



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) to separate, divorce.

Ka tokorau te tokorua nei i te 29 o Noema 1922 (TTR 1998:124). / The couple were divorced on 29 November 1922.

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Synonyms: nahenahe, kōwaewae, kōwae, māhiti, roherohe, tauwehe, tauārai, tohi, toritori, momotu, motu, motuhake, wae, wehewehe, wehe, whakatāuke, whakawehewehe, tiriwā, īheuheu, tīwae, tūhāhā, heu, ihi, tuakoi, wawae, whakawehe, kōwai, whakapirara, tāuke, tāwae, tāwaewae, totohi, tūtahi


1. (verb) (-a) to separate, divide, detach, log off (computer).

Ka wehe te moana i taua wā tonu, ngā wai ki mauī, ki katau (HP 1991:122). / At that very moment the sea separated, the water went to the left and to the right.

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Synonyms: takiputa, whakawehe, kōwai, whakapirara, tāuke, tāwae, tāwaewae, totohi, tūtahi, nahenahe, kōwaewae, kōwae, tokorau, māhiti, roherohe, tauwehe, tauārai, tohi, toritori, momotu, motu, motuhake, wae, wehewehe, whakatāuke, whakawehewehe, tiriwā, īheuheu, tīwae, tūhāhā, heu, ihi, tuakoi, wawae

2. (verb) (-a) to leave, depart.

Ka eke nei pea ōna tau ki te 18, ka wehe atu ia ki Ingarangi kia āta akona kia tohunga ki ngā mahi puoro (TTR 2000:63). / Around the age of 18 she departed for England to study music professionally.

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Synonyms: toe, maiki, maunu, wehewehe, whakangā, waiho iho, tuku, awaiho

3. (verb) (-a) to transpose.

Ka wehea ngā whetū o te ahiahi mō te ata, o te ata mō te ahiahi (NM 1928:61). / The stars of the evening were transposed with those of the morning.

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4. (verb) (-a) to reserve, subdivide, set aside.

Ko te whakatau a te Kōti me wehe kē ētahi atu whenua hei whakaea i ngā tikanga katoa o te pukapuka hoko (RT 2013:102). / The decision of the Court was that some other land should be set aside to fulfil all the conditions of the deed of sale.

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Synonyms: tāpui, tūrāhui, whakaputunga, rāhui, toe, whenua rāhui, whakakawhena, whakatapu, haumi, porowhita, taunaha, motuhake, tahi, whakatārewa, tīkape, tauira, tārewa

5. (stative) be separated (marital status), divorced.

Kore rawa rāua i noho tahi i muri atu, ā, nō te tau 1900, ka tono a Mākereti ki te ture kia wehe rāua (TTR 1996:120). / They were never reunited and, in 1900, Mākereti petitioned that they be divorced.

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1. (verb) (-na) to support with a pole, prop up, propel with a pole.

Ahakoa mau haere tonu a Meri Mangakāhia ki ngā tōrangapū Māori me te toko anō i tōna iwi, kāore he kōrero i tua atu i rongohia mō āna mahi mō te Kotahitanga (TTR 1994:54). / Although Meri Mangakāhia continued to be active in Māori politics and support of her people, nothing further is written about her participation in the Kotahitanga movement.

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Synonyms: tītoko, tauteka, tokotoko, whakatete, tautoko

2. (verb) (-na) to divorce, separate (husband and wife) by a rite involving karakia.

3. (noun) rod, pole, stilt.

Kātahi ka titiro ki ngā toko o te tūāhu (NM 1928:64). / Then they looked at the rods of the tūāhu.

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Synonyms: matire, tiripou, turupou, tumutumu, tumu, pōra, poupou, pou, koteo, tōpito o te ao, pōhi, turuturu, tīrou, tokotoko


1. a fine dog's-tooth pattern in wood carving.

2. (intransitive verb) tingle as in the ears. It is probably in this sense that it occurs in the divorce ritual.

3. sandfly.

4. hoheria populnea, a tree; so called from t he fancied resemblance of its leaves to those of the nettle.

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