1. (modifier) strange, supernatural, abnormal, terrifying.
Ko tēnei tū tohorā he tohorā tipua, kāore e pērā ana i ētahi atu tū āhua tohorā e patua ana i konei, arā i te hamupēke, i te pāmu-wēra (TP 10/1902:11). / This type of whale is a demon, it's not like some other kinds of whales which are killed here, such as the humpback and the sperm whale.
2. (noun) goblin, foreigner, demon, object of fear, strange being, superhero.
He ira atua anake rātou me ā rātou wāhine, he ira atua katoa, me ā rātou mokopuna; he tipua katoa (JPS 1922:48). / They are only supernatural beings as are their women and all their descendants; they are all strange beings.
Synonyms: tupua