1. (verb) (motukia,-hia,-ngia) to sever, separate, snap, break, depart, disappear to.
Ā, ka momotu ki te huarahi, ka puta te mahara i a Hau-tukia ki ngā mea i mahue iho ki te kāinga - ki ngā wāhine me ngā tamariki (JPS 1911:107). / After they had departed along the path, Hau-tukia began to think of those left behind at the village - the women and children.
See also motu
Synonyms: hātepe, hāporo, hauporo, tokorau, māhiti, roherohe, tauwehe, tauārai, tohi, toritori, motu, motuhake, wae, wehewehe, wehe, whakatāuke, whakawehewehe, tiriwā, nahenahe, tīwae, tūhāhā, heu, ihi, tuakoi, wawae, whakawehe, kōwai, whakapirara, tāuke, tāwae, tāwaewae, totohi, tūtahi, īheuheu, kōwaewae, kōwae