



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) to be weak, listless, feeble, powerless.

Ki te kino, ki te hē ngā kai mā te tinana, ka kahakore te tinana, ka pāngia e te mate, waihoki he pēnei anō te āhua o te hinengaro, ki te whāngaia ki ngā whakaaro kino, ki ngā mea kūare, pōauau, ka kahakore, ka kore e hihiko ki te wehewehe i te hē i te tika; i te pono, i te teka (TP 5/1906:1). / If the food for the body is unsuitable and incorrect, the body will be weak, and likewise with the mind, if it's fed with evil thoughts and ignorant and confusing ideas, it will not be alert and able to separate right from wrong and truth from fiction.

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Synonyms: kuruki, paraheahea, mohemohe, rōrā, iwikore, taharangi, ārangirangi, hauhauaitu, ānewa, maero, pōngenge, whakatairuhi, tārure, tūpaku, iwingohe, whakapahoho, tūrūruhi, toupiore, wairuhi, maninohea, ngoringori, korou kore, ngoikore, whakaroau, ngehe, anuhea, hangenge

2. (modifier) weak, listless, feeble, powerless.

He wāhi nō tana māuiui ā-tinana te take i hua ai te whakaaro o ētehi o taua wā, koinei he tangata kahakore, he tangata whakamā, he tangata e ngāwari ana te whakakonuka (TTR 1996:225). / Partly because of his physical disabilities, some at that time considered him a weak, shy person who was easily led astray.

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3. (noun) weakness, listlessness, feebleness, impotence, powerlessness, enervation.

Me rapu e tēnei, e tēnei, me kāhore i a ia ake anō tētahi pūtake o tēnei hē, o ērā atu mea hoki i kitea ai te kahakore o ngā mahi a te Hāhi (TP 4/1903:8). / Each must seek out whether he himself is a cause of this problem and other things revealing the weakness of the work of the Church.

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Synonyms: manakore, iwingohe, tīrohea, wairuhi, tūrūruhi, korou kore, ngoikore, anuhea

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