1. (particle) to cause something to happen, cause to be - prefixed to adjectives, statives and verbs that do not take a direct object, including reduplicated forms.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 111-112;)
E whakatikatika ana te kaiako i ngā mahi a Hirini. / The teacher is correcting Sydney's work.
2. (particle) Used with a few verbs of perception that take a direct object, i.e. kite, mōhio, rongo, inu, and ako.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 111-112;)
E whakakite ana ia i tana pūtōrino ki ngā whakaminenga. / She is showing her pūtōrino flute to the audience.
3. (particle) When used as a prefix with a stative the word becomes a verb that takes a direct object and takes a passive ending in passive constructions.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 111-112;)
4. (particle) to become a, translate (with names of languages) - prefixed to some nouns to form both verbs that take a direct object and verbs that do not.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 111-112;)
5. (particle) towards, in the direction of - when prefixed to location words, especially mauī, matau, katau, mua, muri, raro, roto, runga and waho, and to nouns, in which case they will be preceded by te. With mauī, matau and katau, te may precede the location word or it may be omitted. With these they are sometimes written as three words separated by hyphens, e.g. whaka-te-moana. These words are normally used only as second, qualifying bases in a phrase.
(Te Kākano Audio Tapes/CDs (Ed. 2): 112;)
I Waihī ka huri whakauta te ope taua ka whai i te whārua o Pongakawa (TTR 1900:171). / From Waihī the war party turned inland and proceeded along the Pongakawa river valley.
Huri whakatemauī! / Turn left, please!
I te atapō tonu ka maunu te pā nei, ka haere, ka ahu whaka-Waikato (JPS 1899:180). / Just before dawn they retreated from this pā, departed and headed towards Waikato.
Ka titiro whakatemoana te iwi rā; hoki rawa mai te titiro kua ngaro te wahine nei (M 2004:160). / The people all looked towards the sea, and when their gaze returned this woman had disappeared.
Ka patua ko Tākaha i Ōtāwhao i te taha whakauta o Waipāwa (TTR 1990:347). / Tākaha was killed at Ōtāwhao on the inland side of Waipāwa.
See also whakawaho, whakatekaraka, whakamauī, whakamatau, whakamua, whakamuri, whakararo, whakaroto, whakarunga, whakatehauāuru, whakatekatau, whakatemarangai, whakatemauī, whakatemoana, whakateraki, whaka-tētehi-taha, whakatetonga, whakateuma, whakateuru, whakatonga, whakauta, whakaterāwhiti
6. (particle) In a few words of some other classes whaka- may also be used, e.g. āe, atu, kāhore and kore.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 111-112;)
Kīhai rāua i whakaae kia haere au ki te pakanga i Irāki. / They did not agree that I should go to the war in Iraq.
7. (particle) a particular use of the prefix whaka- with numerals is for fractions, but this use is uncommon in modern Māori. Used this way as a noun or to follow a noun as a modifier (i.e. as an adjective).
Āta wehea te whakatekau o ēnei moni mō ngā mahi a Ihowā, tō tātou Atua, arā, mō Tōna Hāhi, mō te kawe i te Rongo Pai ki ngā Tauiwi, mō te whāngai rawakore, pouaru, tūroro, me ērā atu tini mahi pai, mahi aroha (TP 1/9/1901:5). / Carefully divide off a tenth of this money for the work of Jehovah, our God, that is, for His Church, for conveying the Gospel to the heathens, for feeding the poor, widows, invalids, and for those many good works and deeds of charity.
See also whakatekau
1. (modifier) towards the north-east, north-eastwards.
Mahue mai a Awherika ka anga atu ō tātou kanohi whaka-te-pāwhakarua ki Īnia (KO 15/4/1885:1). / Africa is left behind and we face towards the north-east to India.
See also whaka-
1. (particle) A prefix used with numbers to show multiplying, e.g. rearua (double), reatoru (triple). These words can be prefixed by whaka- and take a passive ending (-tia).
Ko te rea- te whakareatanga ki te rua, ki te toru, ki te aha rānei. Hei tauira, ko te 8 te rearua o te 4 (TRP 2010:240). / Rea- is multiplying by two or three or any other number. For example, 8 is double of 4 (TRP 2010:240).
