



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) to be cramped, restricted in size, crowded, overcrowded, packed.

Ka noho kōpā tonu ngā whare, ahakoa te whakatūtū haeretanga o ngā whare (Te Ara 2016). / The houses continued to be overcrowded, despite the continuing erection of more houses.

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Synonyms: mātoru, whāiti, hīnohinohi

2. (verb) to be numbed, stiff, congealed, set, fraught.

Taotū ana te pakihiwi o Eruera, ā, kōpā ana (TTR 2000:103). / Eruera was wounded in the shoulder and it became numb.

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Synonyms: uhu, totoka, rehurehu, tetepe, whakanoho, whakanohonoho, , ahuahu, whakamohiki, whakarākei

3. (verb) to be estranged, alienated.

Ka tipu te raruraru nā te mea hoki kāore i whai wāhi atu te iwi; peia ana a Whina ki te tapa o ngā whakahaere o Whakarapa, ka kōpā kē atu hoki tā rātou noho ko ana tēina, tuākana (TTR 2000:38). / Trouble developed because the community had not been involved, so Whina was pushed to the margin of Whakarapa affairs, and she became more estranged from her siblings.

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1. (verb) (-ina) to pass by, disappear.

Ahakoa kāore i kopaina te auhi, te poreirewa ki te kupu i mua tonu i tō aroaro, mā te aha rā i ēnei kupu iti kua tuhia nei - engari anō tēnei i te kore rawa atu nei! (HM 4/2009:4) / Although the grief and yearning did not disappear with words spoken in your presence, or with these few words that have been written here - this is better than nothing!

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Synonyms: whakatipi, kape, tohipa, tāhapa, numi, pahemo, pahure, paneke, whakahipa, whakataha, taha, tīpoka, pahika, hiemi, hihipa, hemo, hipa, whakatataha

2. (verb) to fly away, fly.

He toroa awe nui e kopa ana ia ki te muri (TJ 11/5/1899). / An albatross of great strength flying to the north.

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1. (verb) to be bent, folded.

2. (verb) to be crippled, lame.

I te tino kaha rawa o te tūpekepeketanga o te tohunga, arā i te hapainga a ōna atua, ka takoki tōna waewae, ka noho kopa ia mō ngā wiki maha (TP 3/1903:2). / Because the tohunga jumped about so energetically, that is his atua raised him up, he sprained his leg and was left lame for many weeks.

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Synonyms: turingongengonge, waehauā, kokekoke, kopakopa, kōpiri, tūparaka, hape, toti, hauā, ngongengonge, totitoti

3. (modifier) crippled, lame.

Me e pērā ana, ka rangona te reo e totitoti ana me te aha ki te uru mai ērā hei kaiako kātahi rā hoki te reo ka arero kopa te āhua o te reo (Kāretu 2016). / Should such be the case the language will be halting and should people with such a command become teachers the language will be further crippled (Kāretu 2016).

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4. (noun) cripple, disabled person.

Ka tae ake te kopa karanga tonu atu ki te kāpō, "E hoa, ko tō mate kei ōu kanohi, ko taku mate kei aku waewae. E mea ana ahau, ko ā tāua tokotoko me whakarere, ko ahau hei kanohi mōu, ko koe hei waewae mōku." (KO 16/2/1885:4) / The cripple arrived and called to the blind person, "Friend, Your problem is with your eyes and mine is with my legs. I am suggesting that we abandon our walking sticks and I will be your eyes and you my legs."

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5. (noun) wallet, satchel (with a flap lid), sandal.


1. (stative) be lying sideways, broadside on, circular.

I a ia e kōpae ana i te taha o te ahi ka kāngia ōna kākahu (TP 1/11/1901:3). / While he was lying sideways beside the fire his clothes were burnt.

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2. (noun) anything disc-shaped, plate.

Ka mau te wahine rangatira, tamāhine, mokopuna rānei, ki te kōpae kai, ka haere rāua ko te tohunga (TP 7/1911:8). / The aristocratic woman, daughter or grandchild took the plate of food and they went to the tohunga.

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Synonyms: paepae, pereti, pureti

3. (noun) round basket.

He mahi pai ki a ia te raranga whāriki, waikawa, rahu, kāwhiu, kete, ā, kōpae hoki (TTTT 2006:39). / She liked weaving mats, course mats, baskets of undressed harakeke, baskets for collecting seafood, kits and round baskets.

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4. (noun) disk, CD.

Te pai kē o tā rātou kōpae pūoru, ka mutu, i oti te hanga i roto i te whā marama (HKK 1999:189). / How fabulous their music CD is, and what's more, making it was completed in four months.

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1. (noun) space in front of a house.

E puta ki waho rā, kia tāpapa koe te kopa o te whare (MM.TKM 1/2/1855:29). / Go outside to lie in the space in front of the house.

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2. (noun) floor space and corner on the left on entering a wharenui – normally the place where the local people of the marae sit or sleep.

kopa kirihou

1. (noun) plastic bag.

whare kōpae

1. (noun) round house with a pole in the centre.

Ko tōna whare he whare kōpae, ko tō Tinirau he whare paikea (NM 1928:30). / His was a round house with a pole in the centre, that of Tinirau was a long house with the entrance at the end and no verandah.

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kōpae matua

1. (noun) hard disk (computer).

kōpae pūoru

1. (noun) music CD, audio CD.

Te pai kē o tā rātou kōpae pūoru, ka mutu, i oti te hanga i roto i te whā marama (HKK 1999:189). / How fabulous their music CD is, and what's more, making it was completed in four months.

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kopa iti

1. (noun) floor space and corner on the left on entering a wharenui - normally the place where the local people of the marae sit or sleep.

Ka tomo atu a Māhinārangi tika tonu ki te kopa iti i te taha mauī o taua whare, ka noho atu ki te taha o tōna matua (TAH 3:20). / Māhinārangi entered and went straight to the front left-hand corner of the house and sat down beside her father.

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See also tara iti

kōpae pīngore

1. (noun) floppy disk.

He tino taputapu o te rorohiko te kōpae pīngore i ngā wā o mua. / The floppy disk was once an important piece of computer equipment.

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kōpae ataata

1. (noun) digital versatile disk, DVD.

He kōpae ataata e whakaatu ai i ngā utanga tērā ka mauria e te Māori ki Aotearoa mā runga i ngā waka (Te Ara 2017). / A DVD which shows some of the items that the Māori brought to New Zealand in canoes.

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kōpae puoro

1. (noun) compact disc, CD, record.

Katoa ngā waiata a te rōpū waiata o Rotorua i mau ki runga i te kōpae puoro (TTR 1998:1). / All the recordings of the Rotorua choir were recorded on records.

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Synonyms: rekoata, tuhi, kupu whakamahara, mauhanga

kopa matā

1. (noun) magazine (gun).

ahi kōpae

1. (noun) camp fire.

Ka tae te tipuna nei ki Tahora, ka whakatū tōna puni, ka tahu ia i tētahi ahi kōpae mōna (TWK 36:29). / When this ancestor reached Tahora, he set up his camp and lit a camp fire for himself.

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kōpae aorangi

1. (noun) (building) planetarium.

kōpae pūoru

1. (noun) (music) record.

kopa pākai

1. (noun) porch.

Kopa pākai: Ko te whakamahau o te whare, e ārai atu ana i te tangata (M 2006:186). / Porch: The verandah of a house, where a person can be shut out and prevented from entering the building.

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Synonyms: tupehau, mahau, kōihi, whakamahau, haurangi, roro, hōpua

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