1. (stative) be purple.
Synonyms: māhoe, pāpura, waiporoporo
2. (noun) tawa, Beilschmiedia tawa - a tall tree with yellow-green foliage of long, narrow leaves. The bark is smooth and dark brown. The large dark fruit is a favourite of the kererū. Found throughout the North Island and in northern areas of the South Island.
Ka maoa ngā hua o te tawa me te taraire i te tōmuringa o te raumati me te tōmuatanga o te ngahuru (Te Ara 2011). / The fruit of tawa and taraire are ripe in late summer and early autumn.
1. (loan) (stative) be purple.
I uhia hoki ki te kākahu pāpura (TH 2/1861:4). / It was covered in a purple cloth.
Synonyms: tawa, māhoe, waiporoporo
1. (stative) be purple - from the colour of the ripe māhoe berries.
Synonyms: tawa, pāpura, waiporoporo
2. (noun) māhoe, whiteywood, Melicytus ramiflorus - a common tree in regrowth and coastal bush. Has alternating, pointed, oval leaves with teeth. Tiny flowers are abundant in spring and are followed by numerous bright blue-purple to dark purple berries.
Koirā a ia i kī ai: 'Māku anō e hanga tōku nei whare. Ko te tāhuhu he hīnau ko ngā poupou he māhoe, patatē. Me whakatupu ki te hua o te rengarenga, me whakapakari ki te hua o te kawariki.' (TTR 1994:134) / That's why he said: 'I myself shall build my house. The ridge-pole will be of hīnau and the supporting posts of māhoe and patatē. Raise the people with the fruit of the rengarenga, strengthened them with the fruits of the kawariki.'
See also hinahina
1. (noun) purple sunset shell, Gari stangeri - a triangular-shaped bivalve mollusc common in sand, mud or gravel near low tide. Whitish outside shell striped with purple and inside bright purple.
See also kuwharu
Synonyms: ururoa, kuwharu, kuharu, kuhakuha, kukupara, ngākihi awaawa, niania, maurea, karehu, papatua, waharoa, ngāeo, tūteure, ngākihi kopia, hahari, hūai, pātitotito, peraro, pūpū karikawa, pūpū tuatea, pūtātara, ruheruhe, tākai, piritoka, kahitua, awatai, harihari, hoehoe, kāeo, pūpū rore, pāua, tātara, whētiko, karekawa, koeti, koriakai, korona, marapeka, matatangata, tōrire, kurewha, tākupu, rehoreho, taiwhatiwhati, tanetane, torewai, uere, whētikotiko, tohemanga, ngūpara, kūkukuroa, papahurihuri, rerekākara, tio, tuangi, kākara, pūpū, ngaingai, pūpū kōrama, tihipu, tio para, tipa, totoro, tuatua, toretore, ataata, taiawa, tūpere, kukupati, hākari, rerekākara, tio, toheroa, kaitua, miware, ngārahu tatawa, peke, kaitangata, pūpū atamarama, tihi, tio repe, tipa, totorere, tuatua, tupa, ngaingai, taiawa, tūpere, ngaere, kukupara, ngākihi awaawa, ngākihi tea, matangongore, matangārahu, mimiti, ngāruru, papatua, karoro, wahanui, pipi, ngākihi hiwihiwi, papatai, hohehohe, kōmore, pātiotio, pūkauri, pūpū harakeke, pūpū tuatea, pūpū waitai, pūrimu, takai, tūroro, pōrohe, angarite, hauwai, hinangi, hopetea, whāngai karoro, pūpū rore, pāua, tātara, whētiko, pātiotio, pūkauri, pūpū māeneene, pūpū waharoa, purewha, takarepo, tūroro, kahitua, awatai, hihiwa, hoehoe, kāeo, pīpipi, pūpū taratara, poro, pūpū tarataratea, karariwha, kawari, koio, korohiwa, kororiwha, matamatangongo, kōramu, tōrire, kurewha, pipi taiari, rereho, takarape, torewai, wētiwha, karahū, tairaki, kūkuku, pūkanikani, poua, toitoi, tikoaka, tuangi haruru, mitimiti, ngārahu taua, peke, pūpū kōrama, tihipu, tio para, tipa, totoro, tuatua, tupa, ngākihi, kākahi, rūharu, kuhakuha, ngākihi hahae, ngākihi awaawa, kuku-mau-toka, matangongore, matangārahu, tītiko, ngaeti, karoro, wahanui, tūteure, ngākihi kopia, hohehohe, kōmore, karahiwa, kararuri, koeo, kōrama, korona, kūpā, mātangata, matapura, hānea, kurewha, tākupu, rehoreho, taiwhatiwhati, tāwiri, tungangi, wētiwha, pure, pipi tairaki
1. (noun) purple sunset shell, Gari stangeri - a triangular-shaped bivalve mollusc common in sand, mud or gravel near low tide. Whitish outside shell striped with purple and inside bright purple.
