1. (verb) to separate, divorce.
Ka tokorau te tokorua nei i te 29 o Noema 1922 (TTR 1998:124). / The couple were divorced on 29 November 1922.
Synonyms: nahenahe, kōwaewae, kōwae, māhiti, roherohe, tauwehe, tauārai, tohi, toritori, momotu, motu, motuhake, wae, wehewehe, wehe, whakatāuke, whakawehewehe, tiriwā, īheuheu, tīwae, tūhāhā, heu, ihi, tuakoi, wawae, whakawehe, kōwai, whakapirara, tāuke, tāwae, tāwaewae, totohi, tūtahi
1. (verb) (-a) to separate, divide, detach, log off (computer).
Ka wehe te moana i taua wā tonu, ngā wai ki mauī, ki katau (HP 1991:122). / At that very moment the sea separated, the water went to the left and to the right.
Synonyms: takiputa, whakawehe, kōwai, whakapirara, tāuke, tāwae, tāwaewae, totohi, tūtahi, nahenahe, kōwaewae, kōwae, tokorau, māhiti, roherohe, tauwehe, tauārai, tohi, toritori, momotu, motu, motuhake, wae, wehewehe, whakatāuke, whakawehewehe, tiriwā, īheuheu, tīwae, tūhāhā, heu, ihi, tuakoi, wawae
2. (verb) (-a) to leave, depart.
3. (verb) (-a) to transpose.
Ka wehea ngā whetū o te ahiahi mō te ata, o te ata mō te ahiahi (NM 1928:61). / The stars of the evening were transposed with those of the morning.
4. (verb) (-a) to reserve, subdivide, set aside.
Ko te whakatau a te Kōti me wehe kē ētahi atu whenua hei whakaea i ngā tikanga katoa o te pukapuka hoko (RT 2013:102). / The decision of the Court was that some other land should be set aside to fulfil all the conditions of the deed of sale.
Synonyms: tāpui, tūrāhui, whakaputunga, rāhui, toe, whenua rāhui, whakakawhena, whakatapu, haumi, porowhita, taunaha, motuhake, tahi, whakatārewa, tīkape, tauira, tārewa
5. (stative) be separated (marital status), divorced.
Kore rawa rāua i noho tahi i muri atu, ā, nō te tau 1900, ka tono a Mākereti ki te ture kia wehe rāua (TTR 1996:120). / They were never reunited and, in 1900, Mākereti petitioned that they be divorced.
1. (verb) (-na) to support with a pole, prop up, propel with a pole.
Ahakoa mau haere tonu a Meri Mangakāhia ki ngā tōrangapū Māori me te toko anō i tōna iwi, kāore he kōrero i tua atu i rongohia mō āna mahi mō te Kotahitanga (TTR 1994:54). / Although Meri Mangakāhia continued to be active in Māori politics and support of her people, nothing further is written about her participation in the Kotahitanga movement.
2. (verb) (-na) to divorce, separate (husband and wife) by a rite involving karakia.
2. (intransitive verb) tingle as in the ears. It is probably in this sense that it occurs in the divorce ritual.
3. sandfly.
4. hoheria populnea, a tree; so called from t he fancied resemblance of its leaves to those of the nettle.