1. (verb) (-a) to cut into pieces, separate.
Ka toritoria te tuna kātahi ka tunutunua (PK 2008:971). / The eel was cut into pieces and then roasted.
Synonyms: nahenahe, kōwaewae, kōwae, tokorau, māhiti, roherohe, tauwehe, tauārai, tohi, momotu, motu, motuhake, wae, wehewehe, wehe, whakatāuke, whakawehewehe, tiriwā, īheuheu, tīwae, tūhāhā, heu, ihi, tuakoi, wawae, whakawehe, kōwai, whakapirara, tāuke, tāwae, tāwaewae, totohi, tūtahi
2. (modifier) strenuous, energetic, busy, bustling, diligent, active.
He wahine toritori ia, ā, i rite tonu ki a ia ngā mahi katoa, arā, te ā kau, te kari wāra, te whakatika taiepa, te whatu me te tuimāwhai hoki (TTR 2000:30). / She was always busy, and could do all types of work such as driving cows, digging ditches and mending fences as well as knitting and crocheting.