Whakarearuatia te toru, ka ono (TRP 2010:240). / Doubling three gives six.
1. (particle) down, downwards, from above, in a downwards direction - indicates direction downwards towards the speaker, away from the speaker, away from a group, or from someone other than the speaker. Like the other three directional particles, mai, atu and ake, it always follows manner particles (i.e. kau, kē, noa, rawa and tonu) if they are present in the phrase.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 127, 120;)
Heke iho! / Get down!
Nā ka tū iho a Karihi, ka tangi rāua mō te oraititanga o tōna teina (NM 1928:41). / Karihi stood down there and they both wept for the narrow escape of his (Tāwhaki's) younger brother.
2. (particle) after that, following that - used in time expressions, seemingly for emphasis. It often occurs with muri to indicate time after that just mentioned, in the past or future. In these time phrases rawa may be included to indicate a fairly long time after that mentioned, or tonu and tata may be included to indicate a time shortly after that just mentioned.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 121;)
I muri iho i ēnei mea kua kōrerotia ake nei, ka hoki a Mānia ki Hokianga. / After these events spoken about above, Mānia returned to Hokianga.
I muri tata tonu iho i te pōhiri, ka kai rātou. / Immediately after the welcome ceremony they ate.
Nō mua iho anō te mana o te reo o te wahine (Te Ara 2017). / The mana of a woman’s voice is ancient.
Nā, tēnei te tikanga mō ngā kaipuke pākaru. Ka paea tētahi ki uta ka eke, ko te mea mātāmua e whakaaroa e koutou ko ngā tāngata kia whakaorangia; muri iho ngā taonga; muri rawa iho ngā papa, ngā haika, ngā hēra, ngā aha o te kaipuke (TK 1/12/1843:47). / Now, this is the process for wrecked ships. When one runs aground, board it and the first thing that you should consider is the people to be saved; after that it's the cargo; and eventually after that it's the timber, anchors, sails and other parts of the ship.
3. (particle) below, under - emphasises distance with location words, especially raro.
(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 45;)
See also raro iho
4. (particle) less, worse, shorter, lower - used with some words (e.g. kino, iti, poto and raro) when comparing things, especially when it is a lesser quality or expresses smallness, scarceness, badness, etc. This also applies to verbs created by prefixing whaka- to adjectives such as these.
He iti iho te utu mō te tamariki i te pakeke. / The price for children is less than adults.
Kua kino iho ngā marangai, ngā tauraki, ngā waipuke i ō ngā wā o mua (HJ 2015:184). / Storms, droughts and floods are worse than in former times.
Kua whakaitia iho e au te utu o aku pūtu me aku hū (TWMNT 21/5/1879:420). / The price of my boots and shoes has been reduced.
Synonyms: iti iho, poto iho, whakaheke, whakamahuru, whakararo
5. (particle) straight away - used to show an immediate sequence of events.
I taku taenga ki runga, ka kite iho au kua motu te tupehau o taku waewae. / When I reached the top I saw straight away that the calf of my leg was cut.
6. (particle) Used to indicated a time approaching in the future, especially following heke.
Me tāpiri atu he kōrero whakamārama kia kore ai e pōrahurahu ā tātou tamariki, ā tātou mokopuna ā ngā tau e heke iho nei (RK 1994:113). / Some explanations should be added so that our children and grandchildren in the coming years are not confounded.
7. (particle) Used to reinforce words with negative connotations, such as darkness, sadness, troubles and death. Actions that involve considerable time and effort, or are weightier or have a solemn connotation may also use iho.
Kātahi rātau ka pakanga, ka hinga te hoariri i a rātau, ā, mate iho te kaiwhakahaere o te hoariri (TPH 15/1/1900:6). / Then they fought, they defeated the enemy and the enemy's leader died.
Ka puta ake he paoa i te poka, ānō he paoa nō tētahi kāpura nui; ā pōuri iho te rā me te rangi i te paoa o te poka (PT Whakakitenga 9:2). / There arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.
Koutou ngā tāngata kai paipa, me whakaaro iho ki ngā mea kino o taua mahi. / You people who smoke should consider the detrimental things about that activity.
