1. (verb) (-a) to separate, divide, leave, detach, sort out, arrange.
He mea wehewehe ngā mahi o taua piriti kia tae ki te wāhi hei hanganga kātahi ka honohono (TJ 18/1/1900:7). / That bridge was made in parts and when it arrived at the place where it was to be built they then joined them up.
Synonyms: maiki, toe, maunu, wehe, whakangā, waiho iho, tuku, awaiho, nahenahe, kōwaewae, kōwae, tokorau, māhiti, roherohe, tauwehe, tauārai, tohi, toritori, momotu, motu, motuhake, wae, whakatāuke, whakawehewehe, tiriwā, īheuheu, tīwae, tūhāhā, heu, ihi, tuakoi, wawae, whakawehe, kōwai, whakapirara, tāuke, tāwae, tāwaewae, totohi, tūtahi
2. (modifier) separated, divided.
Ki a au nei, he mahi wehewehe, he mahi whakapirara tēnei i ngā tāngata o tēnei whenua (HM 4/1993). / In my opinion, this is a divisive activity that separates the people of this country.