



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (stative) be pink.

Me he māwhero te tae o ngā kapua, he toka tū moana tērā (Te Ara 2011). / If the colour of the clouds is pinkish, it indicates that there is a reef.

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Synonyms: pūwhero, kuratea, mākurakura, pūwhero-mā, pūwherowhero


1. (modifier) be pink, pink and white.

Nā rātau hoki ngā tūruhi e taetae atu ana ki ngā tūāpapa pūwhero-mā i whakangahau (TTR 1990:283). / They also entertained the tourists that they transported to the pink and white terraces.

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Synonyms: pūwhero, kuratea, mākurakura, māwhero, pūwherowhero


1. (noun) pink maomao, Caprodon longimanus - uniformly pink fish with red-orange on the head and pectoral fins edged with pale blue. Body narrow and elongated with a deeply forked tail and long pectoral fins.

See also mātātā

Synonyms: mātātā


1. (adjective) be fine, smart, exquisite, neat, chic, elegant.

He rahi, he tōrire te māhunga o tēnei tangata (TTR 1990:315). / The head of this man was large and fine.

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Synonyms: tau, taputapu kē, tōingo, pūhangaiti

2. (modifier) fine, smart, exquisite, neat, chic, elegant.

He wahine i pai te āhua, he wahine tōrire, he mea kura rawa hoki (TTR 1996:40). / She was a woman of beauty, a fine woman, who was well educated.

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3. (noun) exquisiteness, elegance, style, fineness.

Ka puta te tōrire o tōna kanohi me te māia o te tangata, i roto i ngā whakaahua nei (TTR 1990:279). / In these photographs the fine features of his face and the strength of the man are exhibited.

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4. (noun) pink tower shell, Phenatoma rosea - a marine gastropod mollusc with a corkscrew-shaped tall pink shell with a notch in the top corner of the shell opening. Found on the sandy shore.

Synonyms: hānea, kurewha, pipi taiari, takarape, tāwiri, tungangi, pure, pūkanikani, tikoaka, tuangi, kākara, ngārahu tatawa, toretore, kuhakuha, niania, papatua, ururoa, ngāeo, ngākihi hiwihiwi, hahari, pātitotito, pūpū māeneene, purewha, ruheruhe, tākai, pōrohe, korohiwa, hauwai, hihiwa, hinangi, hopetea, whāngai karoro, pīpipi, pūpū rore, pūpū taratara, pāua, tātara, kararuri, kawari, koeti, koriakai, awatai, kūpā, mātangata, matapura, ngākihi tea, matangongore, mimiti, ngaeti, karoro, wahanui, pipi, ngākihi hiwihiwi, ngākihi kopia, papatai, hūai, peraro, pūpū karikawa, pūpū māeneene, pūpū waitai, pūrimu, takai, piritoka, kahitua, hauwai, harihari, hinangi, hoehoe, kāeo, pīpipi, pūpū rore, pūpū taratara, poro, whētiko, hānea, kurewha, tākupu, rehoreho, taiwhatiwhati, tanetane, torewai, uere, wahawaha, whētikotiko, tohemanga, pure, tairaki, pipi tairaki, kūkuku, kūkukuroa, kukupati, papahurihuri, hākari, rerekākara, toitoi, tikoaka, toheroa, tuangi, kaitua, miware, mitimiti, pūpū, ngārahu taua, ataata, kaitangata, pūpū atamarama, tihipu, tihi, tio repe, tipa, totorere, tuatua, tupa, ngākihi, ngaingai, kākahi, taiawa, tūpere, ngaere, ngākihi hahae, kukupara, kuku-mau-toka, ngākihi tea, niania, matangārahu, maurea, karehu, tītiko, ngāruru, ngaeti, papatua, waharoa, wahanui, tūteure, ngākihi hiwihiwi, ngākihi kopia, papatai, hohehohe, kōmore, pātiotio, pūkauri, pūpū karikawa, pūpū harakeke, pūpū māeneene, pūpū tuatea, pūpū waharoa, pūtātara, pūrimu, takarepo, tūroro, pōrohe, angarite, hauwai, harihari, hinangi, hopetea, whāngai karoro, pīpipi, pūpū rore, pūpū taratara, poro, pūpū tarataratea, karariwha, karekawa, koeo, karahiwa, kararuri, kawari, koeo, koio, korohiwa, kororiwha, matamatangongo, matatangata, matapura, kōrama, korona, marapeka, kōramu, hānea, kurewha, tākupu, pipi taiari, rereho, tanetane, torewai, uere, wētiwha, karahū, pure, ngūpara, kuharu, kūkukuroa, pūkanikani, poua, tio, toheroa, tuangi haruru, miware, pūpū, peke, pūpū kōrama, tihipu, tio para, totoro, tupa, ngaingai, rūharu, kuhakuha, ngākihi awaawa


