



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) murmur.

He pai ki a au ki te noho i te tahatika o te awa o Kirikiriroa ki te whakarongo ki te tāwara o te wai e rere ana. / I like to sit on the bank of the Kirikiriroa stream to listen to the murmur of the flowing water.

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Synonyms: warowaro, kotete, kihi, kohete, kowhete, kōmuhu, kōkihi, ngaehe, wawara, wawaro, whakatanguru, ngāeheehe, kotekote, kōhetehete, kōwhetewhete, tamumu, tamūtamū, kōmuhumuhu, whetewhete, warawara, wara

2. (noun) buzz, hum (of conversation).

He koingo nō mātou kia rangona te tāwara o te reo Māori i ngā kokonga maha tonu o Aotearoa. / We have a desire that the buzz of conversation of the Māori language should be heard in many corners of Aotearoa/New Zealand.

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1. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-tia) to tell, say, speak, read, talk, address.

Ko tētahi o ngā take nui o te Pāremata ināia tata nei, ko te tautohetohe o ngā mema mō te Paipera kia whakaaetia kia kōrerotia i roto i ngā kura Kāwanatanga o te motu (TTT 1/10/1927:695). / One of the important topics of Parliament recently was the members' debate concerning the Bible that it be allowed to be read in the public schools of the country.

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Synonyms: pānui, rīti, mea, pepeha, hamumu, wani, whakahua, kīkī, puaki,

2. (noun) speech, narrative, story, news, account, discussion, conversation, discourse, statement, information.

Ko tētahi kōrero i rongo anō mātou i te hui, ko te kōrero mō tētahi tikanga o nehe (HM 2/2009:10). / An account we heard at the conference was about a custom from ancient times.
Tā te rangatira tāna kai he kōrero, tā te ware he muhukai (NP 2001:362). / The chief's sustenance is discussion, but that of the commoner is inattention.

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Synonyms: pakiwaitara, kaute, whakamārama, pūtea moni, pire, rongorongo, pitopito kōrero, rongo, kawepūrongo


1. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-tia) to talk, discuss, converse, chat.

Kātahi rātau ka rongo e kōrerorero ana tētahi iwi o roto i te kohu (HP 1991:6). / Then they heard some people talking in the fog.

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2. (noun) dialogue, conversation, discussion, chat.

I tēnei kai i muri nei, kāore i whai kōrero ngā tāngata, engari i āhuareka noa iho ā rātou kōrerorero ki a rātou anō (TWMNT 19/2/1874:40). / At this later meal the people didn't make speeches but just enjoyed their discussions amongst themselves.

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whana whakaū

1. (verb) to take a conversion (rugby).

piro tautoko

1. (noun) conversion of a try (rugby).

Tahua Moni

1. (loan) (noun) Conversion Fund - established under the Māori Affairs Act 1953.


1. (verb) to talk, converse.

2. (noun) talk, conversation.

Reka ana ki ō taringa te tangi o te tūī me te korimako, whakarongo ana koe ki te kōwetewete o tō rāua hoariri, arā te pī honi (KO 18/7/1887:7). / The sounds of the tūī and the bellbird are pleasant to your ears, and you listen to the talk of your enemy, that is the honey bee.

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whana turuki

1. (noun) (rugby etc.) conversion.


1. (noun) bend, corner, turning, rotation, revolution, conversion.

Nō te taenga ki taua hurihanga nei, ka ngaro ona mahara, ka kotiti te haere o tō rātau waka (HP 1991:8). / When they reached that corner he lost consciousness and their vehicle went off course.

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Synonyms: whananga, huri

2. (noun) changing, circumstance of changing, turning.

Hohoro tonu te hurihanga i taku ingoa ki te ingoa o taku koroua, ki a Hēmi Te Koaka (HP 1991:18). / They quickly changed my name to that of my granduncle, Hēmi Te Koaka.

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3. (noun) rotation (maths).

E toru ngā tikanga hei whakaatu i tētahi hurihanga – ko te pū, te ahunga, me te rahi o te hurihanga. E tutuki ai te hurihanga o tētahi mea, me ōrite te koki o te huri i ia wāhanga o taua mea i te pū huringa kotahi (TRP 2010:128). / There are three important aspects of a rotation, the centre of the rotation, the direction and the amount of rotation. A rotation is completed when all parts of an object are rotated an equal amount around a common centre of rotation (TRP 2010:128).

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4. (noun) cycle, circuit.

Ko te hurihanga hauota tētahi mea nui e ora tonu ai ngā rauropi katoa o Papatūānuku (RP 2009:208). / The nitrogen cycle is an important thing for continued life of all organisms on Earth.

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1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to persuade, induce, motivate, dissuade, convince, sway.

Nā, i a rātou e haere taui mai ana i Kāwhia, nā te wahine a Te Pēhi, nā Tiaia, i whakapakepake a Te Rauparaha kia kaua e patua kia hemo tētahi o ngā tāngata o Waikato, nā te mea nā taua tangata tonu i āwhina a Ngāti Toa (TTR 1990:246). / During their retreat from Kāwhia Te Pēhi's wife, Tiaia, dissuaded Te Rauparaha from killing one of the Waikato men because he had helped Ngāti Toa.

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Synonyms: whakawhere, whakawai, whakawherewhere, whakakīkī, whakawaiwai, toitoi, whakahihiko, whakaohooho, toitoi manawa

2. (noun) persuasion, influence, inducement, conversion.

Kāore au mō te whakapati, mō te whakapakepake i a ia kia puta mai. Māna anō e haere mai ka hiahia ana ia (HJ 2015:71). / I'm not for begging and persuading her to come. She will come if she wants to.

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Synonyms: whakawhere, whakakīkī

takawhetanga nā te ngutu

1. something to set the lips moving, topic of conversation - also as takawhetanga mā te ngutu.

Kua noho tēnei take hei takawhetanga mā te ngutu i ngā wiki kua taha atu nei. / This matter has been a topic of conversation in recent weeks.

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whakarongo kōrero

1. (verb) to listen in on someone else's conversation, eavesdrop.

E hine, kāti te whakarongo kōrero. / Girl, stop eavesdropping.

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1. (noun) turning, conversion, changing, transformation.

Nō tō rātou huringa ko tōna whānau hei Karaitiana, ka tangohia e ia te ingoa rā a Tāmati (TTR 1990:70). / When he and his family became Christians he took the name Thomas.

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1. (loan) (stative) be clever - a word used in colloquial conversation.

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