2. (adjective) be remarkable, fearful, monstrous.
He hautupua ngā mihi i ūwhia ki runga ki a ia, nāna rā a Tūranga me ōna iwi i hāpai (TTR 1996:21). / Remarkable praise was bestowed on her for her advancement of Gisborne and its people.
Synonyms: inati, hautipua, taumata rau, tapatapahi ana, whakaharahara
3. (noun) talented performer, star, idol, celebrity, awesome being.
Ko ngā hautupua nā rāua ngā waka nei i ārahi mai i Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa ko Niua, ko Araiteuru, ngā mōkaikai a Nukutawhiti (TP 9/1913:5). / The awesome beings that led these canoes across the Pacific Ocean were Niua and Araiteuru, the pets of Nukutawhiti.