1. (noun) native hibiscus, Hibiscus richardsonii - an indigenous annual to short-lived perennial herb up to 1 m tall found in the North Island, from Te Paki eastward to Hicks Bay, including Great Barrier and Mayor Islands. Strictly coastal, growing in recently disturbed habitats, such as around slip scars, within petrel colonies, on talus slopes, and under open coastal scrub and forest. Flowers solitary uniformly white, cream to very pale yellow, basally sometimes with pale reddish-pink striations. Flowers October to May.
2. (noun) bladder hibiscus, Hibiscus trionum - an exotic annual to short-lived perennial herb up to 0.8 m tall. Stem leaves green at first becoming purple-red with age, 20-80 mm long, somewhat hairy, segments deeply and coarsely lobed or serrated. Flowers solitary and axillary, often with 1-3 flowers. Petals 20-30 mm long, pale yellow to yellow, basally marked dark brown, purple-red or maroon.