1. (noun) fernbird, Bowdleria punctata - a warm brown bird heavily streaked and spotted dark brown with a long frayed tail. Secretive and lives in freshwater and tidal wetlands.

2. (noun) water fern, Histiopteris incisa - creeping native ground fern. Young fronds a distinctive pea green, and lobed like an oak leaf. It grows in moist clearings, edges of forest and along stream banks.

3. (noun) ring fern, Paesia scaberula - creeping native ground fern. Its fine, lacy, yellowish-green fronds are often sticky, with zigzag chestnut-brown stalks and have a distinctive smell. Common on cleared, sunny ground.

4. (noun) pink maomao, Caprodon longimanus - uniformly pink fish with red-orange on the head and pectoral fins edged with pale blue. Body narrow and elongated with a deeply forked tail and long pectoral fins.

Synonyms: mātā


1. (adjective) (colour) salmon pink.


1. (location) Pink Terraces - destroyed in the Tarawera-Rotomahana eruption. Sometimes as Ōtūkapuarangi.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 77-93;)

Ko ia te kaiārahi pekepoho o ngā tūruhi ki ngā tūāpapa o Ō-tū-kapua-rangi me Te Tarata i te moana o Rotomahana i mua i te hūnga o Tarawera Maunga i te tau 1886 (TTR 1994:25). / She was the principal tourist guides of the Pink and White Terraces at Lake Rotomahana before the eruption of Mount Tarawera in 1886.

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1. (stative) pale red, reddish, light red, pink.

Kia maoa, ka huri kuratea te kōura (Ng 1993:382). / When cooked crayfish turns a reddish colour.

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Synonyms: mākura, pūwhero, mākurakura, māwhero, pūwhero-mā, pūwherowhero, mawera, kehu, kaho, whewhero, wherowhero


1. (noun) pink sunset shell, Gari convexa - a triangular-shaped bivalve mollusc commonly deeply buried in sand near low tide. Narrow shell, pinkish outside with bands of reddish-purple and is reddish-purple inside.

Synonyms: takarape

2. (noun) mud-flat snail, mudsnail, Amphibola crenata - an air breathing mollusc which lives in a habitat that is intermediate between the land and the sea. A very common univalve mollusc on tidal mudflats. Has a wrinkled-looking shell and was eaten in large quantities.


1. (noun) pink sunset shell, Gari convexa - a triangular-shaped bivalve mollusc commonly deeply buried in sand near low tide. Narrow shell, pinkish outside with bands of reddish-purple and is reddish-purple inside.

