2. (verb) to be red, scarlet, glowing.
He mea hanga hoki ki te ngira te pā mō te kūwaha o te marae, he purū, he pāpura, he ngangana, he rīnena miro pai (PT Ekoruhe 38:18). / And the hanging for the gate of the court was needlework, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen.
3. (modifier) red, scarlet, glowing.
Ka makā atu e Taininihi tōna kura, ka ākiritia ki te waitai i tana kitenga tuatahi i ngā puaka ngangana o te rātā (TMT 2/9/1861:11). / Taininihi threw away his treasured possession, he threw it into the sea when he first saw the red flowers of the rātā tree.
4. (noun) red, scarlet, glowing.
I hanga anō he pā mō te whatitoka o te tēneti ki te purū, ki te pāpura, ki te ngangana, ki te rīnena miro pai hoki, he mea mahi ki te ngira (PT Ekoruhe 36:37). / And he made a hanging for the tabernacle door of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen, of needlework.
Synonyms: pūwhero, hīwera, kākaramea, kura, pākurakura, ura, whero, nganangana, tōwhero, waipū