1. (stative) be grown up, mature, adult, old.
Kātahi au ka tūmanako kia āhua tamariki ake a ia, kia kaingākau anō hoki aku tungāne ki a ia. Ēngari he āhua tūpakeke rawa (TWK 17:14). / Then I wished that she was a little younger so that my brothers would have liked her. But she was too old.
Synonyms: whatutoto, whakapakeke, pāhake, pakeke, taipakeke, pakari, taikaumātua, koeke, tawhito, tuaukiuki, koroua, mātāpuputu, waikauere, korokoroua, pūkeko, tahito, kaumātua, tūārangi, aweko, ahungarua