1. (verb) (-kia) to wake up, start (from fear, surprise, etc.), awake, arise, rear up.
Kua kite te hōiho i te tāpōrena i muri o te paki e tārewarewa ana, ka oho te hōiho o tō rātau paki, ka tahuri tō rātau paki (TJ 6/4/1899:14). / When the horse saw the tarpaulin dangling at the back of the buggy their buggy's horse reared up and their buggy rolled over.
2. (verb) to be roused (including of feelings), awakened.
Ka oho ake te aroha o Ngātoro ki te waha o te tangata, o te wahine, o te tamariki e auē ana, e tangi ana (NM 1928:62) / Ngātoro's affection was roused when the men, women and children were wailing and crying.
3. (modifier) fruitful, productive.