See also takarepo

Synonyms: takarepo, matapura, kurewha, pipi taiari, rereho, tanetane, torewai, uere, whētikotiko, tohemanga, tairaki, pipi tairaki, kūkuku, kukupati, papahurihuri, poua, toitoi, toheroa, tuangi haruru, kākara, pūpū, peke, pūpū kōrama, tihipu, tio para, tipa, totorere, tupa, ngākihi, kākahi, rūharu, kuhakuha, ngākihi hahae, kuku-mau-toka, matangārahu, mimiti, ngāruru, papatua, waharoa, wahanui, pipi, ngākihi kopia, papatai, hohehohe, kōmore, pātiotio, pūkauri, pūpū harakeke, pūpū waharoa, pūtātara, pūrimu, tākai, piritoka, kahitua, awatai, hihiwa, hopetea, karahiwa, kararuri, kawari, koriakai, korohiwa, korona, kūpā, pīpipi, pāua, mātangata, pūpū tarataratea, ngāeo, tūteure, ngākihi kopia, uere, wētiwha, tohemanga, tairaki, pipi tairaki, kūkuku, kukupati, pūkanikani, poua, toitoi, tikoaka, kaitua, miware, ngārahu tatawa, ataata, pūpū kōrama, tihipu, tio para, totoro, totorere, tupa, ngākihi, ngaingai, rūharu, kuhakuha, ngākihi hahae, ngākihi awaawa, niania, matangārahu, karehu, ngaeti, karoro, waharoa, wahanui, ngākihi hiwihiwi, ngākihi kopia, papatai, hūai, pātitotito, peraro, pūpū karikawa, pūpū māeneene, pūpū waitai, purewha, takai, piritoka, kahitua, awatai, hoehoe, whāngai karoro, pūpū taratara, tātara, hahari, hūai, kōmore, pātiotio, pūkauri, pūpū harakeke, pūpū tuatea, pūpū waitai, purewha, ruheruhe, tūroro, pōrohe, angarite, hauwai, hinangi, kāeo, pūpū rore, poro, whētiko, harihari, karahiwa, kararuri, kawari, koeti, koio, kōrama, kororiwha, marapeka, matatangata, matapura, hānea, pipi taiari, rereho, tanetane, torewai, karariwha, karekawa, kawari, koeo, koio, korona, kūpā, matamatangongo, kōramu, tōrire, tākupu, rehoreho, taiwhatiwhati, tāwiri, tungangi, wahawaha, wētiwha, karahū, pure, ngūpara, kuharu, kūkukuroa, kukupati, pūkanikani, hākari, rerekākara, tio, tuangi, kaitua, mitimiti, ngārahu taua, kaitangata, pūpū atamarama, tihi, tio repe, totoro, tuatua, toretore, ngākihi, ngaingai, taiawa, tūpere, ngaere, kukupara, ngākihi awaawa, ngākihi tea, matangongore, maurea, tītiko, ngaeti, karoro, ururoa


1. (verb) to be reddish, pink, blush.

I a Pakaue i hoki mai ai ka kitea atu he kapua e pūwhero ana mai i runga o Tirohanga - Kāwhia (NIT 1995:263). / When Pakaue was returning a cloud showing a reddish colour was seen above Tirohanga-Kāwhia.

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Synonyms: kuratea, mākurakura, māwhero, pūwhero-mā, pūwherowhero, mawera, kehu, kaho, whewhero, wherowhero

2. (adjective) be reddish, pink, blush, bloodshot.

Ko ana whatu he pūwhero, he tōtoto (TTR 1990:359). / His eyes were bloodshot and fierce

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3. (modifier) reddish, pink, blush.

E ai ki ngā kōrero i whakapurua e Te Whānau-a-Apanui ngā karu o te papa angaanga o tana matua, o Te Pori-o-te-rangi, ki te harare pūwhero (TTR 1990:276). / It is said that Te Whānau-a-Apanui plugged up the eye sockets of the skull of her father, Te Pori-o-te-rangi, with red sealing wax.

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4. (noun) reddishness, pink, red, redness, blush.

I a ia e takoto ana, ka titiro whakarunga ia ki ngā pītiti e tautau mai ana i runga, te ātaahua ki te titiro atu, te ngohe, te pūwhero o te huarākau (TWK 43:30). / While he was lying there he looked up at the peaches hanging above and how beautiful they were to look at, the softness and the blush of the fruit.

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Synonyms: hīwera, kākaramea, kura, pākurakura, ura, whero, nganangana, ngangana, tōwhero, waipū, tūtutupō, mumura

5. (modifier) high-ranking, high-born, aristocratic.

I reira ka wewehe a ia. Ko te tau o tana ate ko te wāhine pūwhero rā, ko Materoa Ngārimu (TTR 1996:12). / There he fell in love. The object of his desires was that high-born woman, Materoa Ngārimu.

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1. (stative) be pale pink.


1. (stative) be reddish, pink, blush.

Ko o waho anake o ngā tōtiti kua maoa; o roto, e hika! Kāore rawa i pai, he pūwherowhero te mīti o roto. / Only the outside of the sausages were cooked; inside, heavens! They weren't good, the meat inside was pink.