8. (particle) only, just, merely, quite - when immediately following noa.
See also noa iho
1. (particle) to cause something to happen - prefixed to some words as a shortened form of whaka-. In some cases there is no difference in meaning between the two forms, e.g. whākao and whakakao (to collect). In other cases the two forms have different meanings, e.g. whāngongo (to administer food to someone) and whakangongo (to neglect, pay no attention).
Kua whāngote te wahine i tana pēpi. / The woman is breastfeeding her baby.
1. (noun) to tithe, tenth part - give one-tenth of one's produce or earnings. This is a particular use of the prefix whaka- with numerals for fractions but is uncommon in modern Māori.
Āta wehea te whakatekau o ēnei moni mō ngā mahi a Ihowā tō tātou Atua, arā, mō Tōna Hāhi, mō te kawe i te Rongo Pai ki ngā Tauiwi, mō te whāngai rawakore, pouaru, tūroro, me ērā atu tini mahi pai, mahi aroha (TP 1/9/1901:5). / Carefully divide off a tenth of this money for the work of Jehovah, our God, that is, for His Church, for conveying the Gospel to the heathens, for feeding the poor, widows, invalids, and for those many good works and deeds of charity.
1. (noun) prefix - an affix placed at the beginning of a word to adjust or qualify its meaning, e.g. kai-, whaka-, taki-, toko-, poro-, tau-, hoko- and tua-.
(Te Aka Māori Dictionary and Index Dictionary (Ed. 1): (Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 5, 16, 111-112; Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 9, 48-49; Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 11; Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 160);)
Ka piki whakarunga te nanenane ki te tihi o te toka. / The goat climbed to the top of the rock.
1. (particle) from below, upwards, in an upwards direction - indicates direction upwards when following verbs of motion. It may indicate an upwards direction towards the speaker or away from the speaker, a group, or someone else. Like the other three directional particles, atu, mai and iho, it always follows manner particles (i.e. kau, kē, noa, rawa and tonu) if they are present in the phrase.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 27, 120;)
Piki ake ki konei! / Climb up here, please!
Ka titiro ake ia ki ngā whetū e kapokapo mai ana i te rangi. / She looked up at the stars twinkling in the sky.
2. (particle) upwards, in an upwards direction - used with verbs which designate perception or attitude. It may also be used to reinforce words with positive connotations, such as progress, enlightenment, good health and to indicate an action that is performed quickly and with ease.
Ka mīharo ake i te mea ko te wā i tuhia ai e ia ngā kōrero nei kua eke kē a Hēmi ki te taumata o te tangata e kīia ai ia 'he kōkōmuka noho tara-ā-whare', arā, ko ōna tau whakahingahinga, whakatā hoki (HP 1991:v). / It is amazing because the time when these stories were written was when Hēmi had reached the age of being a stay-at-home, that is, his years of retirement.
Ko ngā mea i ora ake, i taki omaoma ki ngā whāruarua i uta huna ai (TTR 1990:153). / The ones who survived fled inland to the valleys to hide.
I haere ia ki te Kura Māori o Raukōkore, ā, pai ana te haere o te ako i a ia; kitea ake ana e ōna kura māhita tōna pūmanawa (TTR 2000:1). / He attended Raukōkore Native School and the learning progressed well; his teachers quickly recognised his talents.
3. (particle) Implying direction to some place connected with the speaker, the listener, or someone else, but not where she/he/they are at the time.
Engari, ki te peka ake koe ki tōku kāinga, haria ake anō he kai māu. / But if you stop off at my home, take some food for yourself.
I mua i tana nehunga i Kōkōhīnau ka mauria ake a ia ki te mahau o Ruataupare, takoto ai (TTR 1996:231). / Before her burial at Kōkōhīnau she was carried to the veranda of Ruataupare to lie in state.
4. (particle) immediately, without delay, from that time, from that time on, forthwith - indicating a further immediate action.
Titiro ana a Hana Kōkō ki te tamaiti, tangi ake ia. / When Santa Claus looked at the child, the child cried.
