1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to persuade, induce, motivate, dissuade, convince, sway.
Nā, i a rātou e haere taui mai ana i Kāwhia, nā te wahine a Te Pēhi, nā Tiaia, i whakapakepake a Te Rauparaha kia kaua e patua kia hemo tētahi o ngā tāngata o Waikato, nā te mea nā taua tangata tonu i āwhina a Ngāti Toa (TTR 1990:246). / During their retreat from Kāwhia Te Pēhi's wife, Tiaia, dissuaded Te Rauparaha from killing one of the Waikato men because he had helped Ngāti Toa.
Synonyms: whakawhere, whakawai, whakawherewhere, whakakīkī, whakawaiwai, toitoi, whakahihiko, whakaohooho, toitoi manawa
2. (noun) persuasion, influence, inducement, conversion.
Kāore au mō te whakapati, mō te whakapakepake i a ia kia puta mai. Māna anō e haere mai ka hiahia ana ia (HJ 2015:71). / I'm not for begging and persuading her to come. She will come if she wants to.
Synonyms: whakawhere, whakakīkī