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Synonyms: pūwhero, kuratea, mākurakura, māwhero, pūwhero-mā, mawera, kehu, kaho, whewhero, wherowhero


1. (adjective) pale pink.


1. (stative) be glowing, reddish, pink, magenta.

E tō ana te rā ka mākurakura katoa te tāepaepatanga o te rangi (PK 2008:387). / When the sun sets the sky above the horizon is reddish.

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Synonyms: pūwhero, kuratea, māwhero, pūwhero-mā, pūwherowhero, mawera, kehu, kaho, whewhero, wherowhero


1. (noun) white mistletoe, Tupeia antarctica - a hemiparasitic shrub with broad to narrow leaves. Flowers yellow or yellow-green and fruit white to pink, often speckled darker pink. Found particularly on tarata, maire raunui and whauwhaupaku.


1. (noun) supplejack, Ripogonum scandens - a high-climbing, woody native plant with tough pliant stems used in the construction of hīnaki, etc. Longish leaves are opposite, toothless, with obvious lengthwise parallel veins and the round fruit bright red. Stem is usually finger-thick, smooth and almost black.

Ki te mau mātau e takahi ana i tēnei ture a rātau, ka whiua mātau ki te kirikau, ki te pirita rānei, mamae rawa (HP 1991:32). / If we were caught disobeying this rule of theirs we were punished with the strap or a supplejack cane and it really hurt.

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See also kareao

Synonyms: kekereao, karewao, taiore, kakareao, kakarewao, akapirita

2. (noun) green mistletoe, Ileostylus micranthus - a hemiparasitic shrub with thick leaves of various shapes. Flowers greenish yellow and fruit pale yellow. Found on a range of hosts throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand.

See also pirinoa

3. (noun) scarlet mistletoe, Peraxilla colensoi - a hemiparasitic bushy shrub with thick leaves and obscured viens. Flowers red, long and narrow, fruit oval and yellow. Found on tawhai, pōhutukawa and Pittosporum species.

See also pirinoa

Synonyms: pirinoa

4. (noun) yellow mistletoe, Alepis flavida - a hemiparasitic shrub with thick bright green to yellow-green leaves. Flowers yellow and fruit oval and yellow. Found mainly on tāwhai species.

See also pirinoa

5. (noun) white mistletoe, Tupeia antarctica - a hemiparasitic shrub with broad to narrow leaves. Flowers yellow or yellow-green and fruit white to pink, often speckled darker pink. Found particularly on tarata, maire raunui and whauwhaupaku.

See also tāpia

6. (noun) leafless mistletoe, Korthalsella salicornioides - very small, tufted, succulent, leafless mistletoe. Dense mass of green to reddish-yellow beaded succulent stems to 10cm long growing on twigs of another plant (mainly mānuka and kānuka). Leaves (stems) 3-10mm long by 1-3mm wide, round. Flowers tiny, fruit small, yellowish.


1. (noun) shore bindweed, seashore false bindweed, beach morning glory, Calystegia soldanella - a native creeping plant with roundish to kidney-shaped, glossy, fleshy leaves on long stalks. Flowers are large, pale pink and bell shaped, with darker pink bands. Found on coastal sand and shingle and around some lakes.

Synonyms: panahi


1. (noun) New Zealand bean cowrie, Trivia merces - univalve mollusc with a small round glossy pale pink shell with darker pink to brown blotches and with rows of grooves in the slit-like opening. Found on the north-east coast of the North Island.


1. (noun) shore bindweed, seashore false bindweed, beach morning glory, Calystegia soldanella - a native creeping plant with roundish to kidney-shaped, glossy, fleshy leaves on long stalks. Flowers are large, pale pink and bell shaped, with darker pink bands. Found on coastal sand and shingle and around some lakes.

See also nihinihi

Synonyms: nihinihi

2. (noun) larger bindweed, hedge bindweed, Calystegia sepium - a herbaceous perennial that twines around other plants to a height of up to 2-4 m. Leaves are arranged spirally, simple, pointed at the tip and arrowhead shaped, 5-10 cm long and 3-7 cm broad. Flowers are produced from late spring to the end of summer. The open flowers are trumpet-shaped, 3-7 cm diameter, white, or pale pink with white stripes.

See also pōhue

Synonyms: panake, nahinahi

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