See also kuwharu
Synonyms: wahawaha, ururoa, kuwharu, koeo, koriakai, korohiwa, korona, kūpā, matamatangongo, matatangata, matapura, hānea, tākupu, rehoreho, taiwhatiwhati, tanetane, torewai, uere, whētikotiko, tairaki, pipi tairaki, tohemanga, kararuri, karekawa, kūkukuroa, pūkanikani, hākari, rerekākara, tio, toheroa, tuangi haruru, kākara, mitimiti, ngārahu tatawa, peke, ataata, kaitangata, pūpū kōrama, pūpū atamarama, tihi, tio repe, tipa, totoro, totorere, tuatua, toretore, ngaingai, taiawa, tūpere, ngaere, kukupara, kuku-mau-toka, niania, matangārahu, mimiti, tītiko, ngaeti, karoro, wahanui, pipi, ngākihi hiwihiwi, papatai, hohehohe, kōmore, pātiotio, pūkauri, pūpū karikawa, pūpū māeneene, pūpū waharoa, pūtātara, pūrimu, takarepo, takai, tūroro, pōrohe, kahitua, angarite, awatai, hauwai, hihiwa, hoehoe, kāeo, pīpipi, pūpū taratara, poro, pūpū tarataratea, hūai, pātitotito, peraro, pūpū karikawa, pūpū harakeke, pūpū tuatea, pūpū waitai, purewha, ruheruhe, takai, tākai, piritoka, kahitua, angarite, awatai, hauwai, harihari, hinangi, hopetea, whāngai karoro, pūpū rore, pāua, tātara, whētiko, karahiwa, karariwha, kawari, koeo, koeti, koio, kōrama, kororiwha, marapeka, mātangata, kōramu, tōrire, kurewha, pipi taiari, rereho, takarape, tāwiri, tungangi, wētiwha, karahū, pure, ngūpara, kūkuku, kukupati, papahurihuri, poua, toitoi, tikoaka, tuangi, kaitua, miware, pūpū, ngārahu taua, peke, ataata, kaitangata, pūpū kōrama, tihipu, tio para, tio repe, tipa, totoro, totorere, tuatua, tupa, ngākihi, kākahi, rūharu, kuhakuha, ngākihi hahae, ngākihi awaawa, ngākihi tea, matangongore, maurea, karehu, ngāruru, papatua, waharoa, ngāeo, tūteure, ngākihi kopia, hahari
1. (noun) white shark, white pointer, Carcharodon carcharias - a large, heavy-bodied shark found in temperate and tropical waters. Eats a wide variety of fish and birds and attacks humans. Noted for its broadly triangular teeth with serrated edges. The largest of man-eating sharks, with the largest individuals known to reach 6 metres in length and 2,268 kilograms in weight. Large spindle-shaped body with pointed snout. Near-symetrical tail, large first dorsal and very small second dorsal fin. Grey above and white below with a sharp demarcation between the two colours.
Kei mate ā-tarakihi koe, engari kia mate ā-ururoa (TP 5/1906:2). / You should not die like the tarakihi, but rather you should die like a shark. (A whakatauākī to exemplify courage.)
See also mangō ururoa
Synonyms: mangō
1. (noun) pūkeko, purple swamp hen, Porphyrio porphyrio - a deep blue-coloured bird with a black head and upperparts, a white undertail and a scarlet bill that inhabits wetlands, estuaries and damp pasture areas.
He manu hauwarea noa te pākura (pūkeko ki ētahi) (TTT 1/9/1927:657). / The swamp hen (called a pūkeko by some) is a lean bird.
See also pūkeko
Synonyms: tangata tawhito, pūkeko
2. (noun) red glow (in the sky).
