scrapings.

Ka noho ia i te taha o tana ahi, kei te tunu i ngā aruhe mā tana tāne, e tunu ana ia, e neke ana i ōna kākahu ki runga, kia kitea mai ai e Manaia ngā kotakota waruhanga tao e mau ana i a ia (NM 1928:99). / She sat down beside her fire cooking the fern root for her husband, and while she was cooking she moved her garments up so that Manaia could see the shavings from scraping the spears attached to her.

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3. (noun) lime.

Ka rite hoki ngā iwi ki ngā tahunga kotakota (PT Ihaia 33:12). / And the people shall be as the burnings of lime.
Tērā tētahi mihinare o mua i haere ki ngā moutere o ērā iwi kē atu o te moana ki te taha tonga o te ao nei, nāna i whakaako ngā tāngata o tētahi o aua moutere ki te tahu i ngā toka o tātahi i tō rātou moutere hei kotakota (TWMNT 30/5/1876:129). / There was a former missionary who went to the islands of the South Seas, and it was he who taught the people of one of those islands to burn the coral of the beach of their island to manufacture lime.

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Synonyms: rēmana, raima

4. (noun) southern pigfish, Congiopodus leucopaecilus - a fish with a scaleless, strongly compressed body with a high spiny dorsal fin, elongated snout and small mouth with fleshy lips.

See also puramorua


1. (noun) shell (of pipi, etc.).

Kia pai te tiaki i ngā toka kai moana. Kaua e panga kota pipi, pāua, aha atu ki ēnei wāhi (TWK 11:17). / Look after the seafood rocks properly. Don't throw away pipi and pāua shells, or anything else in these places.

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Synonyms: kotakota, angaanga, tīwarawara, kōwhaki, anga

2. (noun) scraper - anything to scrape or cut with.

Ko ngā ripi me ngā kota ngā taputapu pounamu tahito rawa a te Māori (Te Ara 2013). / Knives and scrapers are among the oldest pounamu tools of the Māori.

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Synonyms: akuaku, rakuraku

3. (noun) sawdust.


1. (noun) pipi, Paphies australis - a common edible bivalve with a smooth shell found at low tide just below the surface of sandy harbour flats. Hinge is near the middle of the shell.

See also pipi

Synonyms: taiawa, kōkota, pipi, angarite


1. (noun) pipi, Paphies australis - a common edible bivalve with a smooth shell found at low tide just below the surface of sandy harbour flats. Hinge is near the middle of the shell.

See also pipi

Synonyms: ngaingai, kōkota, pipi, angarite


1. (noun) brown creeper, Mohoua novaeseelandiae - a small endemic forest bird of the South Island and Stewart Island, reddish-brown crown, rump and tail, ash-grey on face and neck, and light buff underparts. Usually found in small, fast-moving noisy flocks high in the canopy.

2. (noun) shining sunset shell, Soletellina nitida - a triangular-shaped bivalve mollusc common in sand near low tide. Fragile shell, often with a greenish-yellow, varnish-like coating. Purplish near the hinge and inside.

Kātahi taua tangata rā ka mahara he pakake; kātahi ka nuku atu ki te taha titiro atu ai. Nō te kitenga o taua tangata i ngā kanohi e kamokamo ana mai i roto i te pīpipi, kātahi anō taua tangata ka mōhio he tangata tonu (JPS 1921:43). / The man at first thought it was a minke whale, but then he moved nearer to have a closer look. When he saw the eyes of that man, which were blinking from amidst the shining sunset shells, he knew it was a human being.

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3. (noun) cirrostratus - cloud forming a thin, fairly uniform semi-translucent layer at high altitude. Often used in the phrase pīpipi o te rangi.

Ka kite a Tūpai i te rangi e tuhi ana te pīpipi o te rangi (JPS 1926:240). / Tūpai saw the sky adorned with cirrostratus cloud.

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See also pipi


1. (noun) tuatua, Paphies subtriangulata - an edible bivalve mollusc found buried in fine sand near low tide level on open sandy ocean beaches throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand. The hinge of this bivalve is more sharply angled than that of a pipi.


1. (noun) tuatua, Paphies subtriangulata - an edible bivalve mollusc found buried in fine sand near low tide level on open sandy ocean beaches throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand. The hinge of a this bivalve is more sharply angled than that of a pipi.

Kāore e pai te mahi kahitua i te tai ninihi, i te mea kāore te tai i tino heke atu i tēnei wā o te marama (PK 2008:499). / It is no good collecting tuatua at the neap tide, because the tide doesn't get really low at this time of the month.

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Synonyms: taiwhatiwhati, tairaki, pipi tairaki, kaitua, tuatua


1. (noun) ridge, main range.

Ka mea a Kupe, "He tuatua a waenganui, ko ngā hiwi i tata ki te moana i āhua mārū (JPS 1913:115). / Kupe said, “In the centre are mountain ranges, the ridges near the sea are reasonably gentle.

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Synonyms: ripa, tūtūātanga, io, taukaka, tau, parehua, tārawa

2. (noun) tuatua, Paphies subtriangulata - an edible bivalve mollusc found buried in fine sand near low tide level on open sandy ocean beaches throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand. The hinge of a tuatua is more sharply angled than that of a pipi.


1. (noun) tuatua, Paphies subtriangulata - an edible bivalve mollusc found buried in fine sand near low tide level on open sandy ocean beaches throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand. The hinge of a tuatua is more sharply angled than that of a pipi.

