1. (verb) to panic - sometimes written as two words, i.e. mauri rere.
Nō te putanga o te rongo kua takoto he kaupapa ki te haere ki Rāwene, ka maurirere ngā tāngata whai; whakatahi ana te tokomaha ki Kohukohu (TTR 1994:186). / When the news emerged that there was a plan to go to Rāwene, the settlers panicked; many withdrew to Kohukohu.
2. (modifier) panic-stricken.
Ka rongo te iwi mauri rere rā e pakū ana ngā pū, whetē ana ngā karu tētahi ki tētahi, kāore i mōhio me oma rānei, me aha rānei (PK 2008:444). / When that panic-stricken tribe heard the guns going off, they looked wide-eyed at each other, not knowing whether to flee, or what to do.
Synonyms: mauri rere, hopī, tūmekemeke
3. (noun) panic.
Ko te tohe ake nei a te kaunihera wawao, nā tana maurirere i pērā ai ia, ehara kē i te mea i te hiahia ia kia whara i a ia te patunga rā (TTR 2000:224). / The argument of the defence counsel was that he had panicked and had not intended to harm the victim.
See also mauri rere