3. (noun) pūkeko, purple swamp hen, Porphyrio porphyrio - a deep blue-coloured bird with a black head and upperparts, a white undertail and a scarlet bill that inhabits wetlands, estuaries and damp pasture areas.
(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 166;)
He manu hauwarea noa te pākura (pūkeko ki ētahi) (TTT 1/9/1927:657). / The swamp hen (called a pūkeko by some) is a lean bird.
Synonyms: tangata tawhito, pākura
1. (noun) poroporo, Solanum aviculare and Solanum laciniatum - native shrubs to 3 m tall with dark, soft, lance-shaped or lobed, alternating leaves. Flowers are white to blue-purple and the fruit yellow to orange. Most common along the edges of forest and in scrub. The fruit is poisonous until fully ripe.
Ka whakamahia te kawakawa ki te umuroa mō te rūmātiki me ētahi atu mate. Heoi, ka whakawerangia ngā kōhatu, ka ringihia ki te wai, ka utaina ngā rau kawakawa me ngā kete ki runga. Ka noho te tūroro ki runga. Ka taea anō ētahi atu rau rākau, pērā i te koromiko, te mānuka, te kāretu, te kāramuramu, te poroporo (Te Ara 2012). / Kawakawa was used in the umuroa, an oven or vapour bath for those with rheumatism or other complaints. Stones were heated and water was poured over. Kawakawa leaves and flax baskets were put on the stones. The patient sat on top. Other leaves could also be used, including koromiko, mānuka, kāretu, karamū and poroporo.
2. (stative) deep purple, mauve, violet.
1. (noun) pink sunset shell, Gari convexa - a triangular-shaped bivalve mollusc commonly deeply buried in sand near low tide. Narrow shell, pinkish outside with bands of reddish-purple and is reddish-purple inside.
See also takarepo
Synonyms: takarepo, matapura, kurewha, pipi taiari, rereho, tanetane, torewai, uere, whētikotiko, tohemanga, tairaki, pipi tairaki, kūkuku, kukupati, papahurihuri, poua, toitoi, toheroa, tuangi haruru, kākara, pūpū, peke, pūpū kōrama, tihipu, tio para, tipa, totorere, tupa, ngākihi, kākahi, rūharu, kuhakuha, ngākihi hahae, kuku-mau-toka, matangārahu, mimiti, ngāruru, papatua, waharoa, wahanui, pipi, ngākihi kopia, papatai, hohehohe, kōmore, pātiotio, pūkauri, pūpū harakeke, pūpū waharoa, pūtātara, pūrimu, tākai, piritoka, kahitua, awatai, hihiwa, hopetea, karahiwa, kararuri, kawari, koriakai, korohiwa, korona, kūpā, pīpipi, pāua, mātangata, pūpū tarataratea, ngāeo, tūteure, ngākihi kopia, uere, wētiwha, tohemanga, tairaki, pipi tairaki, kūkuku, kukupati, pūkanikani, poua, toitoi, tikoaka, kaitua, miware, ngārahu tatawa, ataata, pūpū kōrama, tihipu, tio para, totoro, totorere, tupa, ngākihi, ngaingai, rūharu, kuhakuha, ngākihi hahae, ngākihi awaawa, niania, matangārahu, karehu, ngaeti, karoro, waharoa, wahanui, ngākihi hiwihiwi, ngākihi kopia, papatai, hūai, pātitotito, peraro, pūpū karikawa, pūpū māeneene, pūpū waitai, purewha, takai, piritoka, kahitua, awatai, hoehoe, whāngai karoro, pūpū taratara, tātara, hahari, hūai, kōmore, pātiotio, pūkauri, pūpū harakeke, pūpū tuatea, pūpū waitai, purewha, ruheruhe, tūroro, pōrohe, angarite, hauwai, hinangi, kāeo, pūpū rore, poro, whētiko, harihari, karahiwa, kararuri, kawari, koeti, koio, kōrama, kororiwha, marapeka, matatangata, matapura, hānea, pipi taiari, rereho, tanetane, torewai, karariwha, karekawa, kawari, koeo, koio, korona, kūpā, matamatangongo, kōramu, tōrire, tākupu, rehoreho, taiwhatiwhati, tāwiri, tungangi, wahawaha, wētiwha, karahū, pure, ngūpara, kuharu, kūkukuroa, kukupati, pūkanikani, hākari, rerekākara, tio, tuangi, kaitua, mitimiti, ngārahu taua, kaitangata, pūpū atamarama, tihi, tio repe, totoro, tuatua, toretore, ngākihi, ngaingai, taiawa, tūpere, ngaere, kukupara, ngākihi awaawa, ngākihi tea, matangongore, maurea, tītiko, ngaeti, karoro, ururoa
1. (noun) pink sunset shell, Gari convexa - a triangular-shaped bivalve mollusc commonly deeply buried in sand near low tide. Narrow shell, pinkish outside with bands of reddish-purple and is reddish-purple inside.
