1. (verb) (-tia) to weaken, debilitate.
Mā tēnei e kitea te tika o te horoi tonu i te kiri kia tuwhera tonu ai ngā putaputa ririki kia puta ai mā reira ngā mea kino katoa e whakangoikore ana i te tinana (TWMNT 23/4/1873:45). / This will reveal how continual washing of the skin will open the pores so that all the detrimental things that weaken the body can emerge.
2. (modifier) debilitating, enervating, weakening, energy sapping.
Kia pai te kākahu i te tamaiti kia mahana te uma, te kakī me te puku. Ka pēnātia ka kore e pā te wharowharo me ngā mate whakangoikore (TWMNT 23/4/1873:45). / Clothe the child well to keep the chest, neck and stomach warm. When it's done that way colds and debilitating illnesses will not strike.
3. (noun) lethargy.
Ko te āhua o taua mate i te pānga mai ki te tinana, he whakangoikore, he whakataimaha i te tinana, he mare, he whango nō te reo, he hē nō te manawa, he matihe, he ngāokooko, he pupuhi, he heke nō te wai i ngā kanohi me te ihu, me te waha, he ruaki hoki (TWMNT 9/2/1875:35). / The symptoms of that illness when it afflicts the body are lassitude, heaviness, coughing, hoarseness, difficulty of breathing, sneezing, itching, swelling and secretion of fluid from of the eyes, nose and mouth, and vomiting.
Synonyms: tīrohea, tūrūruhi, korou kore, pōuruuru, wherū, māngeretanga, iwingohe, hakorea