2. (adjective) be extraordinary, exceptional, remarkable, amazing, incredible.
He maha ngā hāora i riri ai aua Pākehā torutoru nei, he inati te māia! (TWMNT 19/5/1874:122). / For many hours the few British fought and how extraordinary their bravery was!
Synonyms: taumata rau, tapatapahi ana, hautupua, whakaharahara, hautipua
3. (adjective) be excessive, monstrous, unwarranted, extreme.
Nō te tekau tau mai i 1940, ka whakaae te kāwanatanga he inati rawa te whiunga i a Te Whakatōhea (TTR 1990:60). / In the 1940s the government admitted that the punishment of Te Whakatōhea had been excessive.
4. (noun) trouble, disaster.
Weherua rawa ake ka puta tā rātou inati - te tukunga mai, kore rawa i rikarika, ka tāhurihuri, he mate - koia Maikukutea, ka mate ki Mōtītī (JPS 1893:225). / At exactly midnight their disaster occurred - the result was many were in trouble and died - that was Maikukutea, the defeat at Mōtītī.