Synonyms: takarape
2. (noun) mud-flat snail, mudsnail, Amphibola crenata - an air breathing mollusc which lives in a habitat that is intermediate between the land and the sea. A very common univalve mollusc on tidal mudflats. Has a wrinkled-looking shell and was eaten in large quantities.
1. (noun) native hibiscus, Hibiscus richardsonii - an indigenous annual to short-lived perennial herb up to 1 m tall found in the North Island, from Te Paki eastward to Hicks Bay, including Great Barrier and Mayor Islands. Strictly coastal, growing in recently disturbed habitats, such as around slip scars, within petrel colonies, on talus slopes, and under open coastal scrub and forest. Flowers solitary uniformly white, cream to very pale yellow, basally sometimes with pale reddish-pink striations. Flowers October to May.
2. (noun) bladder hibiscus, Hibiscus trionum - an exotic annual to short-lived perennial herb up to 0.8 m tall. Stem leaves green at first becoming purple-red with age, 20-80 mm long, somewhat hairy, segments deeply and coarsely lobed or serrated. Flowers solitary and axillary, often with 1-3 flowers. Petals 20-30 mm long, pale yellow to yellow, basally marked dark brown, purple-red or maroon.
2. (noun) ribbed mussel, Aulacomya atra maoriana - lives attached to rocks near low tide. Shell whitish to purple-black outside, silvery-white to shiny purple inside.
Synonyms: pūpū atamarama, kararuri, karekawa, kawari, koeti, koriakai, korohiwa, korona, kororiwha, marapeka, mātangata, kōramu, tōrire, kurewha, pipi taiari, rereho, takarape, tanetane, tāwiri, torewai, tungangi, uere, wahawaha, wētiwha, whētikotiko, karahū, tohemanga, tairaki, pipi tairaki, kūkuku, kūkukuroa, kukupati, hākari, rerekākara, tio, toheroa, tuangi haruru, kākara, mitimiti, ngārahu tatawa, peke, kaitangata, karahiwa, tihi, tio repe, totoro, tuatua, toretore, ngaingai, taiawa, tūpere, ngaere, ngākihi hahae, ngākihi awaawa, ngākihi tea, matangongore, maurea, mimiti, karehu, tītiko, ngāruru, ngaeti, papatua, karoro, waharoa, ururoa, wahanui, ngāeo, pipi, tūteure, ngākihi hiwihiwi, ngākihi kopia, papatai, hahari, hohehohe, hūai, kōmore, pātitotito, pātiotio, peraro, pūkauri, pūpū karikawa, pūpū harakeke, pūpū māeneene, pūpū tuatea, pūpū waharoa, pūpū waitai, pūtātara, purewha, pūrimu, ruheruhe, takarepo, takai, tākai, tūroro, piritoka, pōrohe, kahitua, angarite, awatai, hauwai, harihari, hihiwa, hinangi, hoehoe, hopetea, kāeo, whāngai karoro, pīpipi, pūpū rore, pūpū taratara, pāua, poro, tātara, pūpū tarataratea, whētiko, kuhakuha, ngākihi hahae, kukupara, kuku-mau-toka, niania, matangārahu, karahiwa, karariwha, karekawa, kawari, koeo, koio, kōrama, korona, kororiwha, kūpā, matamatangongo, matatangata, matapura, hānea, tākupu, rehoreho, taiwhatiwhati, tanetane, tāwiri, torewai, tungangi, uere, wahawaha, wētiwha, whētikotiko, karahū, tohemanga, pure, ngūpara, kuharu, kūkukuroa, kukupati, papahurihuri, poua, toitoi, tikoaka, tuangi, kaitua, miware, pūpū, ngārahu taua, ataata, pūpū kōrama, tihipu, tio para, tipa, totorere, tupa, ngākihi, kākahi, rūharu