1. (verb) (-tia) to trot (horses), move quickly, walk briskly.
Ehara, kua heke haere i ngā turi, kua huri kua toitoi haere atu (HP 1991:84). / Lo and behold, he dropped down on his knees, turned and trotted away.
See also toi
Synonyms: oma, whārona, karapetapeta
2. (verb) (-a,-tia) to encourage, incite, inspire, motivate.
Synonyms: whakaohooho, whakahihiko, toitoi manawa, whakapakepake
3. (verb) fish for eels with an eel-bob - flax loops with bait attached used for entangling the eels' teeth.
He pō pai tēnei mō te toitoi tuna (TWK 54:18). / This is a good night for fishing for eels with an eel-bob.
See also toi
4. (noun) eel-bob.
Whakatikatikangia ngā aho, ngā pīhuka maha, ngā matau, ngā tāruke, ngā pouraka, ngā kupenga, ngā hīnaki, ngā toitoi, ngā mōunu me ērā katoa (WT 2013:25). / Prepare the lines, the many spears, the fish hooks, the crayfish traps, the round nets, the long nets, eel traps, bobs, the bait and all those things.