5. (particle) just, recently, promptly, thereupon - used in time expressions, seemingly for emphasis. In this usage ake is often followed by nei to indicate that the action will take just a short while, or it has been over for a short while.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 121;)
6. (particle) Used to emphasise distance, especially with location words.
(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 45;)
I kuhu te titipounamu ki roto ake i te puare o te tīwai o te tawhai. / The rifleman went right into the hole in the trunk of the beech tree.
I tanumia a ia ki Korowhata, e whakatāiri rā i runga ake o Pūtiki (TTR 1990:17). / He was buried at Korokata, above Pūtiki.
7. (particle) Used when comparing things. This includes iti, although it may often be followed by iho. This usage will normally be used with adjectives, but verbs created by prefixing whaka- to adjectives (e.g. whakarahi, whakapoto, whakaroa) or location words may be used.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 101;)
He pai ake tēnei i tēnā. / This is better than that.
He nui noa ake te taupori o Kirikiriroa, tēnā i tō Rāhui Pōkeka. / Hamilton's population is a lot more than that of Huntly.
Me whakapoto ake te kōrero i konei, me kī i mīharo, i whakamihi, ngā mema Pākehā ki te ahua ki ngā mahi a ngā iwi o Te Tai Rāwhiti i kitea e ō rātou ake kanohi (TKO 31/3/1921:4). / The account here should be abbreviated, but I should say that the Pākehā members were amazed and they praised the nature of the work of the tribes of the East Coast that they saw with their own eyes.
(Kei te whakairia e Rangi he whakaahua ki te pakitara.) Rangi: Ki konei? Hine: Kāo, ki runga ake (HJ 2015:176). / (Rangi is hanging a picture on the wall.) Rangi: Here? Hine: No, higher up.
See also kaha ake
8. (particle) original, indigenous, own, real, very own, personal, personally - to emphasise to whom something belongs or for whom something is intended. With possessive pronouns the word order is variable, e.g. tōku waka ake or tōku ake waka.
(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 45-46;)
Ko te iwi Māori te iwi ake o Aotearoa. / The Māori people are the indigenous people of New Zealand.
Ki te haere ia ki ngā hui, me mau te tangata i tōna ake tauera (TTT 1/11/1927:686). / If he goes to gatherings a person should take his own towel.
Synonyms: taketake, tūturu, tō, anō, tipu, tupu, tinana, tino
9. (particle) myself, herself, himself, yourself, ourselves, themselves - indicates the reflexive when it occurs with ki te or i a followed by a pronoun.
Hei reira, i roto i tō wira, ka tukua e koe ō taonga ki aua kaitiaki, ā ka whakahaerea e rāua me te mea nā rāua ake anō aua taonga, otirā he mahi kau tā rāua i aua taonga mō ō tamariki anō (TWMNT 7/4/1874:83). / Then, in your will, you give your property to those trustees, and they will use it as if that property belongs to themselves, but they will do it for your children.
10. (particle) exactly, right, truly, just - can intensify certain words, including question words, locative nouns and sometimes kore.
Kei hea ake ngā tamariki weriweri rā? / Just where are those horrible children?
Nō konei ake te nuinga o aku hoa. / The majority of my friends are from right here.
Kore ake a Timi i toa ki te whakapākehā i te ‘pōkokohua’ a Eruera ki te Kāwana Tianara (EM 2002:214) / Timi was just not brave enough to translate Eruera's 'pōkokohua' for the Governor General.
Synonyms: mōtika, tonu, matatika, tōtika, take, heipū, tikanga, tika, matau
11. (particle) and so on, and the like, and other places, elsewhere, etc. - to indicate things that are additional to those already mentioned.
Ko ia tonu te tangata tiaki i ō rātou pānga i Te Wairarapa, i Kaikōura, i Taranaki, i hea ake, i hea ake (TTR 1998:210). / He himself was the person looking after their land interests in Wairarapa, Kaikōura, Taranaki and elsewhere.
Āpiti atu ko ngā taputapu whakatangitangi - kia rangona atu te tangi a te pūtōrino, a te pūtātara, a te pahū me te aha ake (HM 3/1998:8). / In addition there are the musical instruments - so that the sounds of the pūtōrino (large traditional flute), the conch shell trumpet, the gong and other instruments can be heard.