



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) to break (of clouds).

Ākuanei ka maomao te ua, ā, ka koera ngā kapua. / Soon the rain will stop and the clouds will break.

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2. (verb) to be afraid, frightened, fearful, scared.

Ā, nō ka tomo rātou ki te urupā, ka kite rātou i tētahi taitamariki e noho ana i te taha matau, he kākahu mā tōna: na ka koera rātou (PT Māka 16:5). / And entering into the sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white garment; and they were affrighted.

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Synonyms: uruwehi, kōtore whererei, hopī

3. (noun) fear.

Nā ka puta atu rātou, ā oma ana i te urupā: kua tae mai hoki te tūiri, te koera ki a rātou (PT Māka 16:8). / And they went out quickly, and fled from the sepulchre; for they trembled and were amazed.

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1. (verb) to shake, shudder, tremble (in fear).

Ka nui tō mātou rihariha ki tēnei mahi— - winiwini ana tērā i te mataku (TWM 1/4/1865:5). / We are repulsed by this activity - one shudders in fear.

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2. (modifier) shaking, shuddering, trembling (in fear).

Kāore au i rongo te taha i mate ai, i tangohia ai koe ki te kura winiwini, ki te kura wanawana (M 2004:404). / I have not yet learnt where death took place, or where you were struck down with some fearsome and gruesome weapon (M 2004:405).

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Synonyms: wiwini

3. (noun) fear, dread, terror.


1. (modifier) fearfully.

Ka tangi te kura, ka tangi wawana, ka tangi te kura, ka tangi wiwini (NIT 1995:35). / The sacred plumes cry out, fiercely they cry, the sacred plumes cry out, fearfully they cry (NIT 1995:34).

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2. (modifier) shaking, shuddering, trembling (in fear).

Ka tangi te kura, ka tangi wiwini! Ka tangi te kura, ka tangi wawana! (M 2005:220). / The noble one cried, crying in fear! The noble one cried, crying in terror! (M 2005:221).

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Synonyms: winiwini

3. (noun) fear, dread, terror.

pakaru (ana)/(katoa) [ngā] hamuti

1. [they] were shit-scared, scared shitless, terrified, scared stiff, frightened out of one's wits - a colloquialism often used to say that someone is terrified.

Ka kite ia i ngā pirihimana me ā rātou pū, pakaru ana tana hamuti i te mataku. / When he saw the policemen with their guns, he was terrified.

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Synonyms: tarawewehi

tūwhitia te hopo

1. expel the fear from within, overcome fear - an expression encouraging someone to push forward regardless of their fears.

Kia tū koe ki te atamira, tūwhitia te hopo. / When you get on stage, expel the fear from within.

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1. (verb) (-a) to be withered, astonished, paralysed with fear.

2. (verb) (-a) to seek solace.

Haere, haere atu e ngā kaumātua, ki te mano, ki te tini kua rūpeke atu rā ki te pō, waiho te iwi, māna e mae noa (TP 3/1904:2). / Farewell, my elders, go to the multitudes who have gathered in the world of the dead and leaving the tribe to vainly seek solace.

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3. (noun) phobia.


1. (stative) be afraid, frightened, intimidated, fearful, alarmed.

Kāore i roa kua tae mai a Mōkena i te kaitiaki tatau i te mataku rā hoki i te waha o te pītara e anga atu ana ki a ia (TKO 6/1915:7). / It wasn't long before Morgan reached the doorman who was intimidated by the barrel of the pistol pointed at him.

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2. (modifier) incompatible.

He kai mataku te kūmara i te aruhe (W 1971:188). / Kūmara is incompatible with fern root.

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3. (noun) dread, fear.

I te kaha tonu taku mataku (HP 1991:21). / I was extremely frightened.

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1. (verb) to set on edge.

I aua rā ka mutu tā rātou kī, Kua kai ngā mātua i ngā karepe kaiota, ā mōniania ana ngā niho o ngā tamariki (PT Heremaia 31:29). / In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge.

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Synonyms: māniania

2. (modifier) jumpy, jittery, nervous, fearful.

He wairua mōniania tōna, he tautauā. / He has a nervous nature, he's a scaredy-cat.

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Synonyms: āmaimai, taiatea

3. (noun) fear, apprehension, concern.

