1. (verb) (-ngia,-ria) to grow, increase, spring, issue, begin, develop, prosper, sprout, originate - western dialect variation of tipu.
Ko tēnei taru, ko te parakipere e mōhio ana ngā Māori, kei ngā wāhi katoa e tupu ana (TJ 2/8/1898:3). / Māori know that this plant, the blackberry, grows everywhere.
See also tipu
2. (modifier) real, genuine, own, ancestral.
I te haringa mai i te tinana o Hone Heke, ka tangihia ki Ōtaki, ki Whanganui. Nō te taenga ki tōna kāinga tupu ki Kaikohe, ka uhungatia e Ngā Puhi tōna tūpāpaku (TP 3/1909:3). / When Hone Heke's body was transported here it was wept over at Ōtaki and Whanganui. When it reached his ancestral home at Kaikohe, Ngā Puhi performed traditional funeral rites over his corpse.
Synonyms: taketake, tipu, ake, anō, tō, tinana, tino, tūturu
3. (noun) seedling, growth, development, shoot, bud.
kāinga tupu
1. (noun) ancestral home, homeland.
Nō te 1 o Tīhema 1951, ka hinga mai a Pita Te Rangi Hīroa Buck i Honoruru. Nō te tau 1953 rā anō ōna pungarehu ka whakahokia mai ki tōna kāinga tupu (TTR 1996:18). / Peter Te Rangi Hīroa Buck died in Honolulu on 1 December 1951. His ashes were finally brought back to his ancestral home in 1953.
See also kāinga tipu
whakaheke tupu
1. (adjective) be treated with indignity.
Āpōpō rātou te kite ai kua kore ngā tikanga āhuareka e whakaaria ana ināianei hei poapoa i a rātou, arā te whakamana i te iwi katoa kia mana nui ana i runga i te whakahaeretanga o ngā mahi kāwanatanga; engari he tikanga whakawehi te tikanga, he kāwanatanga tupua, he whakaheke tupu tangata (TWMNT 9/8/1879:489). / In the future they will find that there will no longer be happiness as presently displayed to attract them, that is the empowering of all the people as a result of the government's operations; but instead it will be fear and a demon government treating people with indignity.
2. (modifier) degenerate, depraved.
Kei pōuri te tangata, kei ririhau mō te hanga e whakahē nei te nūpepa ki tēnei kai whakaheke tupu, ki tēnei kai whakamatemate tangata, ki te tupeka (KO 15/9/1883:6). / Don't be despondent, don't be angry with the people that the newspaper is criticising about this degenerate product, this substance killing people, tobacco.
repe tupu
1. (noun) pituitary gland.
He rite te rahi o te repe tupu ki tētahi pī, ko tāna mahi he tuku i ngā taiaki hei whakahaere i te tupu o te tinana. E noho ana tēnei repe ki tētahi pakohu iti o te angaanga ki raro iho i te roro (RP 2009:350). / The pituitary gland is about the size of a pea, its purpose being to produce the hormones to control the body's growth. This gland is located in a small cavity of the skull below the brain.
tupu ana te ngako
1. an expression to remind someone not to be too cocky or confident.
Kāpene: Kia kaha tātou, ko te whāinga whakamutunga tēnei! Mema: E pai ana. Ka toa tātou. Māmā noa iho ki a tātou. Kāpene: Tupu ana te ngako! Taihoa e pane nui! (HKKT 1/2011:35). / Captain: Let’s give it our all, this is the final! Member: It’s all good. We’ll win. It’ll be easy for us. Captain: Don’t get too cocky! Let’s not get a big head!
1. (verb) (-ria) to grow, increase, spring, issue, begin, develop, sprout, prosper, originate - eastern dialect variation of tupu.
E tipu ana i reira te miro, te kawhi, te tupeka, me te tōhuka (TP 8/1899:3). / Cotton, coffee, tobacco and sugar cane grow there.
See also tupu
3. (noun) seedling, growth, development, shoot, bud, plant.
Ko te nuinga o ngā tipu he uri nō Tāne Mahuta, nō Rongomātāne, ā, nō Tangaroa hoki ētahi (RP 2009:402). / The majority of plants are of the realm of Tāne Mahuta, Rongomātāne and Tangaroa.
Synonyms: tanu, pou, rākau, tou, rumaki, tiri, tiritiri, kōkō, whakatō, whakatōtō, whakatopatopa, marotiritiri, tupu, wana, pihinga, pihi, pipihi, puhi, puhipuhi, kāwai, tītere, kotete, kōkihi, wene, pupuhi
4. (noun) swelling, lump.
Me haere koe ki te rata kia tirohia mai te tipu i tō tuarā. / You had better go to the doctor to have the lump on your back looked at.
Synonyms: poikurukuru, pōkurukuru, repe, koropuku, pungapunga, punga, huahua, pukupuku, puku
Kauhanganui, Te
1. (noun) parliament set up by Tāwhiao and the Kīngitanga at Maungākawa, near Cambridge about 1889-1890 and later at Rukumoana in Ngāti Hauā territory near Morrinsville under the leadership of Tupu Taingākawa, the second kingmaker.
(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 24;)
Ko te whā tēnei o ngā tau e tū ana te Pāremata o Te Kauhanganui (HTK 11/8/1894:1). / This is the fourth year that the Parliament of the Kauhanganui has been held.
1. (noun) a traditional ball game - played with a small round flax ball called a kī. Two teams of seven players, kaioma and taniwha, play on a circular field divided into zones, and score points by touching the pou (boundary markers) and hitting a central tupu, or target. The game is played with varying rules(e.g. number of people, size of field, tag ripping rules, etc.) depending on the geographic area it is played in. It is played for 4 quarters or 2 halves of a set time, teams alternate roles of kīoma and taniwha at 1/2 or 1/4 time.