2. (noun) line, rail - on which anything is hung.
Me hanga he tārawa, kia rima tekau whatianga te tiketike (PT Ehetere 5:14). / Let a gallows be made of fifty cubits high.
3. (noun) wave, swell, roller (of the sea).
Ko Korongata tētahi kāinga i ngaromia e te wai me ngā tārawa (HTK 9/12/1893:5). / Korongata was one village destroyed by the water and the waves.
5. (noun) stave, staff (music) - a set of five parallel lines on any one or between any adjacent two of which a note is written to indicate its pitch.
E rua ngā tohu tārawa matua, ko tētahi mō ngā oro mārū, ko tētahi mō ngā oro tīkā. Mēnā e hono ana ngā tārawa, he tohu tērā kia haere tahi ngā oro kei ngā tārawa e rua (RTP 2015:114). / There are two main clefs, one for the low pitched notes and the other for high pitched notes. If the staves are joined that is a symbol that the notes should go together on the two staves.