Ko te mōniania nui o te ngākau, ka noho koinei te reo ka whāngaia atu ki ngā tamariki (TTTT 2006:14). / My biggest concern is that this will be the language fed to children.

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1. (verb) (-kia) to wake up, start (from fear, surprise, etc.), awake, arise, rear up.

Kua kite te hōiho i te tāpōrena i muri o te paki e tārewarewa ana, ka oho te hōiho o tō rātau paki, ka tahuri tō rātau paki (TJ 6/4/1899:14). / When the horse saw the tarpaulin dangling at the back of the buggy their buggy's horse reared up and their buggy rolled over.

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2. (verb) to be roused (including of feelings), awakened.

Ka oho ake te aroha o Ngātoro ki te waha o te tangata, o te wahine, o te tamariki e auē ana, e tangi ana (NM 1928:62) / Ngātoro's affection was roused when the men, women and children were wailing and crying.

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3. (modifier) fruitful, productive.

He tau oho (W 1971:238). / A fruitful year.

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Synonyms: māpua, haumako, tōnui


1. (verb) to be sore, tender to the touch, affected, allergic, sensitive to.

He pawera ētahi tāngata ki tētahi kai. / Some people are allergic to a particular food.

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2. (modifier) hot, afraid, apprehensive, alarmed, anxious, concerned, fearful, uneasy, worried, stirred.

He nui ngā tāngata i ngākau pāwera kei riro ō rātou whenua i ngā mahi a te kāwanatanga hou (HTK 5/8/1893:12) / There are many people who are concerned that their lands will be taken by the acts of the new government.

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3. (noun) fear, apprehension, distress, dismay, trepidation, alarm.

Kua tae te pāwera ki te iwi katoa, kua mōhio ka mate rātou e kore tētahi e ora (JPS 1901:71). / Fear had seized the whole tribe, knowing they would die, not one would survive.

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1. (modifier) strange, supernatural, abnormal, terrifying.

Ko tēnei tū tohorā he tohorā tipua, kāore e pērā ana i ētahi atu tū āhua tohorā e patua ana i konei, arā i te hamupēke, i te pāmu-wēra (TP 10/1902:11). / This type of whale is a demon, it's not like some other kinds of whales which are killed here, such as the humpback and the sperm whale.

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Synonyms: rerekē, tupua

2. (noun) goblin, foreigner, demon, object of fear, strange being, superhero.

He ira atua anake rātou me ā rātou wāhine, he ira atua katoa, me ā rātou mokopuna; he tipua katoa (JPS 1922:48). / They are only supernatural beings as are their women and all their descendants; they are all strange beings.

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Synonyms: tupua


1. (verb) to fear, dread, be afraid, be scared of, be frightened of.

Ka uruwehi ngā Pākehā o Pēwhairangi kei tū mai ngā Māori ki te riri (TTR 1990:43). / Bay of Islands Pākehā feared that the Māori might instigate warfare.

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2. (modifier) fearful, scared, afraid.

Kei te noho uruwehi ia kei toropā mai ki te tonga te pakanga o Taranaki, ka uru mai ki roto o Ōtaki (TTR 1990:304). / He was living in fear that the Taranaki war would spread to the south and into Ōtaki.

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Synonyms: koera, kōtore whererei, hopī

3. (noun) fear, dread, uneasiness, unease, consternation.

Ka tohutohu te tākuta mā te kōrero mō tōna mānukanuka me tōna uruwehi e kaha ake ai ia. / The doctor instructed that by talking about her anxiety and fears she would become stronger.

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1. (verb) to be fearsome, formidable, awesome.

Kai te hautupua te āhua o ngā atua (WT 2013:71). / The atua are in a fearsome mood.

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2. (adjective) be remarkable, fearful, monstrous.

He hautupua ngā mihi i ūwhia ki runga ki a ia, nāna rā a Tūranga me ōna iwi i hāpai (TTR 1996:21). / Remarkable praise was bestowed on her for her advancement of Gisborne and its people.

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Synonyms: inati, hautipua, taumata rau, tapatapahi ana, whakaharahara

3. (noun) talented performer, star, idol, celebrity, awesome being.

Ko ngā hautupua nā rāua ngā waka nei i ārahi mai i Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa ko Niua, ko Araiteuru, ngā mōkaikai a Nukutawhiti (TP 9/1913:5). / The awesome beings that led these canoes across the Pacific Ocean were Niua and Araiteuru, the pets of Nukutawhiti.

