2. (verb) to follow in regular sequence, proceed in an orderly manner.
Kīhai i hātepe te haere o tana kōrero, i hikohiko (W 1971:38). / His talk was not well organised, it jumped about.
3. (noun) process, routine, procedure.
He hātepe utu nui te Kōti Whenua Māori mō te Māori (Te Ara 2014). / The Native Land Court was an expensive process for Māori.
4. (noun) straight flush (poker) - a hand that contains five cards in sequence, all of the same suit.
5. (noun) algorithm (maths).
Ko te hātepe tētahi tukanga, tētahi ara nahanaha hei whakaoti i tētahi rapanga, tētahi paheko tau rānei (TRP 2010:109). / An algorithm is a procedure or ordered pathway that is followed in order to solve a problem or a number operation (TRP 2010:109).