1. (verb) to be terrified, alarmed, frightened, intimidated, panic-stricken, scared, dismayed.
E kī ana a Rōre Erueti ko te 'hopī ki te wai', he tikanga nā ngā tohunga hei wehe i te ngākau pāwera, wehi rānei i roto i te tangata, kua hauhauaitu. Ka karakiatia e te tohunga ka mutu ka tāuhi ki te wai o te rau rākau te tūroro (M 2004:354). / Rōre Erueti states that 'hopī ki te wai' (craven fear is cleansed in water) was a practice by tohunga to remove apprehension or fear from a person who was afflicted. The tohunga would recite ritual chants and conclude by sprinkling water from a leafy twig over the patient.
Synonyms: maurirere, mauri rere, tūmekemeke, koera, uruwehi, kōtore whererei