See also tuatua

Synonyms: taiwhatiwhati, pipi tairaki, kaitua, tuatua, kahitua, rereho, kararuri, karekawa, koeo, koriakai, korohiwa, korona, kūpā, matamatangongo, mātangata, matatangata, matapura, tōrire, hānea, kurewha, tākupu, rehoreho, takarape, tāwiri, tungangi, uere, wahawaha, wētiwha, karahū, tohemanga, pure, ngūpara, kuharu, kūkukuroa, pūkanikani, hākari, rerekākara, tio, toheroa, tuangi haruru, miware, pūpū, ngārahu taua, ataata, pūpū kōrama, tihipu, tio para, tipa, totorere, toretore, ngaingai, taiawa, tūpere, kuhakuha, ngaere, ngākihi hahae, ngākihi awaawa, ngākihi tea, matangongore, maurea, mimiti, tītiko, ngāruru, papatua, waharoa, wahanui, pipi, ngākihi hiwihiwi, papatai, hahari, hohehohe, hūai, kōmore, pātitotito, pātiotio, peraro, pūkauri, pūpū karikawa, pūpū harakeke, pūpū māeneene, pūpū tuatea, pūpū waharoa, pūtātara, pūrimu, takarepo, tākai, piritoka, pōrohe, angarite, awatai, hauwai, harihari, hihiwa, hinangi, hoehoe, kāeo, whāngai karoro, pūpū rore, pāua, tātara, whētiko, karariwha, kawari, koeti, koio, kōrama, kororiwha, marapeka, mātangata, kōramu, matapura, tōrire, hānea, kurewha, tākupu, pipi taiari, rereho, takarape, tanetane, torewai, uere, wahawaha, wētiwha, whētikotiko, tohemanga, pure, ngūpara, pīpipi, pūpū taratara, poro, pūpū tarataratea, kūkuku, kukupati, papahurihuri, poua, toitoi, tikoaka, tuangi, kākara, mitimiti, ngārahu tatawa, peke, kaitangata, karahiwa, pūpū atamarama, tihi, tio repe, totoro, tupa, ngākihi, kākahi, rūharu, tūpere, kuhakuha, ngaere, kukupara, kuku-mau-toka, niania, matangārahu, karehu, tītiko, ngāruru, ngaeti, karoro, ururoa, ngāeo, tūteure, ngākihi kopia, hahari, hohehohe, hūai, kōmore, pātitotito, pātiotio, peraro, pūkauri, pūpū karikawa, pūpū harakeke, pūpū māeneene, pūpū tuatea, pūpū waharoa, pūpū waitai, purewha, ruheruhe, takai, tūroro, pōrohe, angarite, awatai, hauwai, harihari, hihiwa, hinangi, hoehoe, hopetea, whāngai karoro


1. (noun) tuatua, Paphies subtriangulata - an edible bivalve mollusc found buried in fine sand near low tide level on open sandy ocean beaches throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand. The hinge of a tuatua is more sharply angled than that of a pipi.

See also tuatua

Synonyms: tairaki, pipi tairaki, kaitua, tuatua, kahitua, korohiwa, karahiwa, kararuri, kawari, koeti, koriakai, kūpā, matamatangongo, kōramu, hānea, tākupu, rereho, tanetane, torewai, uere, whētikotiko, pure, kūkuku, kukupati, papahurihuri, poua, toitoi, toheroa, miware, pūpū, peke, pūpū kōrama, tihipu, tio para, tipa, totoro, tupa, ngākihi, taiawa, kuhakuha, ngākihi hahae, kuku-mau-toka, matangongore, maurea, tītiko, ngaeti, karoro, wahanui, pipi, ngākihi hiwihiwi, hahari, hūai, pātitotito, peraro, pūpū karikawa, pūpū tuatea, pūtātara, purewha, takarepo, tākai, piritoka, pōrohe, awatai, hihiwa, hoehoe, kāeo, pīpipi, pūpū taratara, poro, pūpū tarataratea, tihipu, tio para, tio repe, totoro, totorere, toretore, kākahi, tūpere, ngaere, ngākihi awaawa, ngākihi tea, matangārahu, karehu, ngāruru, karoro, ururoa, ngāeo, tūteure, ngākihi kopia, hahari, hohehohe, kōmore, pātiotio, pūkauri, pūpū harakeke, pūpū waharoa, purewha, ruheruhe, takai, piritoka, angarite, harihari, hoehoe, kāeo, pūpū rore, pūpū taratara, poro, pūpū tarataratea, tungangi, uere, wētiwha, karahū, ngūpara, kūkuku, kukupati, pūkanikani, hākari, rerekākara, tio, tuangi, kākara, mitimiti, ngārahu tatawa, ataata, pūpū atamarama, tihi, tio repe, totoro, tupa, ngaingai, rūharu, ngaere, kukupara, niania, matangārahu, mimiti, tītiko, ngāruru, papatua, karekawa, koeo, koio, kōrama, korona, kūpā, mātangata, kōramu, tōrire, kurewha, tākupu, rehoreho, takarape, tāwiri, waharoa, ngāeo, papatai, hohehohe, pātitotito, karariwha, peraro, pūpū karikawa, pūpū māeneene, pūpū waitai, pūrimu, takai, tūroro, pōrohe, hauwai, hinangi, hopetea, whāngai karoro, pūpū rore, pāua, tātara, whētiko, karahiwa, kararuri, kawari, koeo, koio, kōrama, kororiwha, marapeka, matatangata, matapura, kurewha, pipi taiari, rereho, tāwiri, tungangi, wahawaha, whētikotiko, tohemanga, kuharu, kūkukuroa, pūkanikani, poua, toitoi, tikoaka, tuangi haruru, mitimiti, ngārahu taua, kaitangata

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