1. (modifier) towards the left.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 112;)
Inā haere mai i Tāmaki-makau-rau haere mai ki te tāone o Paeroa ka whai tonu i te huarahi matua ki te arawhata (piriti) ki reira huri whakatekatau ai ā tae noa ki te huarahi o Rotokohu ki reira huri whakatemauī ai ka whai i te huarahi kia kite rā anō koe i te pānui e tohu ana ki te marae o Ngahutoitoi (HM 2/1999:5). / When travelling from Auckland go to the town of Paeroa and follow the main road to the bridge and there turn right and you will arrive at Rotokohu Road and there turn left and follow the road until you see the sign indicating the marae of Ngahutoitoi.