



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) channel.

Nō te tau 1891, ka whakaaetia e Marshall tētahi kirimana ki te minita mō ngā mahi nunui ki te whakaatea haere i ngā korou, ki te tangotango ake i ngā taitā kia pai ake ai te rere o ngā waka ki runga atu ki Pipiriki (TTR 1994:55). / In 1891 Marshall agreed to a contract with the minister for public works to clear the channels and to remove the snags to improve the movement of the vessels as far upstream as Pipiriki.

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1. (verb) (-ngia,-tia) to desire, long for, fancy, wish for, want.

Ko te wāhi tēnā i koroutia ai e au kia haere ki reira (W 1971:146). / That is where I want to go.

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Synonyms: kaimomotu, kūata, kuika, kūwata, tōmina, kare, kuatau, pūkōnohinohi, manako, whakangākau, ōkaka, hihiri, tāmina, āmene, popono, pūkōnohinohi, warawara, wawata, wara, ohia, mānakonako

2. (noun) desire, wish, yearning, aspiration.

Ka pātai atu a Ngarue ki a Whare-matangi, “E tama! Kōrero rā ki a au i te korou a tō ngākau i tukua mai ai koe e tō whaea, e ō mātua, e ō tīpuna, i te ara i haerea mai nei e koe.” (JPS 1925:318). / Ngarue remarked to Whare-matangi, “Lad! Tell me the desire of your heart on whereby you were sent here by your mother and elders along the path that you have traversed."

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3. (noun) energy, spirit, vitality.

He kōrou mutunga kore tō te tamariki (PK 2008:333). / Children have endless energy.

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korou kore

1. (verb) to be listless, lethargic, apathetic, reluctant, lack spirit.

2. (noun) listlessness, lethargy, apathy, reluctance, lacking spirit.

Ka whakapuakina e Taingākawa i reira te korou kore o Waikato ki te tuku i ā rātou rangatahi kia haina hei tūao, nā te mea, mai i 1861 kāore anō kia anganuitia ngā whakamau a Waikato (TTR 1996:243). / There Taingakawa declared the reluctance of Waikato to send their youth to sign up as volunteers because their grievances dating from 1861 had not yet been addressed.

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Synonyms: whakatohetohe, ngākau kore, kōroiroi, whakatōngā, wairuhi, kahakore, tīrohea, whakangoikore, pōuruuru, wherū, māngeretanga, hakorea, tūrūruhi, ngoikore, anuhea, iwingohe

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