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1. (verb) to be fearful, apprehensive, overawed.

Nō te kitenga atu o te tohunga i a Heke e nanao atu ana ki te pū a te hoariri, he pū i panipania kia wherowhero katoa, ka hopo tōna ngākau. He mate kei te haere (TTR 1990:7). / When the tohunga saw Heke pick up an enemy gun that was smeared with red he became fearful. There was going to be a problem.

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1. (verb) to be fearful, apprehensive, uneasy, anxious, concerned.

Kāore au e hopohopo ki te kī atu ko au ia nei tētahi i āta tautoko i a ia (HJ 2015:105). / I am not concerned about saying that I was actually one who actively supported her.

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2. (noun) apprehension, uneasiness, misgiving, trepidation, fear, dread, disquiet, concern.

Kua tae mai ki a mātou te reta a Tuhaka Mōkena Kōhere he whakaatu nāna i te hopohopo o tōna ngākau mō te Pire Poari e whakahaeretia nei hei whakahaere i ngā toenga whenua o te Māori (TP 1/9/1900:11). / We have received Tuhaka Mōkena Kōhere's letter revealing his concern about the Board Bill being implemented to control the remaining lands of the Māori.

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Synonyms: mānukanuka, manawa pā, anipā, potau, raupeka, aweke


1. (verb) to shudder with fear, be terrified.

Ki ngā tauhou he ihiihi rawa te haere i runga i ngā rori o ngā iwi o Te Tai Rāwhiti (TTT 1/5/1925:229). / To strangers, travelling on the roads of the tribes of the East Coast is terrifying.

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2. (modifier) terror-stricken, excited, inspired by awe and respect.

Ahakoa kāre i tino rerekē atu ōna kākahu i ōna hoa, i kitea tonutia he tangata nui, he tangata ihiihi, kua taunga kē ki te whakatakoto kupu (TTR 1994:82). / Although his clothes were not much different from his companions, it could be seen that he was a person of importance and authority used to making decisions.

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3. (noun) thrill, excitement, exhilaration, passion, elation.

Ka tae mai te ihiihi ki a mātou katoa, ka whakahauhau ngā rangatira, "Tēnā rā, e te iwi, kia toa!" (HKW 1/2/1901:13). / When we all felt the excitement, the leaders commanded, "People, be bold!"

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Synonyms: kakare, awata, wana, hemonga

4. (noun) expression.

Ko te ihiihi te āhua o tā te tangata whakapuaki kupu, whakakori tinana rānei hei whakaatu i te tino wairua o tana kōrero, o tana waiata, o tana kanikani, o tana whakaari rānei. Ina te kitea, te rangona rānei o te kare ā-roto, pērā i te pōuri, te riri, te wehi me te koa (RMR 2017). / Expression is the way a person expresses their words or moves their body to convey the essential feeling of what they are saying, singing, dancing or acting. It is the communicating of emotion, such as sadness, rage, fear and joy (RMR 2017).

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5. (noun) plumed rods projecting from the prow of a canoe.

Ko te rangi anō hoki tērā i wehewehe ai te ihiihi rangi me te ihiihi nuku o te waka (JPS 1957:221-222). / That was the day when the upper and lower ornamental wands were arranged.

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Synonyms: puhi


1. (verb) (-a,kūngia,-tia) to nip, hold in the breath or a feeling, hold back, draw together, clamp.

I le mutunga o tana kōrero mō tana tamaiti, ka kūkua tōna manawa i te 10 o ngā rā, pō noa te rā i te 11, ka riro ia (TW 2/3/1878:105). / When he ended his talk about his child, he had a heart attack on the 10th of the month, and at 11pm after the sun had set, he died.

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Synonyms: kikini, kini, kinikini, timotimo, timo, kakati, kukuti, kuti, kati, nanapi, pakini, honi, hohoni

2. (verb) (kūkua,kūngia,-tia) to close, double up, clasp.

Ka tūturi aua rangatira, taua rua, ka kuku i ō raua ringa, ka whakatoro ki te rangi, ka whakawhetai atu ki te Atua (TWMNT 23/2/1875:43). / Those two chiefs knelt down, clasped their hands and stretch them to heaven, and praised God.

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3. (verb) (kūkua,-ngia,-tia) to clench (the fist).

