1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to nibble away, wear away, erode.
Ka honia noatia iho koe, koutou tahi ko tēnei iwi i a koe nei (PT Ekoruhe 18:18). / Thou wilt surely wear away, both thou, and this people that is with thee.
See also hohoni
2. (verb) (-a,-tia) to nibble, nip, bite.
Ka rongo au ki a Āpirana Ngata e kī ana ko te tangata tika hei pīhopa mō te Iwi Māori he tangata kua honia e te puruhi (TTT 1/9/1931:38). / I heard Āpirana Ngata saying that the appropriate person as a bishop for the Māori people is a person who has been bitten by fleas (i.e. someone who has lived with the common people).
Synonyms: kakai, tītongitongi, katikati, kōtamu, tītongi, hārau, honihoni, hohoni, kōhonihoni, kuku, kikini, kini, kinikini, timotimo, timo, kakati, kukuti, kuti, kati, nanapi, pakini
3. (verb) (-a,-tia) to devour, consume, ravage, waste away.
Ko ngā tamariki nohinohi ka honia e te mate kirikā, e ērā atu mate (MM.TKM 15/10/1859:3). / The little children were ravaged by fever and other diseases.
4. (verb) (-a,-tia) to skirt round.
See also hohoni
5. (verb) (-a,-tia) to graze, skim by, glance off.
See also hohoni