1. (verb) to be elderly, old.
Ko tētahi matemate tēnei o te Māori ko ngā mate a te Pākehā. I mua, kāore he rewharewha i pā ki te Māori, me te pīwa, me te mītara, me te rūmātiki, me te huangō, me te karapu, me te tini o ō te Pākehā mate, ko tō te Māori mate kia korokoroua rawa ka mate ai (White 13 2001). / This is one problem of the Māori, the diseases the Pākehā brought. Before they came, Influenza, fever, measles, rheumatism, asthma and venereal disease did not affect the Māori. The Māori problem was when they were very old then they died.
2. (modifier) old, elderly.
3. (noun) elderly man, old man, elder, grandfather, granduncle.