Ka kukua te ringaringa, ka motokia ake ki tōna ihu, ā, ka toto te ihu, ka pania ki te matau (TAH 38:48). / He clenched his fist, punched his nose and when his nose was bloody, he smeared it on the fish-hook.

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4. (verb) (kūkua) to haunt.

Nāna i wete te kēhua kua roa kē nei e kuku ana i a Timi Kara, ā, noho māmā ana tōna ngākau (TTR 1994:15). / He shed the ghost that had long haunted James Carroll, who was relieved.

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5. (noun) fear, nightmare, colic.

Ka moe koe, ā, e haere mai ana te wairua o tētahi tangata ki te patu i a koe, he kuku tēnā (W 1971:155). / When you sleep and the spirit of a person comes to kill you, that is a nightmare.

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Synonyms: kuti, moepapa

6. (modifier) fearful, dreadful, awful, horrible.

Kei te pēnei anō a Poihākena, ko ngā wāhi paru o te tāone e kaha ana te pāngia e te mate urutā hou nei. Nā reira, e te iwi, e tūmatatenga ana mātou, ki te whiti mai tēnei mate ki Niu Tīreni nei ko taua, ko te Māori, hei tipinga mā tēnei atua kuku (HKW 1/4/1900:2). / Sydney is in a similar position with the dirty parts of the city being hit hardest by this new epidemic. So, people, we are concerned that if this disease crosses to Aotearoa/New Zealand we, the Māori, will be decimated by this fearful disease.

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7. (noun) haunting.

Waiho ērā kia noho tapu ki te whānau, ngā āhuatanga tapu nei, ngā āhuatanga o te kuku o te tangata e te kēhua (Milroy 2015). / Let those things remain sacred to the family, these matters of tapu, the ways a person is haunted by a ghost.

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8. (noun) pincers, tweezers, forceps.

Puritia te paepae mā te kuku i a au e whaiuru ana (Ng 993:339). / Hold the bar with the pincers while I file it.

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1. (adjective) be remarkable, fearful, monstrous.

2. (noun) talented performer, star, idol.

I āhua ōrite ngā kapa i te weheruatanga, engari, i te haurua tuarua, ka puta ngā hautipua o Aotearoa ki te kawe i a rātou ki te taumata angitu. / The teams were pretty even at halftime, but in the second half the stars of New Zealand emerged to take them to the successful outcome.

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See also hautupua

3. (noun) prodigy.

He tangata te hautipua he nui ōna pūmanawa ki āna mahi toi, arā, he tohunga ki āna mahi, he rehe. Kāore i nui te kitea o tēnei momo (RTP 2015:55). / A prodigy is a person with immense talent in their artistic field, an expert at what they do. Such people are few and far between (RTP 2015:55).

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1. (verb) to be in awe, impressed, frightened.

Koia anō tēnā tāna i wehiwehi ai ki te Pākehā (TKP 4/10/1858:2). / That is why he was afraid of the Pākehā.

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2. (adjective) be awesome, impressive frightening, alarming, fearsome.

He wehiwehi rawa te āhua o ngā kōrero o te matenga o ētahi kāinga e toru kei Mahatuheti (he porowini o Amerika) i te pakarutanga o ngā puna wai nunui (TWMNT 30/6/1874:165). / The details of the destruction of three villages in Massachusetts (one of the American States) by the reservoirs bursting, are very alarming.

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3. (modifier) awesome, impressive frightening, alarming, fearsome.

I a rātou i roto i te ngahere ka rongo i ngā reo wehiwehi o te pō. / While they were in the forest they heard the frightening voices of the night.

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4. (noun) dread, fear, something awesome, awe.

Ko te wehiwehi kau ki te Pākehā (TMT 15/7/1861:10). / Fear of the Pākehā for no particular reason.

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5. (noun) spines (e.g. of a dorsal fin).


1. (verb) to be in awe, impressed, frightened.

2. (adjective) be awesome, impressive, frightening, alarming, fearsome.

3. (modifier) awesome, impressive, frightening, alarming, fearsome.

4. (noun) dread, fear, something awesome, awe.

He tino nui te wewehi o rāua ko Te Kōti ki a rāua (TTR 1996:106). / He and Mr Coates had a very high regard for each other.

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5. (noun) spines (e.g. of a dorsal fin).

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