whakaheke tupu
1. (adjective) be treated with indignity.
Āpōpō rātou te kite ai kua kore ngā tikanga āhuareka e whakaaria ana ināianei hei poapoa i a rātou, arā te whakamana i te iwi katoa kia mana nui ana i runga i te whakahaeretanga o ngā mahi kāwanatanga; engari he tikanga whakawehi te tikanga, he kāwanatanga tupua, he whakaheke tupu tangata (TWMNT 9/8/1879:489). / In the future they will find that there will no longer be happiness as presently displayed to attract them, that is the empowering of all the people as a result of the government's operations; but instead it will be fear and a demon government treating people with indignity.
2. (modifier) degenerate, depraved.
Kei pōuri te tangata, kei ririhau mō te hanga e whakahē nei te nūpepa ki tēnei kai whakaheke tupu, ki tēnei kai whakamatemate tangata, ki te tupeka (KO 15/9/1883:6). / Don't be despondent, don't be angry with the people that the newspaper is criticising about this degenerate product, this substance killing people, tobacco.